Ok, you guys win. I have decided to stop supporting Trump. Here's why

A Trump versus DeNiro square off in the ring would be something, Robert was a boxer early in his life so that fight prolly wouldn't last too long

This is midway through the first round. Trump seeing stars.

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i think he was being vulgar and crude. It's a stretch to say he was condoning sexual assault. However if there were other reports of sexual assault by Trump, then I would be right there with you.

And yes, if you go after Trump you are in effect supporting Hillary. The reverse is also true.

Trump is a pig and all the other pigs support him. You can bet your ass if he is saying all this crap and degrading women then there's been a time or two when he's done worse to one. His skeletons are all about to come falling out of the closet. It's coming!
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Trump is a pig and all the other pigs support him. You can bet your ass if he is saying all this crap and degrading women then there's been a time or two when he's done worse to one. His skeletons are all about to come falling out of the closet. It's coming!

True. And we'll be left on the same path towards destruction we've been on for the last 5 years: more terrorism, more race wars, more poverty, more govt. assistance, more lawlessness, more anti-white and anti-Christian promotion, more kow-towing to minority demands, more weakening of our nation.

Trust me when I say this, we are in big trouble. I will prepare for inevitable anarchy. In fact, if I don't go see Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen play tomorrow right up the road, the family will be taking a trip to the shooting range. And my kids' education on the downfall of our society will ramp up.
True. And we'll be left on the same path towards destruction we've been on for the last 5 years: more terrorism, more race wars, more poverty, more govt. assistance, more lawlessness, more anti-white and anti-Christian promotion, more kow-towing to minority demands, more weakening of our nation.

Trust me when I say this, we are in big trouble. I will prepare for inevitable anarchy. In fact, if I don't go see Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen play tomorrow right up the road, the family will be taking a trip to the shooting range. And my kids' education on the downfall of our society will ramp up.

I'm really curious as to what exactly had happened under Obama that had directly effected you??? I hear a lot of people going on about all the things you mentioned but what specifically has happened personally to you to make you this fearful???

I have had one thing from Obama effect me concerning my job but I simply made some adjustments and am moving on. There has been absolutely nothing else directly impose on my life in any way. So obviously you anti-Obama guys must have something to make you feel this way. I'm simply trying to understand what is happening to others that doesn't happen to me. ;)
My life has actually been pretty great the last eight years. If in an eight year period if you aren't better off than you were eight years ago, it is probably your fault. There are some exceptions but in general I feel most would agree this is true.

OTOH, I have no issues with anyone thinking Obama was bad for the country. He sucked in a lot of ways. In some areas I definitely feel this is true just as I felt it was true under Bush. Hillary is going to suck as well. It isn't the gloom and doom backwoods ass USA now sucks nonsense some people think though, just as under Bush it wasn't as bad as some of the idiot liberals made it out to be. I think both candidates are bad for the country. I don't think either of them is going to lead us down a dark path of no recovery though. I think the extreme hatred and mindset the parties have created in their constituents is much worse than anything one person can do.

Also, some of these actors are just as bad as the person they are being critical of. They need to learn how to use their platform in a constructive way as well. No need for trashing someone when they could express their political views in a way that wasn't so childish.
True. And we'll be left on the same path towards destruction we've been on for the last 5 years: more terrorism, more race wars, more poverty, more govt. assistance, more lawlessness, more anti-white and anti-Christian promotion, more kow-towing to minority demands, more weakening of our nation.

Trust me when I say this, we are in big trouble. I will prepare for inevitable anarchy. In fact, if I don't go see Lyle Lovett and Robert Earl Keen play tomorrow right up the road, the family will be taking a trip to the shooting range. And my kids' education on the downfall of our society will ramp up.
True. And we'll be left on the same path towards destruction we've been on for the last 5 years: more terrorism, more race wars, more poverty, more govt. assistance, more lawlessness, more anti-white and anti-Christian promotion, more kow-towing to minority demands, more weakening of our nation.

