Trust me, I'm not a fan. But when people respond by calling them cop killers, all it does is lock the issue into a death spiral. Honestly, discourse in this country is dead. Everybody is too busy being offended or outraged about something, anything. I'm this close to moving to a cabin in Montana*.
* I have often pondered the question: if I had moved to a cabin in Montana 20 years ago, would I know or care about the problems that trouble the world today? Political scandals, the Middle East, global warming, gun violence, you name it. None of it would have affected me at all. I could've been living in blissful ignorance**.
** I have recently pondered the question: is living in the information age making us all miserable? Sure, there are plenty of pros, but it's almost impossible to watch, read, or hear the news without being saddened by the world we live in. Same goes for social media, email, and all the other ways humans stay connected through technology. Cabin in Montana, my friends.