Las Vegas shooting


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 21, 2006
Southern Part of Heaven
Over 50 people dead, more than 200 injured in what is called the largest mass shooting in US history. The shooter, a 64 year old man, was shot and killed by police. Apparently he was firing from the 32nd floor of a Vegas hotel room down on a crowd attending an outdoor festival. And he had a cache of weapons in his room.

Unbelievable that we seem to have one of these every few weeks. Thoughts and prayers to those affected.
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I am truly heartbroken this morning. What a Mell of a Hess to wake up to . . my Lord, this is just freaking horrible.

My prayers go out to all that are affected by such a senseless act.

If I had to listen to Jason Aldean I'd probably shoot somebody too.
A older white man with no known political or religous affiliations attacks white country music listeners. Everyones having a helluva time figuring out who to hate.

Except the far left. They want more gun laws even though his gun was already illegal

Always way more to the story then initially put out....maybe we should wait until ALL of the facts come out before pointing fingers or condemning anyone.....should ALWAYS be SOP!!! Case in point ISIS just came out and said it was one of theirs....ANTIFA has already claimed he was one of theirs....I am guessing he was neither.......for the record the dude that is dead in the room may not even be the one that did the shooting....
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I agree with GACMAN, we need to let this play out before pointing fingers and doing something stupid. Regardless of motivation, political leanings or whatever the hell else was going on in the shooter's head, HE/SHE is responsible for his/her own actions and NOTHING could possibly justify doing something like this. I don' care how mad you are at the world, Trump, Obama, republicans, democrats, Nazis or whoever else your beef is with, this is absolutely senseless.

Unfortunately, democrats are already calling for gun control, which is typical. Can't even let the police remove the bodies before pushing the rhetoric. Ridiculous. Just leave it alone and debate it later when people have had time to bury their loved ones, grieve and we can start to try and make sense of this, if we ever can.

Good grief I can't stand politicians.
Always way more to the story then initially put out....maybe we should wait until ALL of the facts come out before pointing fingers or condemning anyone.....should ALWAYS be SOP!!! Case in point ISIS just came out and said it was one of theirs....ANTIFA has already claimed he was one of theirs....I am guessing he was neither.......for the record the dude that is dead in the room may not even be the one that did the shooting....

ISIS claimed credit. AntiFa has not. There are no known links to either organization at this time.
This shows how ridiculous charges of racism are when criticizing Islamo-fascism. Critiques of Islam apply as much to the beliefs of middle aged white converts as they do to arab muslims from Iran. I will not be surprised if it turns out to be true that he was recruited and converted by Islamists. Given the fully automatic weapons that were used, I'm almost surprised more people weren't killed. Such senseless violence...
just heard the dude had major debt, loans on both planes, and was gambling all the time.

those guns though, wtf.
Alex Jones (looney, looney, looney) just dug up video evidence of this guy at anti-Trump rallies.
Alex Jones (looney, looney, looney) just dug up video evidence of this guy at anti-Trump rallies.

And? Everyone with a fully functioning brain hates Trump, you can't really draw any conclusions based on the fact that he hated an extremely unpopular president.
Apparently the shooter's father was a bank robber that was on the FBI's top 10 most wanted list. Sounds like his luck with genetics wasn't much better than his luck at the poker table.
More gun control to deter incidents like this will amount to absolutely nothing. I think we should have more stringent processes to obtain certain weapons legally, but not for reasons such as this. Someone like this doesn't respect law and if motivated enough, will obtain almost any weapon illegally to get the job done.
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I was watching an old
“Rifleman” with chuck connor yesterday. I remember getting a play rifle that looked like his as a kid and laying waste to the bad guys shootin from the hip. Go to red box and browse the movies. At least half if not more glorify gun violence. We’re so far gone as a gun culture i see no way back. Certainly no more laws will help. Its gotta be a change in attitude and i dont have a clue how that happens.
I would submit what has hurt more than exposure to gun violence in TV and movies has been the lack of respect for others. You can differentiate between fake violence and real life if you are taught to respect others, especially the law. I grew up in a house full of guns and watched war movies and all kinds of action flicks growing up. Heck, I remember going to see Rambo in the theater when it came out and loved it. I never once considered grabbing one of our guns and shooting someone because I knew that person was a living, breathing human being who had value. Now people don't see anyone as having value anymore and will shoot you or beat the hell out of you for simply speaking to them.

