OOTB's Political Thread . ..

There is way more at stake than the individual egos of each person battling gender dysphoria. The collective well being of our society and the fragile emotional state of many children for starters. Kids are impressionable. And I’m not willing to risk their mental health for the sake of yours or anyone else that supposedly is really struggling with gender dysphoria. And don’t tell me that non-trans people don’t all of a sudden become trans. That’s right, they don’t. But impressionable kids who are looking for a sense of belonging anywhere they can find it will try anything for acceptance. It has already ruined lives. You know this.

You bring up that people for centuries have dealt with such? How did it turn out for them in those civilizations? They were not accepted. More times than not, they were shamed and outcast. Have you seen Matt Walsh’s What Is A Woman? I haven’t. But from what I understand, he speaks with people from cultures all around the world that seem to believe in traditional gender roles. They believe those roles have shaped the cultures in which they live. And I’m not saying people like you should be stoned. We live in a modern society and I agree, we have learned some things. But this is your cross to bear. And yours alone. Meaning, you recognize that for the greater good, you carry this burden alone, and not depending on others to make you feel valid. Live your life. Be whatever you want. But when you show up to a job interview with your Adam’s apple, then wear a suit and not a dress. When you go use the bathroom, use the one that is in keeping with how the masses perceive you. As I’ve said before, the onus to adjust is on you, not the rest of us.

As for the nasty things we’ve said, I want to make sure you know I’ve said those things to you because I find you to be a little mouthy, know-it-all, liberal, twerp and not because you’re battling gender dysphoria (assuming you really are). I’ve never bullied anyone for being different and if you talked to people I grew up with, they’d tell you that I often stuck up for kids that were outsiders. The difference is those outsider kids I stuck up for never had me go to bat for them and then rubbed everyone else’s nose in it. They deserved a champion because of their meekness. When you act like a victim and fail to understand the bigger movement you’re behind, you’re essentially rubbing everyone else’s nose in it instead of dealing with your own internal shit yourself like a …man(?).

I will reiterate that I’m sorry for your condition. But I will not budge on what I feel is the bigger issue - the normalizing of potentially detrimental rhetoric from those on your side.
There is way more at stake than the individual egos of each person battling gender dysphoria. The collective well being of our society and the fragile emotional state of many children for starters. Kids are impressionable. And I’m not willing to risk their mental health for the sake of yours or anyone else that supposedly is really struggling with gender dysphoria. And don’t tell me that non-trans people don’t all of a sudden become trans. That’s right, they don’t. But impressionable kids who are looking for a sense of belonging anywhere they can find it will try anything for acceptance. It has already ruined lives. You know this.

You bring up that people for centuries have dealt with such? How did it turn out for them in those civilizations? They were not accepted. More times than not, they were shamed and outcast. Have you seen Matt Walsh’s What Is A Woman? I haven’t. But from what I understand, he speaks with people from cultures all around the world that seem to believe in traditional gender roles. They believe those roles have shaped the cultures in which they live. And I’m not saying people like you should be stoned. We live in a modern society and I agree, we have learned some things. But this is your cross to bear. And yours alone. Meaning, you recognize that for the greater good, you carry this burden alone, and not depending on others to make you feel valid. Live your life. Be whatever you want. But when you show up to a job interview with your Adam’s apple, then wear a suit and not a dress. When you go use the bathroom, use the one that is in keeping with how the masses perceive you. As I’ve said before, the onus to adjust is on you, not the rest of us.

As for the nasty things we’ve said, I want to make sure you know I’ve said those things to you because I find you to be a little mouthy, know-it-all, liberal, twerp and not because you’re battling gender dysphoria (assuming you really are). I’ve never bullied anyone for being different and if you talked to people I grew up with, they’d tell you that I often stuck up for kids that were outsiders. The difference is those outsider kids I stuck up for never had me go to bat for them and then rubbed everyone else’s nose in it. They deserved a champion because of their meekness. When you act like a victim and fail to understand the bigger movement you’re behind, you’re essentially rubbing everyone else’s nose in it instead of dealing with your own internal shit yourself like a …man(?).

