My wife got a new job


Hall of Famer
Feb 16, 2006
Which is great for us. We've been hurting over the past couple years with private school tuition and just wanting to keep the same lifestyle we've become accustom to. Her job is in Roanoke so she'll be commuting at least 4 days per week (about 75 minutes both ways). That means she'll basically be out of pocket from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Obviously, that puts a lot more on me parentally.

She also will be making more money than me for the first time in about 10 years. Some dudes might have a problem with that. Not me. Hell, I'd be a stay-at-home dad if we could afford it. I dream of afternoons spent on the golf course or at the river with my two boys. But her new job won't allow for that. But it is an uptick in our annual income of about $40k. That's significant.

Obviously the downside is more responsibilities for me when it comes to the kids. I'm now having to get them to school every morning. We had to get some after school care but that only goes to 5:30 pm. So I'm also responsible for picking them up in the evenings, making sure homework is done, getting dinner together, etc. And my kids are busy. M, W and Th we have a soccer practice for at least one of them, Tuesdays my older son has singing lessons and I have late meetings (usually until about 7:00 pm) on 2 Mondays of every month and 1 Wednesday of every month. My folks will certainly help out as much as they can and my sister can fill in from time to time. But good grief, I give it up to single parents. Well, not all single parents. I give it up to the ones that don't let single parenting get in the way of their kids' well-being and enriching experiences.

I was wondering if anyone else here is in the same boat. I'd like to hear from them as to how they manage their days - especially dinner prep and making lunches for kids.
I raised my twins all alone without child support and worked more than full time. I had help with babysitting by my aunt and uncle though and that was a true blessing. When I would work second shift at the hospital, that helped more than anything.

I knew once they got in school it would be very difficult so I figured out a way to stop doing radiology work and do medical reports at home. I talked the president of the hospital into letting me get a program started that would save money for the hospital and allow the medical records dictations be done from home. It took me two years to get the program up and running but I did it and worked from home so I could raise my girls, take them to school, and all the other extra stuff they had going on. Dinners.... well I cook anyway. You can find plenty of things you can prepare one day a week and freeze until you are ready and the crock pot saved me a few times.

Your kids will appreciate you and their mom for all the hard work you do, even if they may not say so now. My kids do now at age 24 and they know what a hard job I had and what a douche their father is and I never even had to tell them. I knew they'd figure that out all by themselves. Schedule everything and plan meals and it will make it easier.
Which is great for us. We've been hurting over the past couple years with private school tuition and just wanting to keep the same lifestyle we've become accustom to. Her job is in Roanoke so she'll be commuting at least 4 days per week (about 75 minutes both ways). That means she'll basically be out of pocket from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm. Obviously, that puts a lot more on me parentally.

She also will be making more money than me for the first time in about 10 years. Some dudes might have a problem with that. Not me. Hell, I'd be a stay-at-home dad if we could afford it. I dream of afternoons spent on the golf course or at the river with my two boys. But her new job won't allow for that. But it is an uptick in our annual income of about $40k. That's significant.

Obviously the downside is more responsibilities for me when it comes to the kids. I'm now having to get them to school every morning. We had to get some after school care but that only goes to 5:30 pm. So I'm also responsible for picking them up in the evenings, making sure homework is done, getting dinner together, etc. And my kids are busy. M, W and Th we have a soccer practice for at least one of them, Tuesdays my older son has singing lessons and I have late meetings (usually until about 7:00 pm) on 2 Mondays of every month and 1 Wednesday of every month. My folks will certainly help out as much as they can and my sister can fill in from time to time. But good grief, I give it up to single parents. Well, not all single parents. I give it up to the ones that don't let single parenting get in the way of their kids' well-being and enriching experiences.

