Inside the mess...

Part of me doesn't even want to know, TBH...
...although I did already hear of at least 3 serious suitors being considered (from that dang conference with all the football $$$ to spend), as well some new entries since the announcement. As a public service to fellow Heel faithful, I'll throw out there that Durham is not expected to be on his list, so there's that, at least.
thank you. Thank GOD.
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am I the only one who sees 'mid-range jumpers' as a possible improvement over the alternative, which as far as I could see wasn't working very well? For clarity, by mid-range jumper I mean anything shot in close (from well within the arc but not from right under the basket). Time after time I grimaced when I saw the ball taken to the basket with a predictably bad outcome., with nothing much but wide open space between the basket and the arc. Time after time I saw our own defense eaten up from that area. and I'd think, why don't we do that. RJ aside, why don't we take better advantage of the space we are creating.

I'm asking because I'm not using a question to make a statement but rather trying to get a serious answer. I've admitted that I'm no BB guru, but I've always trusted my insight. And speaking of which, I wonder if anyone else sees a comparison to the Matt Doherty ordeal, which I always wondered if it was caused by Matt's lack of cred as a coach, which made the players skeptical and made him overreact to the skepticism. When Roy came in, they snapped to attention...because he DID have that cred and wore it on his sleeve.
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...or maybe, just maybe, a parent doesn't like seeing mouthy alums, who are supposed to be "family", trashing the kid nstead of calling out their boys on the bench where the blame actually belongs in this case.

Funny though, I would think that you of all people, who has taken every opportunity to trash Hubert, before and since he was hired, might "get" that.

No? Ok. :rolleyes:
Oh I see so its okay for the alums calling out the "family" on the bench but it's not okay to call out the "family " player? How about you even blaming the teams statistician as one of your reasons that he might have left.

You act as if those coaches on the bench are outsiders and the ex players are taking their side over the family member player.

This family mentally is why we are in this mess we are in now. Because we let it control our coaching hire.

Either way someone is taking the side of one family member over another family member.

If he truly left over what people were saying and you concur his parents didn't like it then I guess he get it from them. He didn't deserve alot of what he got and he did deserve some of it but if this is going to be a problem of him and his parents having thin skin then he is in trouble the rest of his sports career it's just part of it.

Personally I hate he is leaving because we have invested 2 years of polishing a player that I think everyone will agree that regardless of where we stand on EC would be first team AA with the right cast around him and a PG that could lead the team on a championship but now he is going to go somewhere else and be very good.
Talented kid. With a better coach, I'm sure he'll have a monster year. For this particular coach, I think you need a more finished product, especially at that position. I think this season's problem was more the inconsistent pieces around Cadeau than anything else. Unless you're a true generational pass-first PG, you need the roster built a certain way around you. Cadeau didn't have that around him. He may have if Tyson wasn't a 0 and Washington was a true C1 like the staff thought he was. If you got the projected shooting out of Tyson and Washington and supplemented that with the role players just having to play their roles... I think this could've been better this past year. They weren't going to be a Final Four team because they wouldn't be good enough defensively, but they'd be better. Once Tyson was a 0 and Washington proved to be what he was, that changed everything and really hurt Cadeau. He isn't a good enough scorer to be able to work over such roster limitations. He needs much more around him. So it was a bad fit all around this past season.

I read what his brother said on his Twitch stream (what a world we live in). My takeaways on his points.

- General talk about "farm hate." Look, this is the reality of today's college basketball world. I'm assuming Elliot Cadeau was paid well to play at UNC and he will be paid well to play elsewhere. The relationships between players and fans becomes much more transactional once money that is publicly revelared gets involved. Maybe his next stop is a utopian paradise where fans won't criticize bad performances. But if you accept the money, you need to be open to taking criticism. How much? I don't have the right answer to that.

- The lack of confidence coaches have in him shooting the ball as a freshman can go both ways IMO. I do think it's important to let young players work through struggles. I thought Cadeau got plenty of PT as a freshman so I don't fully agree with this being a one sided argument. The other factor was Hubert was coaching for his job during Cadeau's freshman year. He wasn't going to be lenient to a 20% 3PT shooter when there's no guarantee that some more confidence meant that Cadeau was going to shoot better.