I will reiterate that I’m sorry for your condition. But I will not budge on what I feel is the bigger issue - the normalizing of potentially detrimental rhetoric from those on your side.
There is way more at stake than the individual egos of each person battling gender dysphoria. The collective well being of our society and the fragile emotional state of many children for starters.

Kids are impressionable, yes. But they also have a strong sense of their own expression from a young age. They also don't get hung up on the trivial things adults do. I don't know what makes a person trans or not trans, that's not my judgment call, but I will say that the idea of 'protect the children' has been a homophobic dogwhistle for a long time. People in the 70s and 80s believed gay men had to recruit young boys because they couldn't naturally reproduce. There are many things that harm children, too many. My presence and acceptance in public life isn't one of them.

And don’t tell me that non-trans people don’t all of a sudden become trans.

There is a specific criteria for what makes a person transgender. People don't suddenly become that way. They're born that way. It's not a social contagion.

You bring up that people for centuries have dealt with such? How did it turn out for them in those civilizations? They were not accepted. More times than not, they were shamed and outcast. Have you seen Matt Walsh’s What Is A Woman? I haven’t. But from what I understand, he speaks with people from cultures all around the world that seem to believe in traditional gender roles. They believe those roles have shaped the cultures in which they live. And I’m not saying people like you should be stoned. We live in a modern society and I agree, we have learned some things.

You're right. We have learned things. And we will continue to learn things. It's part of being human. To grow, to learn, and change our minds about what we previously misunderstood.

To the extent that each specific culture accepted or didn't accept non gender conforming people, I don't know. I don't think using the past is always a good measure of how we should behave in the present. People weren't wiser simply because gender non conforming people were looked down upon and ostracized.

However, if there's one person you shouldn't trust on this topic, it's Matt Walsh. I'm not even saying you should listen to me, but he cherry picked the shit out of that film. That is a person who has a true agenda against transgender people and he's the kind of person who does want to stone people. His rheotric on social media is to put it mildly, utterly vile.

Meaning, you recognize that for the greater good, you carry this burden alone, and not depending on others to make you feel valid. Live your life. Be whatever you want. But when you show up to a job interview with your Adam’s apple, then wear a suit and not a dress. When you go use the bathroom, use the one that is in keeping with how the masses perceive you. As I’ve said before, the onus to adjust is on you, not the rest of us.

Well, thankfully I do use the bathroom in keeping with how the masses perceive me. I feel like your idea of a trans person is that of a twenty three year old, hairy, overweight slob, with blue hair, tattoos, and a nose ring screaming about the patriarchy. I'm well past the territory of worrying about an Adam's apple or being perceived as a man. I love wearing dresses to work. It's kind of ironic that you're saying the onus is on me to adjust when that's exactly what I'm trying to do 😂 I didn't like looking like a man so I successfully changed that.

I will reiterate that I’m sorry for your condition. But I will not budge on what I feel is the bigger issue - the normalizing of potentially detrimental rhetoric from those on your side.

Well I appreciate the sentiment, but I don't need you to feel sorry for me. And I mean that in the most respectful way possible. Because I'm so much happier than I was before. Life is 100 times better. Making the choice to transition saved my life. Whatever rhetoric you hear from certain people on my side or what's reported on Fox news (who I'm sure loves to showcase glowering examples of trans people in every day life) I don't have an agenda. Just that being trans doesn't make us wrong, a threat, or give the right for state governments to start targeting us.
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It's like he might really be appalled that the Capitol was vandalized and desecrated... but, he can't accept that Trump supporters would actually do that, so he invents a scapegoat (Antifa, the CIA, the Seven Dwarfs, whoever) as being the ones that actually perpetrated the destruction.
You guys just believe lies. Antifa just firebombed a police training facility after killing a cop, and somehow Jan 6ers are the real domestic terrorists?
The Shaman guy escorted by cops for a tour of the Capitol and at one point, by himself with no other protestors, walks meekly with 10 cops around him and they are trying to find a door that isn't locked so he can get on the floor of Congress, and that guy is a terrorist or insurrectionist?

You are disgusting to participate like so many in sending harmless people like that guy to prison.


