This line of thinking is very strong today in this country but I think it is misplaced. We focus on those that do abuse the system but that isn't really the problem. The problem is our government talks about solving the problems but they never actually do anything that solves them. They tax the heck out of you and you get pissed when you see your money wasted.
The government needs to deal with the problems that they created that got us where we are today and a lot of that does not need to come from taxes. To handle the trade issues that screw us and end up with our jobs being out sourced does not require additional taxes. I don't even think ending the national disgrace of the inner city as well as rural area school systems would require more money, just the existing money being properly spent. Stop jailing young people for dealing in what they consider recreational activity, drugs, prostitution, ect. Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish and you feed him for a life time...
Don't blame those that use the system to their best advantage, fix the broken system! Fix the problem and the symptoms of the problem go away, try to fix symptoms and not the problem and other symptoms will always arise. I am a very strong conservative but that does not mean nor should it, that I do not have compassion for the plight of those in this country who struggle. I want people in this country educated, America should not trail any nation in its quality of education available for its citizens. I want jobs for those willing to dedicate to their education. Personal responsibility is to me about making good choices but fairness is about having some good choices available to you.
There should be a national effort underway right now today to teach kids early that college should be considered a business decision. I for example would love to see fed student loans either reduced or eliminated for college degree problems that have very few clear employment opportunities available at graduation and more forgiveness in Federal Student loans for those graduating in degree programs that have strong employment opportunities after they graduate. Maybe tie a degree of student loan forgiveness in to their getting a job post college, like many school systems do for their teachers. Maybe certain professions most needed like Medical fields, science, engineering ect could have tax breaks for employers that pay their employees student loans or use a tax credit for the person to have money paid on student loans to be a tax credit, like you home mortgage interest is today.
You take away the ability to have good choices available to you and what you get is people giving up trying and turning to a life of scamming what ever they can get. I find it hard to blame them when I realize that at some point every one of us would do what ever it took to feed our family even if it were illegal. Before IMO it is fair to look down on those living a life scamming the system, I think first they should have something of a good choice to be available to them and only then should personal responsibility kick in and they deserve to suffer for their bad choices.
If you increase our tax base, especially by having more middle class employment, you not only receive more in tax money but you reduce what is being paid out in social programs. then we can focus in on those with special needs more effectively. We have been doing just the opposite and that has to stop or there will not be a middle class in this country...And we will all be looking for ways to scam the system...