- Floater comment was interesting. I didn't think Cadeau had a floater game. But if this is true that the coaches don't like that shot, than that's bad on the coaches. Small guards need those shots to finish over bigger forwards. I also am skeptical about the criticism. RJ shoots a lot of floaters. Maybe he has more freedom than Cadeau does. But I've never really heard of a coach be "anti-floater." That makes no sense from a coaching standpoint unless you don't want your guards shooting the ball inside the paint, which makes no sense.

- I don't like mid-range jumpers either. And most coaches today don't like them either. And the NBA especially doesn't like it.

With most things like this, the commentary is going to be massively skewed one way or the other. In this case, Hubert probably isn't going to publicly say anything about why he made the decision, and I find that his camp and program are pretty tight lipped. So we're going to get a lot of pro-Cadeau narrative and arguments here. Not saying it isn't valid.

Maybe I'm old school, but I see more finger pointing than pointing to the mirror. To blame Hubert for getting benched for shooting 18% from 3 is certainly a choice if that's the case. How about.... Don't shoot 18% from 3?

"I can't really speak on Elliot's side of things, that's for him to speak on. But I can tell y'all, you know, why me and people close to me thought that, you know, he should no longer stay at that school.

First off, the first thing I wanna say, Elliot did not ask anyone for $2 million. If you think Elliot care about money, you're stupid. There's a rumor going around that he asked for 2 million from UNC. He did not ask that. It's so obvious that this is a rumor just to farm hate and have a cop out for Elliot leaving.

People are just trying to farm hate on Elliot. Oh, he's not worth two mil. You know what I'm saying? He never asked for that. Okay. I want y'all to know that the system just, I don't think it fit Elliot. Elliot came up to school a year earlier than he should have. This should have been his first year this year, but he came up early because he felt like he was ready.

He didn't really have anything left to prove in high school, you know? Elliot came up to a team that didn't really have a spot for him. You know what I mean? The one thing people could say about his freshman year was he wasn't shooting (the basketball) well. I'll say, you know, as a brother, the coaches just didn't have much belief in Elliot.

You know, like it was at the point, you know, Elliot's shooting in a game. He missed a shot and coach taking him right out. If he missed, you know what that does to a kid's confidence, especially a freshman, a young kid coming in looking to earn a spot, not really knowing what his role is. He's shooting the ball, he would miss and he'd automatically be out of the game.

I don't know if y'all realized that when he played. That kills your confidence as a player, which I think to do as a coach is crazy 'cause he never had that problem. The UNC system I just think wasn't for Elliot. I don't know if y'all watch, but at UNC, they don't shoot midranges. The coaches think a midrange is a bad shot, which was one of Elliot's best shots.

If you watch a UNC game, they barely put up mid ranges because they think it's a bad shot. On top of that, they also think floaters are bad shots. So that's why Elliot kind of like, you know, was rim rushing a lot because if they shoot a floater or a two, it's a bad take.

They gonna take you out game. So, but that's their system. You know, it might work for other players, it might work for their program. But I don't think for Elliot, that's the best play style, you know what I'm saying? So being limited to not being able to do that, I feel like I kind of messed with 'em. I throughout that season."

Here’s the rest of the comments:

I feel like Elliot got a lot of unnecessary hate. They had a terrible season. Not terrible, but not a good. Season for their standard. I think there's so many people you point fingers at before the guy who's averaging nine and six. One of the nation's leaders in assists. Yes, Elliot has the most turnovers on the team, but he's the point guard.

Anyone who watches basketball knows the point guard gonna have more turnovers than anyone else. He plays on ball for 35 minutes. Um, he has the same turnover ratio as any of the top assists leaders, and he didn't even have the worst turnover ratio on the team.

And I also think it's really weird, the culture was weird. Like Midseason, the alumni are attacking Elliot saying, oh, they need a new point guard. Midseason, by the way. Grown men who graduated from the school who don't even play basketball anymore. Um, that's when I personally thought, yo, uh, he gotta get outta there."
His brother sounds like an idiot.
Thanks for info Gary! If we had all our positions filled with quality players as we come to expect from UNC, I feel confident EC would be a UNC legend. Hate to hear how his Assist stats have been jacked up, I would be pissed if I were him.