I'm not responding directly to this kook but just to confirm, when someone uses the NY Post as a source it pretty much means they've lost all credibility right? lol
You are calling someone else a kook. At least most understand whether they are male or female and that lines up with their chromosomes.

Why isn't he being arrested? Instead they are escorting him in.

You are calling someone else a kook. At least most understand whether they are male or female and that lines up with their chromosomes.

Why isn't he being arrested? Instead they are escorting him in.

Still haven’t answered about Dred Scott.
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certainly understand why some would want it and my reasoning is mostly because I do not have the ability to choose my insurance provider.
There are lots of things that fall into this bucket imo. "care" in healthcare is a hard thing to define. 2020 i didn't like insurance covering care for people with covid who were callous about the pandemic and elected not to vax.

My premiums go up because people can't avoid soda, fast-food and the couch, do those diabetics deserve more care than someone NEEDING to transition to avoid becoming suicidal or otherwise unhealthy?

People don't choose to be diabetic, they also don't choose gender dysphoria.

Side note, there is a ton of counseling and psychiatric protocol before treatments related to transitioning (or coping without transition) do we need the same outside every McDonald's.
There is way more at stake than the individual egos of each person battling gender dysphoria. The collective well being of our society and the fragile emotional state of many children for starters. Kids are impressionable. And I’m not willing to risk their mental health for the sake of yours or anyone else that supposedly is really struggling with gender dysphoria. And don’t tell me that non-trans people don’t all of a sudden become trans. That’s right, they don’t. But impressionable kids who are looking for a sense of belonging anywhere they can find it will try anything for acceptance. It has already ruined lives. You know this. .
What a crock of shit. People don't learn to be gay or have gender id issues.

If some kid seeks acceptance in the trans community, don't drive them into the closet, cuz whether they actually have gender dysphoria or not the closet will make matters worse for everyone (some old grandparents aside).
Well that's pretty much where the crux of our own vociferous disagreement begins and ends: that we are mentally ill and somehow not stable because of it.

People have used the excuse of mental illness to disregard or discredit many things: including gay people and women who disobeyed their husbands. We later understood that had nothing to do with it. It's the same thing here. There is a recorded history of individuals who do not conform to traditional gender ideals and even presented as the opposite sex. It's not something that came out of nowhere in the post modern world. Biden may have wanted a diversity pick, but we shouldn't judge her because she's trans that makes her mentally unfit, it's how she's performed at the job.

Now as for children, I don't believe in gender studies crash course in elementary school which serves no practical purpose. Let them have the space to figure things out. Let them just be. No one should assumed to be trans simply because a girl likes masculine things or a boy likes feminine things. But if there is vocalized desire to be the other gender, shaming and telling them that's not okay, is absolutely the wrong way to go. Kindness, patience, and taking them to a licensed therapist are the proper steps.

I think a lot of people are under the mistaken belief you can simply create an environment where being trans, gay, bi, etc. can just be socially eliminated from existence, which isn't true. I was raised in the most normal household imaginable. Didn't know what a trans person was until much later in life. Made no difference.

Lastly, I'm not special or brave for simply being myself. I only want to live my life free from legalized discrimination and do as I see fit without interference from the state. I'm not in the business of promoting anything. But if you consider working towards social acceptance 'promoting' than I guess we differ there too.

I don't wish any harm on you either despite the nasty shit we say to each other on a near daily basis. The issue hits real close to home for me. But I think a lot of people on this board misunderstand what being trans is and because of that, they react fearfully and negatively.

That's where I land. God bless.
more me me me.

" But if you consider working towards social acceptance 'promoting' than I guess we differ there too. "

no, those are two entirely different concepts

Because I'm so much happier than I was before. Life is 100 times better. Making the choice to transition saved my life. Whatever rhetoric you hear from certain people on my side or what's reported on Fox news (who I'm sure loves to showcase glowering examples of trans people in every day life) I don't have an agenda.
then why not leave it at that? You're happy and we're happy for you. Why all the non-promotional

seeking of social acceptance? You are accepted as an individual here but still you incessantly piss and moan about acceptance here.
What a crock of shit. People don't learn to be gay or have gender id issues.