I was wondering if anyone else here is in the same boat. I'd like to hear from them as to how they manage their days - especially dinner prep and making lunches for kids.
I don't know about all that because I work from home and have done so for a long time and my wife makes my dinners because that's what women should do. But I will say this, make their lunches the night before you go to bed. I take our kids to school and it does save time in the morning even though I'm up a lot earlier than they have to get up anyway. Mostly for me it's because I hate making them in the morning.
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I don't know about all that because I work from home and have done so for a long time and my wife makes my dinners because that's what women should do. But I will say this, make their lunches the night before you go to bed. I take our kids to school and it does save time in the morning even though I'm up a lot earlier than they have to get up anyway. Mostly for me it's because I hate making them in the morning.

How lucky for your wife to have you for a husband! whew! smh LOL
I don't know about all that because I work from home and have done so for a long time and my wife makes my dinners because that's what women should do. But I will say this, make their lunches the night before you go to bed. I take our kids to school and it does save time in the morning even though I'm up a lot earlier than they have to get up anyway. Mostly for me it's because I hate making them in the morning.

I don't really do mornings all that well. I definitely don't want to have to do a bunch of shit like packing lunches and whatnot in the morning. So yeah, I would like to pack lunches at night but that's easier said than done. What do your kids eat for lunch? My wife and I have the most trouble trying to mix it up for them. I mean, I could do PB&J everyday but that seems pretty lame. But my kids are kind of picky and it makes things a lot harder.
I don't really do mornings all that well. I definitely don't want to have to do a bunch of shit like packing lunches and whatnot in the morning. So yeah, I would like to pack lunches at night but that's easier said than done. What do your kids eat for lunch? My wife and I have the most trouble trying to mix it up for them. I mean, I could do PB&J everyday but that seems pretty lame. But my kids are kind of picky and it makes things a lot harder.
My boys like deli sliced turkey and they like the sandwiches having been refrigerated over night. Even now when they have a sandwich on the weekend or something they say it's not as good. What we be the problem with making a lunch that can be refrigerated? Do your kids require hot meals for lunch? If so, soup in a thermos if your school allows it, stuff will stay at least warm for half a day. I send my kids to private school so we don't have as many senseless rules for things like that.
My boys like deli sliced turkey and they like the sandwiches having been refrigerated over night. Even now when they have a sandwich on the weekend or something they say it's not as good. What we be the problem with making a lunch that can be refrigerated? Do your kids require hot meals for lunch? If so, soup in a thermos if your school allows it, stuff will stay at least warm for half a day. I send my kids to private school so we don't have as many senseless rules for things like that.

Yeah, we do turkey but my kids are the opposite of yours in that they don't really like when a sandwich has been sitting in the fridge overnight. They're big fans of peanut butter and we do that often. My older son doesn't like cheese (crazy, I know) and because my older son doesn't like it, my younger son doesn't like it. So that rules anything with cheese out. Soup is good - we do that from time to time. They're big fans of pasta, but that has to be at least warm which means that's a morning make.

I don't know what kind of lunch time rules you're talking about but my kids go to private school too. A local caterer provides the food that the students can buy and it's pretty decent and inexpensive. It's just a crap shoot as to what they're serving that day.
Yeah, we do turkey but my kids are the opposite of yours in that they don't really like when a sandwich has been sitting in the fridge overnight. They're big fans of peanut butter and we do that often. My older son doesn't like cheese (crazy, I know) and because my older son doesn't like it, my younger son doesn't like it. So that rules anything with cheese out. Soup is good - we do that from time to time. They're big fans of pasta, but that has to be at least warm which means that's a morning make.

I don't know what kind of lunch time rules you're talking about but my kids go to private school too. A local caterer provides the food that the students can buy and it's pretty decent and inexpensive. It's just a crap shoot as to what they're serving that day.
We have the same deal with lunch at our school. Local caterer does it all. I've gone a couple of times in years past to eat with the boys and it's pretty good. Honestly, my oldest never even eats the stuff at school anymore. He just prefers a sandwich, and it's the same thing every time. I'm lucky with that one, he's easy. My youngest is picky, so it depends on what they are having. But if he decides he doesn't want the school food then he's eating whatever sandwich, soup or leftovers we have. And he better tell me the night before or he's eating at school. I don't do the 20 questions games in the morning over what we are and aren't going to eat for lunch.
Here's how you handle the lunches- make everything but the sammiches the night before, then throw together the sammich on the morning of school.