It is sad we have gotten to this point as a society where we just simply don't give a damn about anyone else but ourselves.
Dude shot by FBI SWAT as they breached the room. The guns he used appeared to be weapons modified to fire in full auto mode.
He most likely used perfectly legal AR-15 platforms, probably with a bump fire or hand crank modification, both of which mods are perfectly legal for no good reason at all. This is what makes it so silly to try and argue that improvements to gun legislation can not reduce the frequency or scope of these events. I'd like to own an AR-15 myself one day, but there is no reason for anyone to need those mods and/or a 100 round drum magazine.
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He most likely used perfectly legal AR-15 platforms, probably with a bump fire or hand crank modification, both of which mods are perfectly legal for no good reason at all. This is what makes it so silly to try and argue that improvements to gun legislation can not reduce the frequency or scope of these events. I'd like to own an AR-15 myself one day, but there is no reason for anyone to need those mods and/or a 100 round drum magazine.
It's more ridiculous to think any legislation at all will reduce the chance of obtaining those items when people motivated enough to do this are looking to get their hands on them. What do you think? A guy like that is going to say, well they are illegal, so I'm not going to look for them? So what if no one sells them legally. There is and always will be items like this made or sold and available to those who really want them.
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I dont know and i dgaf if it makes any difference honestly but those mod
Kits should be illegal and no how to vids for converting to full auto should
Be allowed on you tube
I dont know and i dgaf if it makes any difference honestly but those mod
Kits should be illegal and no how to vids for converting to full auto should
Be allowed on you tube
I respect both of your (you and uncboy) opinions on the matter. I just don't think it accomplishes anything and I am not high in symbolic legislation in an overly-regulated society anyway. I also think a lot of drugs being used are terrible and shouldn't be available. The "War on Drugs" didn't stop that either. And if I'm motivated enough to make cocaine, well by golly I can go right on these interwebz and get me a full how to on the making of the yayo. Or even worse, I could decide to hurt someone else instead of myself and I could pull down instructions on how to make bombs. And before anyone decides to tell me this is much worse, yeah I get it's horrible. But you aren't going to stop it with a piece of symbolic legislation.
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Over 50 people dead, more than 200 injured in what is called the largest mass shooting in US history. The shooter, a 64 year old man, was shot and killed by police. Apparently he was firing from the 32nd floor of a Vegas hotel room down on a crowd attending an outdoor festival. And he had a cache of weapons in his room.

Unbelievable that we seem to have one of these every few weeks. Thoughts and prayers to those affected.

Pray for AMERICA!!!!
It's more ridiculous to think any legislation at all will reduce the chance of obtaining those items when people motivated enough to do this are looking to get their hands on them. What do you think? A guy like that is going to say, well they are illegal, so I'm not going to look for them? So what if no one sells them legally. There is and always will be items like this made or sold and available to those who really want them.

These modifications are openly sold over the internet. If you don't think banning them would make them less available then you are delusional. If they aren't legal to sell then big time arms manufacturers won't be flooding the market with them. If less of them exist then less of them are available for terrorists to utilize. At the very least that would increase the price, which would mean some percentage of would be terrorists would not be able to afford it.

The black market isn't like your local walmart. Just because he decides to look for illegal arms doesn't mean that he will ever find them. It certainly doesn't mean that he's guaranteed to.

I cannot possibly fathom why someone would oppose "any legislation at all." That's just dogmatic NRA nonsense. It obviously would reduce the chance of someone purchasing it if they can't just buy it online or at the local gun store.
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These modifications are openly sold over the internet. If you don't think banning them would make them less available then you are delusional. If they aren't legal to sell then big time arms manufacturers won't be flooding the market with them. If less of them exist then less of them are available for terrorists to utilize. At the very least that would increase the price, which would mean some percentage of would be terrorists would not be able to afford it.

The black market isn't like your local walmart. Just because he decides to look for illegal arms doesn't mean that he will ever find them. It certainly doesn't mean that he's guaranteed to.

I cannot possibly fathom why someone would oppose "any legislation at all." That's just dogmatic NRA nonsense. It obviously would reduce the chance of someone purchasing it if they can't just buy it online.
You aren't reading what I said. I clearly stated legislation wouldn't result in reducing "the chance of obtaining those items when people motivated enough to do this are looking to get their hands on them." They will get them, even if they are pricier and back market only. It isn't like it would cost someone 5 figures to obtain the knowledge or purchase the items needed for conversion. That has never stopped a motivated person before. You are trying to rationalize what a sane person might do if they cost more than they would normally pay for an item. Christ, these people aren't sane. It's not like they are trying to decide how much money they need to save because they may not be able to pay their electric bill next week or get groceries this week. What do you think they are doing, saving for retirement?