If some kid seeks acceptance in the trans community, don't drive them into the closet, cuz whether they actually have gender dysphoria or not the closet will make matters worse for everyone (some old grandparents aside).

Lol. You a psychologist?

First of all, I wasn’t even talking to you but I can see you can’t control yourself from responding to my poasts. Jesus man, at least @Heels Noir denies his obsession with me. You seem to embrace it.

Secondly, nothing I said was inaccurate. I’ve been in and around the mental health field for 25 years and been successful. You write comments on message boards and do nerdy computer shit. I think I’ll go with my opinion.
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There are lots of things that fall into this bucket imo. "care" in healthcare is a hard thing to define. 2020 i didn't like insurance covering care for people with covid who were callous about the pandemic and elected not to vax.
So give coverage to people who have made life choices you like but not to those who have made choices you don't like? Bask in that hypocrisy buddy.

I love when women get boob jobs. I don't feel my insurance should cover that though.
My premiums go up because people can't avoid soda, fast-food and the couch,
So that's your fair argument. I don't have an answer to that other than in the past 30 years or so there's been a ton of money poured into trying to make Americans healthier and educating them about eating/exercise habits. Granted, the obesity rate has just gone up over that time so yeah, it's a good argument. I just don't have an answer to that one.
do those diabetics deserve more care than someone NEEDING to transition to avoid becoming suicidal or otherwise unhealthy?
We disagree on someone "NEEDING" to transition to avoid becoming suicidal. Do you have data that backs this up? Has suicide rate in trans people gone down as transition numbers have gone up? Has suicide rate gone down in trans people over the past 10 years? I don't think it has. So I'm wondering what facts you have to support your statement above?
People don't choose to be diabetic, they also don't choose gender dysphoria.
You're comparing apples and hand grenades.
Side note, there is a ton of counseling and psychiatric protocol before treatments related to transitioning (or coping without transition) do we need the same outside every McDonald's.
I don't understand this statement.
What a crock of shit. People don't learn to be gay or have gender id issues.

If some kid seeks acceptance in the trans community, don't drive them into the closet, cuz whether they actually have gender dysphoria or not the closet will make matters worse for everyone (some old grandparents aside).
Um, gender dysphoria is not innate. It is actually "learned" and can be induced like most psychological conditions. It's not a biological or genetic condition. It's also temporary for 80-98% of people suffering from it.
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My premiums go up because people can't avoid soda, fast-food and the couch, do those diabetics deserve more care than someone NEEDING to transition to avoid becoming suicidal or otherwise unhealthy?
this one actually made me chuckle a bit.

People drinking sodas does not make your premiums go up, and neither should the expense of transition procedures and care. Insurance does not cover the things that you voluntarily choose to do, it covers the consequences...if there even are identifiable consequences...of those choices.

Your analogy to transitioning would have insurance buying you that soda and a Big Mac. And it probably bears pointing out for clarity that the assumption that your premiums go up due to poor lifestyle choices is only a theoretical generalization. I'm not saying it isn't generally true, and I believe it is....I'm pointing out that connecting an individual insurance claim to those choices is not realistic and analogizes terribly. Covering a specific and elective trans procedure would be a different story.
People don't choose to be diabetic, they also don't choose gender dysphoria.
Addressing the first part, I want to correct this assertion and state that you are incorrect in this broad conclusion. Distinctions and specifics matter. Type 1 diabetics (formerly called juvenile diabetes) do not choose to be diabetic. Type 2 diabetics can be an entirely different matter. If one has genetics that make them predisposed to go down that path, there is very little that can be done. However, a large portion of the diabetic epidemic (and pre-diabetic diagnosis) in America is largely due to our own choices. Lack of exercise, weight gain, and dietary choices have a huge impact on the development of Type 2. Many can stop the progress of this disease or get themselves off medications if they simply made better choices from a lifestyle perspective. That being the case, it is most definitely a person's choice in many, many instances. But, getting our society to alter it's behavior is a big ask, particularly when people don't immediately feel any impact after making a choice to eat a particular meal or sit on the couch. It's cumulative over time.

