More Food Is Consumed on Super Bowl Sunday than . .


Resident Idiot
Gold Member
Aug 17, 2005
. . any other day of the year, except Thanksgiving.

Jus' thought you'd wanna know . .

So, what may be your food plans for next Sunday . . ? Wings . . ? Pizza . . ? Chili . . ? Chicken enchiladas . . ? Lasagna . . ?
Buffalo chicken dip with chips, spicy jerk wings, plenty of cold IPA and a big pot of seafood, chicken and sausage gumbo.
Before I retired from the food business, I used to hate the Super Bowl. We always had to work so hard making sure we sold/met our goals. I've watched all of the previous SB. I think I may go to visit the kids and grandkids and watch it with them in South Carolina. Menu??? I will go with the "freeloader" special, please!!
Whatever the hosts are serving.

We've got a good arrangement with our friends where everyone is responsible for a certain party each year. For example, one couple always hosts New Years, another always hosts the Super Bowl, etc. My wife and I got Cinco de Mayo, which is great because the weather is usually nice by then and we can make it an indoor/outdoor event.
Originally posted by Raising Heel:
Whatever the hosts are serving.

We've got a good arrangement with our friends where everyone is responsible for a certain party each year. For example, one couple always hosts New Years, another always hosts the Super Bowl, etc. My wife and I got Cinco de Mayo, which is great because the weather is usually nice by then and we can make it an indoor/outdoor event.
Cinco de Mayo? Geeze,...must be a large group of friends. Were Groundhog Day and Columbus Day already taken?

No but seriously, how many "party" days are we talking about?
There are about 25-30 of us, with maybe 10 of those being couples, so it's a pretty big group. Off the top of my head:

- New Years
- Super Bowl
- St. Patrick's Day
- Cinco de Mayo
- Memorial Day
- 4th of July
- Labor Day

- Halloween
- Christmas

The ones in bold aren't always at somebody's house. Last year we rented boats and went out on the lake. Or sometimes too many people go out of town so we just skip them.

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