Need some opinions

Apr 13, 2014
Folks, i need some help! I'm a bassist by trade and recently signed an endorsement with an in-ear monitor company (fancy ear buds). I'm not sure what the rules are here about calling out companies that a member promotes so i won't say the name of the company. Don't want this post to be deleted. I can't decide between 3 designs for my custom model. Pictured below are the two that i've designed thus far. The third option is to have "TAR" written on the right ear and "HEELS" written on the left (that version hasn't been drawn up yet). I may have to go with a slightly altered UNC Logo to avoid copyright issues if I choose the smaller logo. I could also do slate grey or silver glitter as a base color but thought that i'd choose which logo i want to go with before deciding on color. I'd really appreciate some feedback and opinions. Thanks in advance guys and GO HEELS!


Seems unanimous for #1! Not sure you can legally use the logo or even the name Tar Heels or even a slightly altered likeness for a commercial venture where a company is trying to sell a product without the consent of UNC and more importantly, the NCAA. Those guys want a piece of every schools merchandise. The company you are endorsed by would probably have to get a license from the NCAA. I once tried to sell Bird Feeders that looked like the Old Well and got shut down even though the design was stolen from the Temple of Love in France. My distributors were afraid of the NCAA.
Good point Troll. That's def something i need to research. I think it may be a grey area because this would be just for MY model not reproduced for resale. That said, even then it may be a a no go. Anyone have any expertise on that? Wonder what it would cost to get a license to use it on one item, one time? TBH i'd be willing to pay to rep UNC on stage every night. I have a signature model bass coming out this summer with a small company here in GA and tried to get him to add some UNC flair to my model but he declined. That however was more understandable since the instrument is intended to be reproduced for sale.

Hey if at the end of the day i have to abandon the idea of having UNC in-ears then so be it. At least a guy can dream for a bit! =)

This post was edited on 2/20 9:54 PM by carolinabassplayer
If it's for personal use, I don't think you would have a problem. I was selling the birdfeeders. Their are several different types of licenses you can get. I know they have a small craft type license which only cost $100 per year. Then they have a larger manufacturers license. Not sure the cost on that. The main thing to check on is if the Ear Bud Company is going to use your photo to try to sell more Ear Buds. Last year, one of our basketball players, Leslie McDonald got into hot water for wearing a custom mouthpiece and the company was using his picture to promote sales. As I recall, UNC filed a suit against the company to have them remove his picture from their promotions.
Hey mikeirbyusa. Had a quick OT question for you and didn't want to start a separate post for it. Mind emailing me?