I don't know what the NRA's stance on this is, and I don't really care. But I could get on board with the federal government doing less or nothing in a lot of cases. When they accomplish little, my life is better.
I'm really just shocked at the casualties. That's an insane amount of people dead or wounded. One person is terrible, but close to 600 feels like a war zone. I feel for the citizens and families of Vegas.
I'm really just shocked at the casualties. That's an insane amount of people dead or wounded. One person is terrible, but close to 600 feels like a war zone. I feel for the citizens and families of Vegas.

Open up with a machie gun on hundreds of sitting ducks not knowing where the shooting is coming from. Horrible
I'm really just shocked at the casualties. That's an insane amount of people dead or wounded. One person is terrible, but close to 600 feels like a war zone. I feel for the citizens and families of Vegas.

When you consider the weaponry, it's really a miracle of modern surgery and medicine that more people didn't die. He got off hundreds of rounds into a crowd of thousands of people in a very confined space. The medical personnel of LV are probably still working around the clock to save lives. They'll never get as much credit as they deserve.
By all accounts, this guy had money, so you can take that out of the equation. He was screwed in the head. Period.

And NO major gun manufacturer sells the device he supposedly used to make it easier to fire faster. It is a trigger guard attachment that is part of the stock that essentially forces your finger to not move like it normally would so that it "squeezes" the trigger faster. Not one serious gun owner would consider owning one of these because they are dangerous.

Guys on the range know using one of these would kill someone because they are hard to control and, frankly, they aren't needed. Your finger will only pull the trigger so fast and these devices are basically snake oil for people who don't know any better.

No, this guy killed so many people because he was well stocked, planned this out meticulously and had a captive crowd essentially pinned in. He fired from a covered, elevated position with no fear of anyone being able to fire back at him. His targets had nowhere to go as they were fenced in and had few exit options. Panic sets in and people don't know what to do, with many, if not most, simply dropping to the ground where they then become still targets out in the open.

He didn't need to have a fully automatic weapon to inflict this kind of damage. If the reports are true about him firing for 72 minutes, then by all accounts he should have killed way more than he did. Most likely he was drunk, high or just simply not well trained in shooting. He most likely just fired randomly as he tried to aim as best as he could, but had no clue how to compensate for all the variables of shooting from that distance.

I am sorry, but more gun laws won't do a damn thing to stop stuff like this. Laws only affect those willing to abide by them and guys like this don't care about laws.
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In Europe, this same madman stabs 4 people and one dies.

Somehow, some way, I'd like to see bullets become extremely hard to get/make. If someone wants to load their gun with an expensive bullet so their five yr old can accidentally shoot grandma, fine, but at least these mass shootings might be kept in the single-digits.

Blackmarket for bullets would be way too easy though.

Changing gun laws today certainly won't help today or tomorrow, but it might help decades from now.
By all accounts, this guy had money, so you can take that out of the equation. He was screwed in the head. Period.

And NO major gun manufacturer sells the device he supposedly used to make it easier to fire faster. It is a trigger guard attachment that is part of the stock that essentially forces your finger to not move like it normally would so that it "squeezes" the trigger faster. Not one serious gun owner would consider owning one of these because they are dangerous.

Guys on the range know using one of these would kill someone because they are hard to control and, frankly, they aren't needed. Your finger will only pull the trigger so fast and these devices are basically snake oil for people who don't know any better.

No, this guy killed so many people because he was well stocked, planned this out meticulously and had a captive crowd essentially pinned in. He fired from a covered, elevated position with no fear of anyone being able to fire back at him. His targets had nowhere to go as they were fenced in and had few exit options. Panic sets in and people don't know what to do, with many, if not most, simply dropping to the ground where they then become still targets out in the open.

He didn't need to have a fully automatic weapon to inflict this kind of damage. If the reports are true about him firing for 72 minutes, then by all accounts he should have killed way more than he did. Most likely he was drunk, high or just simply not well trained in shooting. He most likely just fired randomly as he tried to aim as best as he could, but had no clue how to compensate for all the variables of shooting from that distance.

I am sorry, but more gun laws won't do a damn thing to stop stuff like this. Laws only affect those willing to abide by them and guys like this don't care about laws.

There's an entire body of evidence to disprove this argument. Australia and Britain have all but eliminated mass shooting. So the idea that gun legislation will not reduce mass shootings is a farce. I'm not saying those policies are the way to go in this country, but strict gun legislation absolutely has a mitigating effect on the number of mass shootings.

You can buy those modifications online. Several online dealers who sell them took their websites down yesterday "for maintenance."

Obviously some of you have zero experience with the black market. Some people seem to think you can just easily find illegal firearms. It's not that easy, regardless of how motivated you are. Especially if you're a middle age white dude that every black market dealer will think is an undercover cop.

I'm also going to assume that all of you support the full legalization of drugs since laws "only affect those willing to abide by them."

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