movie review The Drop


Hall of Famer
Gold Member
Nov 29, 2001
Columbia, SC
holy moly...i just watched it and i cannot believe it didn't come with more acclaim...maybe it did and i missed it, but man it was good.

gandolfini was outstanding, as was the guy who play bob, tom hardy...i was unfamiliar with every other character, which made it even more fascinating...and that dog, what a genius play to allow that element to be part of the script.

this is exactly how movies should be written...i thoroughly enjoyed this film.
I wanted to see this movie, will try to catch it on HBO soon. It did get very good reviews, though. It currently has an 89% on Rotten Tomatoes, which is a really solid score. Gandolfini is a great actor for sure, and I've liked Tom Hardy in basically everything I've ever seen him in, so I'm sure I'll enjoy it when I get the chance to watch it
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tom hardy was briliant.

reading some info on it, it's based on the short story, "animal rescue".

hope you enjoy!

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