Irma . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
Likely the topic of discussion for next wknd's weather . .



Figure 6. The 0Z September 2, 2017, track forecast by the operational European model for Irma (red line, adjusted by CFAN using a proprietary technique that accounts for storm movement since 0Z), along with the track of the average of the 50 members of the European model ensemble (heavy black line), and the track forecasts from the “high probability cluster” (grey lines)—the four European model ensemble members that have performed best with Irma thus far. Image credit: CFAN.
I went to Publix yesterday and they were completely out of water already.
Man, I wish that storm would head out to sea. It affects more than just the area it strikes. Even though I've made good money from these storms, I really hope they all stay away.
Man, I wish that storm would head out to sea. It affects more than just the area it strikes. Even though I've made good money from these storms, I really hope they all stay away.
You can make money off the hurricanes?
Ahhhh... gotcha.
Price gougers will be in full force.
I remember one storm, spent a whole month doing nothing but estimates. Got maybe 3 jobs. Every since, I've charged for the estimates and deducted if I was awarded the work. The owners will take advantage of the insurance worse than fly by night contractors.
I actually applaud anyone that can get over on insurance companies. Insurance is the biggest scam of all time. If they can get screwed every now and then, I'm all for it.
I understand your point. But in the long run, we all pay for it thru rate hikes. They make up for it somewhere.

But for the reason stated above is why I charge for estimates. People also want me to fudge their bills. I always refuse. If found out, I could loose my licence.
Nasty storm headed to the east coast . . I'm with Gray, please just turn right and stay out to sea, though it doesn't appear that those chances are fairly high.

185 mph sustained winds at the moment, up 5 from the previous report . . gusts to 220.
Just left Wal mart in Ormond Beach. No water. No paper plates, etc. There are lines at every gas station
My sister in Chapel Hill called last night wanting to know if she could come visit me if Irma was to strike the NC coast. I live in Hickory, a little higher altitude than CH. Told her thats fine, she could look after the house while I was at my mountain house near Glendale Springs.
My sister in Chapel Hill called last night wanting to know if she could come visit me if Irma was to strike the NC coast. I live in Hickory, a little higher altitude than CH. Told her thats fine, she could look after the house while I was at my mountain house near Glendale Springs.
Do you ever eat at Shatley Springs when you're at Glendale Springs? Love their breakfast.
This is why I never miss living at the coast.

I loved living at the beach and riding out hurricanes. Now, with that said, during my 4 years in Charleston, we never saw anything like Irma or any devastation on the level of Harvey or Katrina. That would probably change my feelings.
I loved living at the beach and riding out hurricanes. Now, with that said, during my 4 years in Charleston, we never saw anything like Irma or any devastation on the level of Harvey or Katrina. That would probably change my feelings.
I lived in Surfside Beach for Hugo. No fun at all.
heres what makes u crazy trying to prepare. These are the models predicting the path. The white line is the official forecast and is nothing more than an avg of the models. So basically here it is a few days away from landfall and they've narrowed it down to somewhere between pensacola fla and cape cod mass.

The gas stations here are full of long lines and running out of gas. The interstate is getting packed. :confused:
Do you ever eat at Shatley Springs when you're at Glendale Springs? Love their breakfast.

Absolutely love Shatley's. Every October my family makes a day trip up there to eat breakfast and then go poking around country stores and some site seeing. Very fun.

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