Also, there is no shame in making them the same thing every day. None. And who cares if it is just pb&j- just roll with it.

As far as dinners, Blue Apron or some of the other mail order things are great and not that expensive, but those meals tend to go out there with ingredients, so the kids might not like. I would suggest using the crock pot at least twice a week as it makes enough food for 2 nights. Then you got pizza one night, take out another night and fend for yourself on the 7th night.

As far as homework- just bribe them with a huge downside. Tell them for every week that they carry straight A's (or whatever your standard is), you will give them $20. But if the GPA falls below whatever level, they are grounded- no soccer, no nuthin. That shit will pay off in spades when they are looking for scholarships in a few years.

Also, see if you can find some chick with a car who goes to Macon and will be on call for $10-$15 hour and let her run the kids around when the need arises.
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Well who is going to fill in the time that you spend on the random pic thread? Maybe your sister can split time on that. Or you can make your kids lunch while waiting on those slow gifs you like to poast to load. o_O

But seriously, kudos to you for stepping up. I sacrificed for my wife one year like this. It was extremely hard on my family. But my work was ticking up at that time and she eventually had to come home. But if she is making more than you, then that's a good thing too. Maybe you will get your wish and become a pajama parent one day.
(Pajama parent is one who drops their kid off at school and picks them up in same attire)
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Here's how you handle the lunches- make everything but the sammiches the night before, then throw together the sammich on the morning of school.

Also, there is no shame in making them the same thing every day. None. And who cares if it is just pb&j- just roll with it.

As far as dinners, Blue Apron or some of the other mail order things are great and not that expensive, but those meals tend to go out there with ingredients, so the kids might not like. I would suggest using the crock pot at least twice a week as it makes enough food for 2 nights. Then you got pizza one night, take out another night and fend for yourself on the 7th night.

As far as homework- just bribe them with a huge downside. Tell them for every week that they carry straight A's (or whatever your standard is), you will give them $20. But if the GPA falls below whatever level, they are grounded- no soccer, no nuthin. That shit will pay off in spades when they are looking for scholarships in a few years.

Also, see if you can find some chick with a car who goes to Macon and will be on call for $10-$15 hour and let her run the kids around when the need arises.

Yeah, I had a talk with them yesterday. They're not always the most amenable kids, but if I start looking stressed out, they usually come around. It's a little trick I play on them when I really want them to do something or be agreeable on something. I start rubbing my forehead with a couple of deep sighs and my kids will say something like, "whatever you want to make Dad is fine with us." PB&Js is it.

Dinners are a chore as well. But the Fresh Market does these deals where it's $20 for a dinner for 4. I'm going to start taking advantage of that. And yeah, the crockpot is going to get a workout.

I have a chick. Only my chick is a 65 year old woman (better for the kids but not as good for me). She's terrific and the kids love her.
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Do public schools suck in your area? Parental involvement in schooling is a great equalizer between private and public schools.
Reading this makes me sooo glad that my kids are grown, been there done that. I got an early start the 2nd and last one was born when I was 25. People seem to be having kids a little later in life these days.
Reading this makes me sooo glad that my kids are grown, been there done that. I got an early start the 2nd and last one was born when I was 25. People seem to be having kids a little later in life these days.

I know it. Kids are great but damn the work involved... no sleep, stress and teenagers!!!! omg I wanted to choke mine a few times! Once I even literally wanted to pull my hair OUT! It's great now though... moved out, quiet home, peace and they visit a couple of times a week! haha (although once they leave I still have a mess to clean behind them!) I'd never have teens again, NEVER!
Reading this thread knowing I'm single with no kids...


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