@BillyL You want to grab a bite to eat and go over his post or have you already eaten lunch?
I just now finished lunch, 0910 . . thank-you for the tag, good sir.
I'm beginning to think that Davey-boy has some serious mental problems to deal with, its evident that he's likely had some mommy-issues growing up, some folks just can't cut loose the umbilical cord.
The emotional meltdown displayed over on Raider was of epic proportions, he just simple lacks the ability to control himself, and that speaks volumes about him IMO.
Let's review this assclown's recent reactive posts over on that now locked thread :
I posted this @ 9:10 PM Monday, and I quoted no one in doing so :
The concern with Platek is more that he has a lower release point than a slow release. If, left open he'll hit a lot of his shots, but, if a defender can stay close to him, getting a clean shot off becomes much more difficult.
To which Gary-7 immediately followed up with & quoted me:
"That is more accurate. Like many kids who start young he still releases somewhat low. Not Wes Miller low --- more Bobby Frasor low. That being said his stroke is more compact and thus more consistent than Bobby's, and watching him live I can tell you, because of his aforementioned fundamentals, a defender better close out fast when he decides to shoot --- that ball is on its way to the hoop with no wasted motion."
Nothing wrong with that post, and do keep in mind that the Southr follows G-7 around like an 11 year old with a boy-crush on his best friend, so, you know he must have read it.
Yesterday morning, Write-a-Book quotes the same message Gary did :
"LOLOLOL "but, if a defender can stay close to him, getting a clean shot off becomes much more difficult." ? Ya think? Ya mean if a defender can stay close to a shooter it makes the shot harder? Who knew, well this totally changes the game doesn't it?
My response was this :
Was it really that funny . . ? I'd respond a little further Davey, but, then you'd get all flustered and have to email your mommy for help.
Shortly after, Moderator Mikey interjects his thoughts regarding my post :
"Have to agree with you. Bout a half stupid post Dave! Guess we all make em.
One would think that mommy's little boy would have gotten the hint and would just leave it alone. Instead he boldly goes where no sane man would with this retort first thing this AM after eating his third bowl of Froot Loops :
"Hey lil billy, what words of wisdom would you like to share with us next, the fact that water is wet?
Whats wrong lil billy, get bored sucking your thumb so ya wanted to try to join a grown ups conversation and I call you on saying something silly? These to many words for ya to read all at one time, maybe you can get one of your boys to read them to ya."
Is that some weak-ass BS or what . . ?
4 minutes after his post JuleZ replies :
Immediately, Mikey quotes JuleZ and posts :
You 2 use the private message to air this out, not here in public view."
I'm typing out this response and missed ModMikey's post . .
"Yet another #ASSCLOWNPOST from a long-winded bag of hot air.
Just stop it, Davey-boy . . you are only embarrassing yourself further."
Mikey posts :
"And for the last time!"
Southr continues on with his personal attack ignoring the mod's request/direction :
"I don't know what has inspired you to become a total jerk and I don't care. I have treated you in the past respectfully and yet for some reason you have felt the need to be a jerk. You prove with every word how silly and and petty you can be. Grown man that has to revert to hash tag nonsense, what are you 12?
I don't know what happened to you billy, that dropped you off the deep end, you used to be at least a decent poster. But it is as if you have separated from sanity and really, seems like you need professional help."
My last post on that thread :
"Apparently, somebody didn't notice the moderator's two requests to stop with the personal attacks."
Now, he has come over to OOTB and evidently feels the need to slight me yet again :
Good for you, step 1 was being able to quote what I said, step 2 is reading it to billy so he can understand it, think you can handle that.
Davey boy, I'm sorry for all the butthurt you've brought onto yourself . . please seek some help . .