I feel confident that everything you posted Gary is truth, but I also feel EC hasn't done anything on the court to change perception about he should be shooting anywhere. I have seen EC shoot midrange, it still doesn't go in on a high percentage!

Wish EC would stay and be apart of team, and it means we probably struggle again, and HD's job after next year is shaky! No real PG, and no quality big men! Sorry HD, but unless you pull magic out the portal this is your last season!
and we continue to make excuses for Hubert why? He's absolutely running this program in to the ground with his incompetence.
I am not going to get into the Hubert stay/go debate. I simply sit and wonder what Roy saw, or thought he saw, in Hubert. I guess we'll never know.
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Is it just me or does Hubert seem a bit arrogant? I mean, it's not like he was some great coach that saved the program!! Feels like it's quite the opposite. He may be bringing it down!

I'm concerned how Hubert's "SYSTEM" will be viewed by portal guys that may be interested in Carolina but, not really sure about the head coach!
I'd say that's a legitimate concern.
I'm assuming this is referring to Nick Dorn from Elon. I feel like he would be a reasonable option to fill the role of bench shooter at the 2/3. He isn't guaranteed to work out but he's 6'7 and shot >35% 3 on high volume and overall has really solid efficiency numbers. I don't see him being recruited as a starting option but he has a lot of upside. FWIW he is currently ranked as the 46th best option in the portal on Bart torvik. I also don't think him coming in would prevent us from landing our first options at the 2/3 (where needed).
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I'm assuming this is referring to Nick Dorn from Elon. I feel like he would be a reasonable option to fill the role of bench shooter at the 2/3. He isn't guaranteed to work out but he's 6'7 and shot >35% 3 on high volume and overall has really solid efficiency numbers. I don't see him being recruited as a starting option but he has a lot of upside. FWIW he is currently ranked as the 46th best option in portal on Bart torvik. I also don't think him coming in would prevent us from landing our first options at the 2/3 (where needed).

Shh I like watching people meltdown over losing an undersized PG who can't shoot
Interesting, Cadeau per the On3 portal watch is ranked the #29 guy in the portal, the PG we are working on is #2 and the shooting guard we are working on is #7? My understanding is Cadeau entered the portal with a do not contact tag, wondering how so many suitors are lining up for him with that tag? Maybe the do not contact was wrongly reported, IDK?
Many of you probably remember me posting a lot of stuff that was going down inside and around the team back when Brice/Meeks/JB/Theo were here. I was fortunate enough to have pretty direct channels into that crew and shared what I could without compromising sources. However, once we got our Natty in 17, I decided to step back a bit and just pass along what came my way via my normal conversations without such deep dives, because frankly that gets exhausting.

I kept to that until a few days ago when I got wind of what was about to go down (that we're now living thru). And Lordy, I almost wish I hadn't, as I dove into what became a damn fire hose of info, as well as a can o' worms. I'm not exaggerating that I could fill up 4-5 pages from what I've picked up just over the last 36 hours or so --- including internal stuff in near real time.

Out of discretion I'm not gonna do that, but I promised to post something, so I'll just lay down some bullet points as to the whys and whats of Eliot's situation. Before I do that, please do not come ITT with a bunch of nonsense disparaging his abilities, because frankly that's just silly. There's a reason big-time programs are already looking to snatch him up like a jelly donut at Fat Camp (and y'all probably won't like who's at the top of his list).

- On that last note, don't blame this on poaching, which as I said, is a quaint concept. Agents for guys who aren't even in the Portal yet have been in touch with UNC, just like Eliot's agent has been in touch with other schools.

- More to the point, this is in NO WAY about money. Eliot is well-compensated and the GM, et al, prepared a quite satisfactory package for his return. Also, in no way did the staff want him to move on (no matter how it might get spun later on) --- that would've constituted malpractice, so at least we can't blame them on that part.

- With that said, it's probably safe to say the staff got caught off-guard as to the extent of frustration in his camp (EC/family/agent). The main sources of the frustration? --- the clunkiness of the offensive system and how he was being restricted from playing his game.

