Well then I assume you know tor is just a small part of the "deep" web and is dark web only. And the dark web is a small, more popular part of the deep web. I'm very familiar with both as my job requires me to be so. And yes, most people only access dark web resources because they are easier. No one shops for much of anything illegal there except for pot. And you most certainly begin your transaction to buy weapons (even the automatic kind) on the deep web. You just won't finish it there and likely would be meeting up with someone. I know plenty about how one might go about doing so, I just would not ever attempt such a thing on my own because I'd have no way of verifying the selling party. But people who want to usually ask enough questions and can get to a broker who will set things up for them. Terrorist organizations do this quite often and it's not a big secret to security organizations. And if you are motivated, like I said before, you can do it. It's just a dangerous game I'd never think of doing. I'm also not going to go shoot up a bunch of people, so....