Who cares? As long as we don't offend anyone, we're ok, right?
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Well it's obvious he had never considered his future as president when making those comments. I promise I have heard much worse on construction sites.
This is why I hate smear politics. It has ruined many viable candidates in the past. Not to say he is the one.

I promise you this much. If I ran for president, my past would come back to haunt me big time. I was a very bad boy when I was younger. But the man I am now is not the same person.
Yes trump has said awful things, who hasnt. But Billy boy Clinton gets a pass for the things he did in the white House. It's amazing how people get hung up on things.
Let me say this, neither is fit for the white House. And one should be in prison for her acts . It just shows you the mindset of the people. Then you get nut jobs like strum and chick who scream I told you so all the while never having a solution based in reality. I love OOTB, but it is a prime example as to what is wrong with this country
Well, this whole "war against the white man" and "war against Christianity" sounds like a big load of hyperbolic poop, too.
Thats just bullsh*t conservatives whine about just like liberals whining about being offended over stupid BS....same thing. Both sides cannot see how alike they are but it's good entertainment. Plenty of stuff to laugh at lol
Well it's obvious he had never considered his future as president when making those comments. I promise I have heard much worse on construction sites.
This is why I hate smear politics. It has ruined many viable candidates in the past. Not to say he is the one.

I promise you this much. If I ran for president, my past would come back to haunt me big time. I was a very bad boy when I was younger. But the man I am now is not the same person.
Yes trump has said awful things, who hasnt. But Billy boy Clinton gets a pass for the things he did in the white House. It's amazing how people get hung up on things.
Let me say this, neither is fit for the white House. And one should be in prison for her acts . It just shows you the mindset of the people. Then you get nut jobs like strum and chick who scream I told you so all the while never having a solution based in reality. I love OOTB, but it is a prime example as to what is wrong with this country

Bill didn't get a pass. I'm not sure where you were during the Monica years but they raked him over the coals too. He and Trump are both pigs.

I'd say the politicians talking about women like they are worthless trash they way Trump does are very few. They all may have skeletons of some sort but I think Trump, having not been a politician before, has the worst since he probably didn't plan on this run, like you said.

He's a complete joke and Hillary is just a selfish, lying witch.
I really couldn't care less who Donald or Bill are screwing, or want to screw, or have tried to screw. If you're in a place of power or fame, you're probably going to have more opportunities. Trump gloats about it. He has no shame, no humility, no composure, no poise. He's self-obsessed. Most political leaders are self-obsessed. But, they have experience at keeping it under control when it MIGHT get them in trouble. Donald Trump is... well... DONALD TRUMP! It still amazes me that people take that man seriously as being the president of this country. I feel like it's a cruel joke being played on me.

Republicans spent a bazillion dollars trying to incriminate Bill Clinton for having some sex of some kind in the Oval Office almost 20 years ago. Biggest waste of time and money. A President getting a hummer??? You MUST be joking! Now, they don't care if their nominee exhibits testosterone-driven misogyny and bravado. They give it a pass when "their side" does it, but have no problem, nor hesitate, pointing fingers when "the other side" does it.

So, is what Clinton did okay? If not, then hold your marvelous nominee to the same standard. Simply saying "well, this guy did it, too!" is justifying the activity and making a hypocrite of yourself if you actually disapprove of it. If Democrats can't get blowjobs, but Republicans can, then your double-standard isn't going to work.
Well it's obvious he had never considered his future as president when making those comments. I promise I have heard much worse on construction sites.
This is why I hate smear politics. It has ruined many viable candidates in the past. Not to say he is the one.

