I would agree that I doubt any major action is taken but I wonder if the biggest issue is having a former player(McCants) on record saying his eligibility was maintained by being put in these classes....disgruntled player with a grudge or true....it's a difficult spot to argue as unc.
The point of contention is found in your use of the word "Put" in the line "put" in to these classes. The NCAA's decision and all the investigation was focused on who put players in those classes, was it on direction from the basketball staff (in the case of basketball) or was it a academic advisor or the player that caused a player to be in those classes. It is a violation if the coaching staff was responsible for their players being "put" on to those classes, it is an academic issue and outside of the NCAA authority if an academic advisor or the kid himself "put" himself in those classes.
The NCAA investigation as well as the investigation by the outside party (Weinstien) indicated no athletic involvement in "putting" men's basketball or football players in those classes. Boxhill's involvement with women's basketball players has been sketchy and just got a little worse with the last items we self reported.
WE are going to get the LOIC placed on the entire athletic dept for all sports but individual sports getting scholly reductions or post season bans is about those specific staffs involvement or lack there of direct involvement in their athletes being in those classes and in the 2 main revenue sports of football and men's basketball nothing was noted in the NOA inferring in any way that was discovered. The acreditation group basically ruled for us to fix it and move on without invalidating those grades and if those grades are not invalidated then the case for using players not eligible is not made. The NCAA does not have the authority to determine if a class is to easy to gain a grade in for eligibiliity, they specifically leave that up to the member schools. The NCAA in our case has already ruled in that way once prior to the Wienstien report.
BUT, the one major concern I have is the NCAA at times tends to bend to popular opinion and media driven agenda crafting. For example the NCAA, even thou the majority of folks felt it right, hammered Penn St but in doing so acted outside of their authority. They ended up publically having to back track its stance, public egg on the NCAA faces and that in itself has become a sensitive issue with them, an issue they do not likely want to see replayed out. But the yellow media is crafting public opinion with slanted articles almost dailey for the last 3-4yrs. The media is doing all it can to force the NCAA to hammer us. Does the NCAA cave to the public pressure by the media crafted public opinion and find itself having to back track only after we have suffered irrational punishment? Truth is we have already suffered that by the long delays in this process, in large part admit being UNC's snail's pace of dealing with this. But the delay in the face of the media spin has been in itself an "un-official" punishment that so far is an open ended deal. UN-offical as it may be, the effect is as bad if not worse than any "official punishment" would be outside of a death penality. It is because the fact it is open ended means we don't know, recruits don't know, no one knows how long it will last. At least with a post season ban, with scholly reductions like we had in football, you know when it begins and ends and recruits can make their decisions based on knowing rather than guessing.
You need but read these posts, posts by our fans over the last 3-4yrs to see this un-official punishment has severely effected the UNC fan base and seems to get worse with each passing day. You need only read the national media reporting on this to realize how strongly public opinion has been crafted in a negative way toward UNC. Now a small issue for us is magnified by a X100 lens, lies have been told so many times that even our own fans are beginning to believe them. It is so bad at this point that maybe the majority of UNC fans would accept post season bans and sever scholly reductions, even taking down banners just to see this over. That is the calculated destruction of our fan base and the ugly truth is it seems to be working, the UNC fans base seems to me to have all but lost hope. It is going to take many years for this to recover once this is done with by the NCAA. Honestly, I am more disappointed in the fact so many of our fans have lost faith than any of the rest of this, to many seem to have fallen for anything, I stand for something...