- Here lies the most frustrating part for me, as it turns out that literally everything I've been telling y'all for 2 seasons has been true, as to the confidence-killing effects of EC being first mishandled by not starting from game-1, then being told only to shoot in cetain circumstances --- including not letting him create pull-ups for himself unless it was at he end of the shot-clock --- and only at the end of this season allowing him to run more freelance without incessant micromanaging. Here's where I hate being right, because I'd much rather have my damn PG.

- As I have said before, sure, he has room for mechanical improvement, but you didn't see Eliot short-arming mid-range shots or hesitating on 3s in HS/EYBL --- and it's not about level of competition, it's about CONFIDENCE instilled by his coach. And look, no coach has to worry about EC being selfish as a scorer --- he's an Assist machine --- but he needs to be able to choose his scoring spots to open things up.

- speaking of that, one of the family's sources of frustration (and mine) is why UNC can't manage to hire a competent stat person who knows how to assess a damned Assist. I told y'all that was a problem. Just for example, in the NCAAT, he got properly credited with 20 dimes in 2 games. Well, the sad reality is he MIGHT have been given credit for 15 of those if it was in Chapel Hill. Hell, if you just add the ones he was shorted at home this season, he easily leads the ACC in Assists (and makes his TO Ratio more realistic). This stuff MATTERS, especially to a pass-first PG, shorting him dimes is like subtracting points from another player's scoring average.

- anyway, yeah, I started digging deeper when I got wind that Eliot and his camp were leaning toward leaving unless Hubert talked him out of it. Make no mistake, Eliot loves UNC (which is why he returned after a frustrating Freshman season) and loves his teammates, and was truly torn apart over this decision right up to his meeting with Hubert. As I understand it though, that did not go well, as Hubert's stubborness over his system, etc made it clear the needed changes weren't in the offing.

- BTW, there has been a disparity of perception (as to what's been going on) between less-recent alums and more recent/current guys who have actually been part of the program under this staff. For guys like Ray who have been critical of Eliot and/or other players, well... I would gently remind them that they didn't have to play under this offensive mess.

- also, I don't know how this will effect Caleb Wiison --- I'm sure it won't help, but it is unclear if it will ulimately cost us. I've asked around down here and haven't gotten a straight answer as of yet.

Finally, look, this is not put here to argue about --- I'm simply relaying some info as it was relayed to me (as much as I hate all of this). And again, no matter how it may get spun, this stuff originated from very close sources, up to and including the proverbial horse's mouth. Draw whatever conclusion you'd like as to what it may mean for the state of the program moving forward.
I understand many are underwhelmed with his performance. I'm just a fan but I think EC leaving is a bad look in many ways. Is he immature, a whiner? Maybe but he is a real talent and this team will miss having him big time. Sure, at times I have been a bit disappointed watching him but other times shocked at what he is capable of. I'm not here to discuss good or bad coaching but I do think HD is partially responsible for EC's lack of progression and contribution. EC as he matured, could have been one of the top PGs in the country. Right now, I think he is the top in the portal.
Many of you probably remember me posting a lot of stuff that was going down inside and around the team back when Brice/Meeks/JB/Theo were here. I was fortunate enough to have pretty direct channels into that crew and shared what I could without compromising sources. However, once we got our Natty in 17, I decided to step back a bit and just pass along what came my way via my normal conversations without such deep dives, because frankly that gets exhausting.

I kept to that until a few days ago when I got wind of what was about to go down (that we're now living thru). And Lordy, I almost wish I hadn't, as I dove into what became a damn fire hose of info, as well as a can o' worms. I'm not exaggerating that I could fill up 4-5 pages from what I've picked up just over the last 36 hours or so --- including internal stuff in near real time.

Out of discretion I'm not gonna do that, but I promised to post something, so I'll just lay down some bullet points as to the whys and whats of Eliot's situation. Before I do that, please do not come ITT with a bunch of nonsense disparaging his abilities, because frankly that's just silly. There's a reason big-time programs are already looking to snatch him up like a jelly donut at Fat Camp (and y'all probably won't like who's at the top of his list).

- On that last note, don't blame this on poaching, which as I said, is a quaint concept. Agents for guys who aren't even in the Portal yet have been in touch with UNC, just like Eliot's agent has been in touch with other schools.

