I value 4 years of schooling for free. I paid for my 4 years and left with a degree, and would have much preferred to have that cost covered for me. But for a OAD kid, that may never finish his degree, the one year of free schooling is essentially worthless.
No not at all, and you should already have a pretty good idea of my stance on this from other threads. This is uncboy's stance, and I've disagreed with him vehemently.
I have no problem with owners making millions off other people's work. The difference here, is that those factory workers aren't worth anything more than minimum wage (i.e. no one is willing to pay them more than that, they couldn't get anything more than minimum wage on the open market or at another company). This case is different, because clearly these players are worth more than the scholarship for one year of taking the easiest classes they can get into towards a degree they'll never finish - because they are being offered that money.
A more accurate comparison would be one of those factory workers seeking employment at several companies all offering to pay minimum wage. One company offers him $250k lump sum, plus the minimum wage. However they have a union of workers and an industry policy that no worker can make more than minimum wage, and the company will get in trouble if they're found out to have given this additional lump sum, and the worker would then be kicked out of the union and company, but the following year could go work for a professional factory company and make millions a year.