Movie madness region 1potpourri (sports/horror/sci-fi/fantasy/musical/documentary


Hall of Famer
Aug 9, 2004
Ok guys put your movies in we will decide on the best 16 and I will draw them out of a hat for seeding.

Remember the titans
Major League
Bull Durham
Field of dreams
Tin cup

What yall got?
This is your project, but just a suggestion. An entire region devoted to sports movies is going to be a stretch, plus it will squeeze worthy candidates out of the other regions. What are your four regions going to be?
Idk sports comedy action horror and we can decide that could go either way if need be like say water boy could go sports or comedy what you tjink
This is your project, but just a suggestion. An entire region devoted to sports movies is going to be a stretch, plus it will squeeze worthy candidates out of the other regions. What are your four regions going to be?

If you can't think of 16 worthy sports movies then your life sucks.
As far as the 4 regions go I would say sports, action, comedy and horror. I would think those are the most watched.
I say put Waterboy as comedy since that was really it's purpose. Same goes for Happy Gilmore.
See that's the tough thing with sports, there are a lot that are also comedies. Besides those and Caddyshack, you have stuff like Sandlot, Dodgeball, Slapshot, Bad News Bears, Cool Runnings, Kingpin, Little Giants, and those are just off the top of my head. My question is what's the determining factor for those being more comedy or more sport?
See that's the tough thing with sports, there are a lot that are also comedies. Besides those and Caddyshack, you have stuff like Sandlot, Dodgeball, Slapshot, Bad News Bears, Cool Runnings, Kingpin, Little Giants, and those are just off the top of my head. My question is what's the determining factor for those being more comedy or more sport?

You're right it's going to be tough for some of them. I say we would just have to go with majority rules. Maybe we could just go by who the lead actors are. Since Sandler was the lead for Waterboy and Gilmore I was thinking comedy because that's what he is known for. Something like Major League would be sports because the lead actors aren't all known for comedy.
Or do you think it would be better to come up with 64 movies and decide later where each goes.
Where you gonna put The Godfather? Shawshank Redemption? Schindler's List? Those are literally the top-ranked movies on IMDB.

That's a good point. Maybe we should put a time period qualification on this. For example, it has to have been made within the last 25 years or something like that. I know that would leave out a lot of classics, but something's going to be left out no matter what.
Where you gonna put The Godfather? Shawshank Redemption? Schindler's List? Those are literally the top-ranked movies on IMDB.
Yeah, that's my though on this thing. Don't get me wrong, I love all sorts of movies, but as the regions currently stand, you're leaving out some all time greats
I think RH's groups from the first thread are a solid breakdown, at least because you can have comparable movies in there. I've pasted them here

1) action/adventure/westerns/epics
2) comedy/animation
3) drama/crime/war
4) potpourri (sports/horror/sci-fi/fantasy/musical/documentary)

This way you can have Die Hard vs. Terminator and Godfather vs. Goodfellas or whatever. Don't get me wrong, there are a lot of great sports and horror films out there, but if we devote half the bracket to those alone, there would be a lot of great movies that get the Seth Greenberg treatment.

Now if you want to possibly shift some from the potpourri, or limit that group, or change it to a more specific sort of thing, I'm ok with that, but I think 1-3 are all really solid
Yeah, that's my though on this thing. Don't get me wrong, I love all sorts of movies, but as the regions currently stand, you're leaving out some all time greats
Well will just call them action because anytime you have and ice pic to a man's head that's on him knees and you tell him if you don't take what I give you that's damn sure action, same for cutting a man horses head off and putting it in his bed.
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1) action/adventure/westerns/epics
2) comedy/animation
3) drama/crime/war
4) potpourri (sports/horror/sci-fi/fantasy/musical/documentary)

Ok let do it, I'm changing the topic!
Ok now it's potpourri (sports/horror/sci-fi/fantasy/musical/documentary)

Start listing movies!
1) action/adventure/westerns/epics
2) comedy/animation
3) drama/crime/war
4) potpourri (sports/horror/sci-fi/fantasy/musical/documentary)

Ok let do it, I'm changing the topic!

The only other suggestion I have is the time period limitation that I mentioned. There is just so many good movies that it's going to be hard to narrow this thing down without some type of limit.
Friday the 13th
Nightmare on elm st.
The godfather
The Godfather 2
The Devils advocate
Star wars
Tonight at 9 pm we stop taking names and start the narrowing it down to 16 movies that enough time you think or should we go tomorrow at 9 pm?