- More to the point, this is in NO WAY about money. Eliot is well-compensated and the GM, et al, prepared a quite satisfactory package for his return. Also, in no way did the staff want him to move on (no matter how it might get spun later on) --- that would've constituted malpractice, so at least we can't blame them on that part.

- With that said, it's probably safe to say the staff got caught off-guard as to the extent of frustration in his camp (EC/family/agent). The main sources of the frustration? --- the clunkiness of the offensive system and how he was being restricted from playing his game.

- Here lies the most frustrating part for me, as it turns out that literally everything I've been telling y'all for 2 seasons has been true, as to the confidence-killing effects of EC being first mishandled by not starting from game-1, then being told only to shoot in cetain circumstances --- including not letting him create pull-ups for himself unless it was at he end of the shot-clock --- and only at the end of this season allowing him to run more freelance without incessant micromanaging. Here's where I hate being right, because I'd much rather have my damn PG.

- As I have said before, sure, he has room for mechanical improvement, but you didn't see Eliot short-arming mid-range shots or hesitating on 3s in HS/EYBL --- and it's not about level of competition, it's about CONFIDENCE instilled by his coach. And look, no coach has to worry about EC being selfish as a scorer --- he's an Assist machine --- but he needs to be able to choose his scoring spots to open things up.

- speaking of that, one of the family's sources of frustration (and mine) is why UNC can't manage to hire a competent stat person who knows how to assess a damned Assist. I told y'all that was a problem. Just for example, in the NCAAT, he got properly credited with 20 dimes in 2 games. Well, the sad reality is he MIGHT have been given credit for 15 of those if it was in Chapel Hill. Hell, if you just add the ones he was shorted at home this season, he easily leads the ACC in Assists (and makes his TO Ratio more realistic). This stuff MATTERS, especially to a pass-first PG, shorting him dimes is like subtracting points from another player's scoring average.

- anyway, yeah, I started digging deeper when I got wind that Eliot and his camp were leaning toward leaving unless Hubert talked him out of it. Make no mistake, Eliot loves UNC (which is why he returned after a frustrating Freshman season) and loves his teammates, and was truly torn apart over this decision right up to his meeting with Hubert. As I understand it though, that did not go well, as Hubert's stubborness over his system, etc made it clear the needed changes weren't in the offing.

- BTW, there has been a disparity of perception (as to what's been going on) between less-recent alums and more recent/current guys who have actually been part of the program under this staff. For guys like Ray who have been critical of Eliot and/or other players, well... I would gently remind them that they didn't have to play under this offensive mess.

- also, I don't know how this will effect Caleb Wiison --- I'm sure it won't help, but it is unclear if it will ulimately cost us. I've asked around down here and haven't gotten a straight answer as of yet.

Finally, look, this is not put here to argue about --- I'm simply relaying some info as it was relayed to me (as much as I hate all of this). And again, no matter how it may get spun, this stuff originated from very close sources, up to and including the proverbial horse's mouth. Draw whatever conclusion you'd like as to what it may mean for the state of the program moving forward.
The catch with this assessment, which doe snot surprise me at all, is tat it means the astute reader will then apply this knowledge to everything this year. So, if Hubert as HC has been a key problem in the development of Cadeau, then people need to assume that maybe Hubert also ruined whatever potential Cade Tyson had to help the team.

AS I warned when Roy made his annoijncment and I predicted that there o2wul be no real search because ROY and top brass wanted Hubert Davis to be the first black UNC basketball HC, Rit stepped aside because he was losing it, clearly. Moist want to continue to ride the pony that Rioy was losing it only because of the new issues, but Roy was just going over the hill.

When the HC must be repaced because oa downturn, it is always a risk, often a HUGE risk, to hire the next HC from the staff. Quite simply, if Hubert had been able to reverse as HC what Roy had overseen into adownturnm, then Hubert as assistant would have begun making such an impact, thereby lessening g the downturn.

Hubert did no such thing as assistant, which means Hubert was fully a key part of the problem.

