May be but this is not some other 3rd world country, at least it isn't yet. Our standard should be much higher and in truth the results should be much higher than they are. Our government gets in the way much more than it fixes anything and that should work just the opposite way, it can work just the opposite way when our tax dollars are properly spent.
For example, the feds should make sure the inner city and rural area schools are safe places to learn and outfitted with the technology available in areas where higher income parents send their kids. The feds should stop allowing unions to force bad teachers to be able to keep their jobs. And then the feds should get out of the K-12 educational system and allow the states to run their schools systems day to day.
Here is just 2 examples of huge wastes of your tax dollars.
1) A tax system that has no way to tax the under ground economy so it over taxes those honest citizens working honest jobs every day. You can NEVER have a fair tax system if it is based on you reporting 100% of what you earn. So the ONLY fair way to tax is based on what you buy, not what you earn. Imagine if everyone were taxed on what they bought as opposed to what they say they earn, our revenues would explode, we could strongly reduce the tax rates and knock down the national debt (which has to be a HUGE goal) in a few short years, rebuild our infrastructure, rebuild our military that we have seen destroyed by the current POTUS. and solve the education problem we have.
2) By the time this election is over, how much of our tax money will go toward the election of politicians? In both federal matching funds as well as tax deductions for those donating to politician campaigns? Why do we spend our tax dollars for a politician to get a job? Your tax money, not one dime of it should be used for politicians to get a job, I mean think about it, total waste to pay for people to get a job that turn around and lie tpo us anyway and do a piss poor job at that job? STOP IT !
Ya see, we do things backwards in this country and when you do that you are always going to get the opposite result from what you want. example, we put in place Obamacare and forced everyone to buy health insurance no matter if they could afford it or not. What should have happened is the cost of medical treatment and drugs should have been worked on first, take down the cost side first. Then we should have worked with the insurance companies to drive down the cost of health insurance because the cost of medical services and drugs would have been reduced strongly. But the government, rather than do this the smart and cost effective way forced on us a program that we can not afford, not as a country and certainly not as individual house holds. So rather than helping us all they did was give us yet another burden, the opposite of what should have happened.