I promise you this much. If I ran for president, my past would come back to haunt me big time. I was a very bad boy when I was younger. But the man I am now is not the same person.
Yes trump has said awful things, who hasnt. But Billy boy Clinton gets a pass for the things he did in the white House. It's amazing how people get hung up on things.
Let me say this, neither is fit for the white House. And one should be in prison for her acts . It just shows you the mindset of the people. Then you get nut jobs like strum and chick who scream I told you so all the while never having a solution based in reality. I love OOTB, but it is a prime example as to what is wrong with this country
Trump was NEVER a "viable candidate." He did this as a goof.
I'm just about officially done. This country sucks and all my sports teams are dogshit. I'm moving my family to Australia. I don't care to hear about stats about them, and I have never been there...but they have a beach, it's warm, I never hear of terrorist attacks / rainbow parades being force-fed, and they have Crocodile Dundee. I like my chances. You guys can have this dumpster fire of a place here. Adios, good folks.
I'm just about officially done. This country sucks and all my sports teams are dogshit. I'm moving my family to Australia. I don't care to hear about stats about them, and I have never been there...but they have a beach, it's warm, I never hear of terrorist attacks / rainbow parades being force-fed, and they have Crocodile Dundee. I like my chances. You guys can have this dumpster fire of a place here. Adios, good folks.
Good day mate.
I'm just about officially done. This country sucks and all my sports teams are dogshit. I'm moving my family to Australia. I don't care to hear about stats about them, and I have never been there...but they have a beach, it's warm, I never hear of terrorist attacks / rainbow parades being force-fed, and they have Crocodile Dundee. I like my chances. You guys can have this dumpster fire of a place here. Adios, good folks.
The country sucks?

Dude, this country is AWESOME! This world is incredible. If your happiness revolves around the success of people running around on sports fields and courts, you'll likely be disappointed more often than not.

I'm wondering, as I noticed the Chick asked earlier; What the hell is so wrong here? I guarantee if you turn that television off, the world looks much better.
The country sucks?

Dude, this country is AWESOME! This world is incredible. If your happiness revolves around the success of people running around on sports fields and courts, you'll likely be disappointed more often than not.

I'm wondering, as I noticed the Chick asked earlier; What the hell is so wrong here? I guarantee if you turn that television off, the world looks much better.

I believe you missed the sarcasm. :/
Amazing. These women who were supposedly sexually assaulted by Bill Clinton can now support another sexual deviant?????? I guess prostituting yourself to another one is a good way to get redemption.

They'd have more credibility to have just come out and spoken out against Bill and Hillary minus Trump in all ways and let people seriously think about the character of the Clintons. Now they look like a bunch of Trump hookers getting paid to say things about how great they think Trump is when he clearly is just as disgusting as Bill is. No credibility at all. Stupid asses!
Nevermind all that though because Trump says mean and improper things.
This is really helping the voters know what kinds of policies and conditions to expect under a presidency of these candidates isn't it?

Trump makes crude comments about how he's maligned and made unwanted advances toward women, and then defends that by trotting-out women that another guy did the same thing... who happens to be married to his opposing candidate. That's class, man.
This is really helping the voters know what kinds of policies and conditions to expect under a presidency of these candidates isn't it?

Trump makes crude comments about how he's maligned and made unwanted advances toward women, and then defends that by trotting-out women that another guy did the same thing... who happens to be married to his opposing candidate. That's class, man.

He's giving those women a voice. Shame on you for denigrating victims of rape.
Nevermind all that though because Trump says mean and improper things.
Let Trump walk up to me and grab my genitalia because he thinks he can. His ass would have an assault charge against him. (Unless I decided to take him to the ground and rip his testicles off and let him enjoy how great he must think they taste!!!). He is equally as disgusting as Bill, period! I wouldn't spit on either one if they were on fire!

Of course you're gonna worship the dumbass no matter what. Hell, he could probably walk up and grope your wife (because HE CAN) and you'd offer to buy him a room for him to assault her in. You're so brainwashed because you hate the woman running against him!!! I don't like her either and guess what??? I'm not voting for her crooked ass either!!! My complete dislike for Trump is not enough to give her ass my vote either. I'm not selling out. I'm better than that! Obviously you're not.
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