White Lake Is a body of water in Bladen County containing some 1,200 acres and is a commercial resort area.
Climate - White Lake has an average temperature of 63 degrees and an average rainfall of 49.06 inches.
White Lake's first commercial operation opened in 1901. The town was incorporated in 1951 and has a population of approximately 500 year-round with about 200,000 tourists visiting the Lake each summer. White Lake offers excellent swimming, boating, wake boarding, jet skiing and water skiing opportunities that help make that perfect family vacation. In addition, the lake has amusement parks, and numerous other recreational facilities. Motel, cottage, and campground accommodations are available as well as permanent home sites. A beautiful 18-hole golf course is located between White Lake and Elizabethtown. White Lake is unique in that it has a white sandy bottom and is blessed with crystal clear waters. This is because it is fed by subterranean springs. It is truly a child's paradise in that there are no currents, no tides, no hazardous depressions or real dangers of any kind to swimmers. It has been labeled "The Nation's Safest Beach". Some of the accommodations are open all year round. It is a choice resort area for southeastern North Carolina and one can spend an active and exciting day on the beaches and in the arcades, or a leisure time in the deep cool shade. White Lake is proud to be the home of the annual "White Lake Water Festival which is held the third weekend in May each year." Phone: 910-862-4368.