It's a bold strategy, Cotton. Let's see if it pays off for them.

He personally executed dogs. So he certainly doesn't get a pass on participating directly.
Of course all of this misses my original point, which was not to argue about Vick's guilt or redemption. My point was and remains that he is not fit to be inducted into an organization where the criteria unquestionably disqualify him. You're welcome to continue bringing up irrelevant information of course.

If they removed the character clause, would you be fine with them inducting him?
Then you can imagine my confusion when you stated, "For the record Vick probably didn't have a lot to do with the animals...."

First of all, if you're stating something "for the record" then the word "probably" doesn't belong in that sentence, especially when the facts of the case are well established. Secondly, speaking of facts, he most certainly did participate in the abuse, torture, rape, and murder of the dogs.

Of course all of this misses my original point, which was not to argue about Vick's guilt or redemption. My point was and remains that he is not fit to be inducted into an organization where the criteria unquestionably disqualify him. You're welcome to continue bringing up irrelevant information of course.
Your such a smart butt you brought up the thread now you get all feelings and butt hurt cause people dare to disagree with you... I stand by all my statements and I stand by my opinion of he deserved prison. He went to prison he got out and had been an exemplary citizen since then. He deserved a redemption story get off your moral, English Grammer high horse and join reality. Don't bother messaging if your gonna be all butt hurt like this
Your such a smart butt you brought up the thread now you get all feelings and butt hurt cause people dare to disagree with you... I stand by all my statements and I stand by my opinion of he deserved prison. He went to prison he got out and had been an exemplary citizen since then. He deserved a redemption story get off your moral, English Grammer high horse and join reality. Don't bother messaging if your gonna be all butt hurt like this
** Grammar

I'm not butt hurt, whatever that's supposed to mean. Just pointing out that you chose to take the thread in a completely different direction than what was intended in the original poast. People can argue all day about his punishment and redemption. That was never the issue I was trying to focus on. Stay on target.
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