And... WHY is it JFK Jr.???
What an oddball choice of a character to place in your mythical construct. Not only was he fairly inconsequential, historically. But, I think he was kind of... um... "less than stellar" intellectually, especiathis is hilarious stuff and so typical of the libtard approach. An individual espouses belief in a higher being and a moral existence, and that translates to the GOP being controlled by religious zealots. Barry Goldwater doesn't care for discrimination against gays, apparently in contrast to the millions of conservatives who are out all night with their lanterns and torches and pitchforks, ferreting out gays to burn at the stake and otherwise slaughter.
And on and on and on. It's sickening, the lengths they go to to demonize normal people who just want to live normal, decent lives while they drag us farther and farther into the fringes of depravity. I wonder what Barry would say about crushing the skull of a baby just before it's born so that some self-centered POS could be free of responsibility for the life she carelessly created.....with libs applauding...nay, cheering....her right to do so.
And I wonder what he said about his own demonization by these same character assassins who ruined his chances of becoming president over a harmless joke about lobbing one in the men's room while it was occupied by commies. OOoooo, better watch ou
LOL. but here we are citing Barry Goldwater. Hypocrites.