I am certain that Hubert never should have been given the job. Ray any anyone else who pined too have Hubert follow Roy should have made certain that Hubert left about 3 years before Riot would step down and be HC somewhere. he badly needed both HC experience and experience coaching somewhere other than UNC. But they were determined to follow standard Big Government and Big Corporation patterns of Affirmative Action for top brass: pick someone well before the job is open, and place that person in the structure and try to mentor on the side to take over the top job. IUf you can see how horrifically most larger coities have been run increasingly the past 40 years you should be able to guess how the same pattern works out in anything to do with the university world. including sports. Less than desirable results most of the time.

Maybe Hubert can grow into the job over another 3-5 years. But more likely that time will produce more of what we have already seen. And by then the UNC basketball program may have become cemented into an NC State-like major downturn that will take decades to undo.

On the other hand, as even the most obtuse basketball-firsters with responsibility even at an IU and a KU have been forced to accept, football is AUTOCRAT nationally, and that means basketball as a school's #1 sports mean the athletics depart,enyt just keeps getting farther and fryer behind, which eventually will take a major toll on basketball too. So that mean that UNC now MUST finally invest in football as it showoff have been doing since the end off the Choo CXhoo days, when the demand arose to hold football down kin the name of stopping the rise of profressionalism. That being the case, can UNC afford to fire alum Hubert? He is a good guy. He is not producing losing records. Because of race UNC can claim self-righteous Brownie points for keeping him. All that while football finally gets positioned to save the UNC athletics departments's national power? That may be the best move.
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The catch with this assessment, which doe snot surprise me at all, is tat it means the astute reader will then apply this knowledge to everything this year. So, if Hubert as HC has been a key problem in the development of Cadeau, then people need to assume that maybe Hubert also ruined whatever potential Cade Tyson had to help the team.

AS I warned when Roy made his annoijncment and I predicted that there o2wul be no real search because ROY and top brass wanted Hubert Davis to be the first black UNC basketball HC, Rit stepped aside because he was losing it, clearly. Moist want to continue to ride the pony that Rioy was losing it only because of the new issues, but Roy was just going over the hill.

When the HC must be repaced because oa downturn, it is always a risk, often a HUGE risk, to hire the next HC from the staff. Quite simply, if Hubert had been able to reverse as HC what Roy had overseen into adownturnm, then Hubert as assistant would have begun making such an impact, thereby lessening g the downturn.

Hubert did no such thing as assistant, which means Hubert was fully a key part of the problem.

I am certain that Hubert never should have been given the job. Ray any anyone else who pined too have Hubert follow Roy should have made certain that Hubert left about 3 years before Riot would step down and be HC somewhere. he badly needed both HC experience and experience coaching somewhere other than UNC. But they were determined to follow standard Big Government and Big Corporation patterns of Affirmative Action for top brass: pick someone well before the job is open, and place that person in the structure and try to mentor on the side to take over the top job. IUf you can see how horrifically most larger coities have been run increasingly the past 40 years you should be able to guess how the same pattern works out in anything to do with the university world. including sports. Less than desirable results most of the time.

Maybe Hubert can grow into the job over another 3-5 years. But more likely that time will produce more of what we have already seen. And by then the UNC basketball program may have become cemented into an NC State-like major downturn that will take decades to undo.

On the other hand, as even the most obtuse basketball-firsters with responsibility even at an IU and a KU have been forced to accept, football is AUTOCRAT nationally, and that means basketball as a school's #1 sports mean the athletics depart,enyt just keeps getting farther and fryer behind, which eventually will take a major toll on basketball too. So that mean that UNC now MUST finally invest in football as it showoff have been doing since the end off the Choo CXhoo days, when the demand arose to hold football down kin the name of stopping the rise of profressionalism. That being the case, can UNC afford to fire alum Hubert? He is a good guy. He is not producing losing records. Because of race UNC can claim self-righteous Brownie points for keeping him. All that while football finally gets positioned to save the UNC athletics departments's national power? That may be the best move.
Without diving into all of that, personnel usage and development was a cogent issue beyond Eliot, e.g., Withers (from starter, to light rotation, to mostly relegated, to starter), and Tyson (from presumed starter, to totally relegated, to light rotation).

Obviously, minutes and roles get adjusted, and it's not unusual for guys to go in or out of starting slots, but the usage extremes were head-scratching.

