NFL Early Retirements


Hall of Famer
Aug 31, 2008
Luke Kuechly announced his retirement at the age of 28. He becomes the latest notable player to retire while still young, joining Andrew Luck, Gronk, Calvin Johnson and others. I think this will become an even bigger trend as more research and information comes out about CTE and head injuries. Some believe people will eventually stop playing football altogether. While that could happen, I don't see it. Football is to much a part of our culture. Plus, more kids seem to be playing flag football and then moving to tackle football as they get a little older. I think it's more likely that players who make it to the NFL will play through their first couple of contracts and then retire early while still relatively healthy.
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Barry Sanders was the first superstar I remember to just say, "meh, I'm done" when we all knew he had plenty more in the tank. I didn't realize Kuechly was only 28. That is young. But good for him. I have so much respect for guys that don't feel the need to chase numbers. They feel secure enough in their legacy as it is that they don't need to wreck their future to be remembered a certain way.

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