I will, however, address one point from the rest of that:
Pardon my bluntness, but folks saying Hubert was a bad hire from the outset is spurious, because literally nobody knows who's gonna turn out to be "good" or "bad", no matter how flaahy the resume, or lack therof. There have been some mighty flops over the years from "big-name" hires, BTW.

So, if folks 4 years ago wanted to (and did) say that Hubert was a bad hire, well, folks back in 1961 (by that same criteria) could've (and did) say Dean Smith was a bad hire... just as folks in Lawrence, KS in 1988 could've (and did) say that Roy Williams was a bad hire.

I mean, hell, there were folks in 2003 (!!!) saying Roy was a bad hire to come back here --- and some of that nonsense was posted RIGHT FRIGGIN HERE on this board --- because they acted like it was bad to hire another Carolina guy (insert face-palm emoji).

On that note, let's set the record straight: Doherty failed here for much of the same reasons Hubert is struggling --- NOT because they were Carolina guys --- because they coached like they FORGOT they were Carolina guys.
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Dean and Roy where college basketball coaches at UNC, but during there time they also were considered educators at UNC, and mentors to 18 year old men, trying to develop into men. Dean and Roy coached guys who played for there local high school.

HD is coaching in an era that says, all I want you to do is win. Up until more of this EC news came out I really thought in character wise he projects to be the same as Roy and Dean. Problem is 18 year Olds today have already traveled around country year round. So the education part of being a coach today is not required.

HD IMHO is following the UNC coaching playback, the problem is the game has changed. I never liked being called a "Blue Blood" because it projected old school ways of doing things, and Americans love nothing more than hating on "Old school ways". I believe recruits are being told how we don't develop freshmen into lottery picks because we play upper classes. I believe our strictness to public perception is being thought of as a negative to recruits.

We want Puke recruits, meaning recruit top 4 freshmen and do it again the next year. We'll Puke is paying!
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Interesting, Cadeau per the On3 portal watch is ranked the #29 guy in the portal, the PG we are working on is #2 and the shooting guard we are working on is #7? My understanding is Cadeau entered the portal with a do not contact tag, wondering how so many suitors are lining up for him with that tag? Maybe the do not contact was wrongly reported, IDK?
Everyone of the portal ranks I've seen has Elliot in the second tier for available PG's, behind the 3 premiere PG's in to this point.

He is consistently ranked right about even with the kid from Georgia Tech, and the 2 mid major guys Pop Issacs and Quimari Peterson.
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Everyone of the portal ranks I've seen has Elliot in the second tier for available PG's, behind the 3 premiere PG's in to this point.

He is consistently ranked right about even with the kid from Georgia Tech, and the 2 mid major guys Pop Issacs and Quimari Peterson.
I believe that speaks volumes and takes all of the emotion out of the evaluation.
Interesting, Cadeau per the On3 portal watch is ranked the #29 guy in the portal, the PG we are working on is #2 and the shooting guard we are working on is #7? My understanding is Cadeau entered the portal with a do not contact tag, wondering how so many suitors are lining up for him with that tag? Maybe the do not contact was wrongly reported, IDK?
Well, clearly they have an anti-UNC bias.
Okay what do you want? EC is in the portal, and wants out! I stand by his negatives as well as his one positive.

EC brings us same results as last year, so no I am not depressed by him leaving, and think we of all people can use him, but pretend EC is somehow Chris Paul is ridiculous.

EC was told his starting position wasn't promised, and that is why he is complaining. I have no proof of last statement.
The side which is proven to be right will be 100% dependent on who they get to replace EC. If they somehow close their eyes, swing their hardest, and land Dent. Those who said EC needs to go will revel in their correctness. If all of the tier 1 point guards choose other destinations and we are left with Seth and a freshman, all of those who said EC should stay will have valid complaints.
He can't shoot, he is terrible on defense, he isn't exactly fast. His quality is he can run an offense. If EC goes to a loaded team he will look better, but does a loaded team need a guy who can't shoot, and isn't fast?
2nd tier all day
I actually think his defense is pretty good...The teams defense is horrible, with no rim protector (at times he was the rim protector lol).
- Here lies the most frustrating part for me, as it turns out that literally everything I've been telling y'all for 2 seasons has been true, as to the confidence-killing effects of EC being first mishandled by not starting from game-1, then being told only to shoot in cetain circumstances --- including not letting him create pull-ups for himself unless it was at he end of the shot-clock --- and only at the end of this season allowing him to run more freelance without incessant micromanaging. Here's where I hate being right, because I'd much rather have my damn PG.

- anyway, yeah, I started digging deeper when I got wind that Eliot and his camp were leaning toward leaving unless Hubert talked him out of it. Make no mistake, Eliot loves UNC (which is why he returned after a frustrating Freshman season) and loves his teammates, and was truly torn apart over this decision right up to his meeting with Hubert. As I understand it though, that did not go well, as Hubert's stubborness over his system, etc made it clear the needed changes weren't in the offing
These points make me consider Carolina in being a year or so late to the NIL portal game may have revealed issues that will complicate securing the right sized positional players(Hubert said we have to get bigger from A to Z). Hubert has had 2 years to teach, practice, implement, and refine Elliott Cadeaus talents within his offense. The results were highs and lows. It has not been consistent upward growth for the point guard position. How does Hubert sell these portal elites that they will quickly adapt to his system? What will cause next years potential PG to be uber successful when Cadeau, a high level talent, was not. Every PG candidate and his agent are now aware of some external issues. Some players may be unsure Carolina is a plug and play school. Im sure the pressure is immense on Hubert.
These points make me consider Carolina in being a year or so late to the NIL portal game may have revealed issues that will complicate securing the right sized positional players(Hubert said we have to get bigger from A to Z). Hubert has had 2 years to teach, practice, implement, and refine Elliott Cadeaus talents within his offense. The results were highs and lows. It has not been consistent upward growth for the point guard position. How does Hubert sell these portal elites that they will quickly adapt to his system? What will cause next years potential PG to be uber successful when Cadeau, a high level talent, was not. Every PG candidate and his agent are now aware of some external issues. Some players may be unsure Carolina is a plug and play school. Im sure the pressure is immense on Hubert.
Dave, I actually think that is all Carolina is right now… a plug and play school. Hubert and staff have shown no ability to utilise nor develop young players….
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I am not going to get into the Hubert stay/go debate. I simply sit and wonder what Roy saw, or thought he saw, in Hubert. I guess we'll never know.
That's easy: he saw. a black former UNC player who is truly a good man in every sense. He also saw that Hubert is smarter than most other former UNC players under the age of 65. So if Roy could train Hubert to be his successor, then Roy could be the Virtuous Coach who made certain his successor was not white. Roy's bleeding heart needed to exercise.

The same reason for why Dean was adamant that Phil Ford would replace him until such time as many responsible people convinced him that Ford's issues with alcohol would rule that out for certain. All of Dean's anger from that eventually boiled over into a hatred for Doherty that became public long before Doherty coached a single practice as UNC HC.
A serious question. If we strikeout with the portal this year and have to “settle” for players it that enough to fire Hubert? I feel like we are always missing out on the upper echelon of talent and “settling” for what scraps we can get when we should be able to reel in top talent. This problem would have to fall on the head of Hubert and the perceived mess he has created and players not wanting to be part of it. I would love to see Hubert fix this and survive but just not sure he can.
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Man lock this thread up….Nobody cares about this dude….He was gone in January….

How many years does he play in the NBA….
The mess is college sports. Final four teams are those that pay the most without a salary cap. The destruction of college sports is so sad.
yet it should be workable with a salary cap, and I don't see why one of sorts can't be implemented.
apparently Ryan, Ingram, and Bacot had more to do with RJ's improvement than HD did.
Like I said no need to defend HD--- lol. HD second year was all on HD, and this is why I say that. You have three players who would become stars. Caleb Love Pac 10 player of year, RJ Davis ACC player of year, and Bacot I think made first/second team All-American.

Year 3 HD team was exciting, but I blame HD for having no foresight into the coming, no big man years.

This year HD gets to me because as a collection of guards and wings I would roll with our team.

All we needed was to descent big men. Lubin is above descent but I swear Ian Jackson is taller than Lubin.

The mess is about PUKE is getting way more talent than we are, and we are blaming HD, while everyone else is saying pay the players, and they will come. HD needs to rob a play out of Rat face playback, and start coaching on Olympic team. I almost see Scheyer right now with his application already in!

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