As to gender dysphoria, I simply don't know. I'm guessing it's much like the age old debate over homosexuality. I suspect there is a certain percentage that are born or wired that way. Then, I think there is a certain percentage that join the team for a variety of reasons. Thus, it would be a mix where one situation is not a choice and another situation where it is indeed a choice. Absolutes are always dangerous in these scenarios.
So give coverage to people who have made life choices you like but not to those who have made choices you don't like? Bask in that hypocrisy buddy.
That's my point. Everyone has their definition of elective vs necessary and "life choice". It's all apples vs grenades. I'm sure most people agree the counseling and psych services that people grappling with gender id issues should 100% be covered, but I also believe if those protocols from those services and evals point to varying degrees of transition being necessary then transition should be covered too.

We disagree on someone "NEEDING" to transition to avoid becoming suicidal. Do you have data that backs this up? Has suicide rate in trans people gone down as transition numbers have gone up? Has suicide rate gone down in trans people over the past 10 years? I don't think it has. So I'm wondering what facts you have to support your statement above?
I don't. And I understand that whether degrees of transition are medically necessary is a tough question. Suicide is one part, but a person becoming unhealthy because they can't get any treatment will likely burden the healthcare system at some point down the line though.

I'm not responding directly to this kook but just to confirm, when someone uses the NY Post as a source it pretty much means they've lost all credibility right? lol
So, are you suggesting that the NY Post has altered the video? Just because one does not like the source doesn't mean it is not of value. The video posted last night by Carlson, which is what the NY Post is using, was shocking. It was shocking because it was so NOT the story that has been beat into us.

Just a simple example of the manipulation of perception. The J6 production showed the world video of Senator Hawley running across a hallway, which elicited laughter from the "hearing" room audience, and used it to paint him as a wuss, etc. What they didn't show was the earlier part of the video from mere seconds or less before where a dozen or more of his colleagues (I'm guessing from both parties) had done the exact same thing running in front of him.

It is amazing that after all the discussion here previously about the horrible orangeman leading his troops up the Capitol steps to create a path of destruction, no one is debating this because @randman1 dared to use the NY Post as a source.

Lame excuse if you ask me. Fine, the NY Post isn't respected. Go to your trusted sources, the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Watch the video. Of course, I haven't looked there and there is a good chance they don't have it posted. One should ask why.
Addressing the first part, I want to correct this assertion and state that you are incorrect in this broad conclusion. Distinctions and specifics matter. Type 1 diabetics (formerly called juvenile diabetes) do not choose to be diabetic. Type 2 diabetics can be an entirely different matter. If one has genetics that make them predisposed to go down that path, there is very little that can be done.
Good point.
However, a large portion of the diabetic epidemic (and pre-diabetic diagnosis) in America is largely due to our own choices. Lack of exercise, weight gain, and dietary choices have a huge impact on the development of Type 2. Many can stop the progress of this disease or get themselves off medications if they simply made better choices from a lifestyle perspective. That being the case, it is most definitely a person's choice in many, many instances. But, getting our society to alter it's behavior is a big ask, particularly when people don't immediately feel any impact after making a choice to eat a particular meal or sit on the couch. It's cumulative over time.
Yeah. We're lucky that we live in a place and time that we can poison ourselves while ALSO affording treatment for that poison. And for the record i believe people with bad lifestyle choices do deserve medical care even if i'm paying for part of it (even those avoiding the vax).
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Yeah. We're lucky that we live in a place and time that we can poison ourselves while ALSO affording treatment for that poison. And for the record i believe people with bad lifestyle choices do deserve medical care even if i'm paying for part of it (even those avoiding the vax).
This is also part of our mentality as a society that must super frustrate healthcare types. Something is wrong with us? Hmmm, what to do? Don't fix the underlying, root cause, just give me a pill.
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It was the Fesurrection.

The Ray Epps breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.

Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing"

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First of all, I wasn’t even talking to you but I can see you can’t control yourself from responding to my poasts. Jesus man, at least @Heels Noir denies his obsession with me. You seem to embrace it.
So posters can only respond to posts directly at them?

And is it possible I was responding to the message not the messenger? Weren't we just talking about narcissism?

And guess what, narcissism is driven by insecurity
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Um, gender dysphoria is not innate. It is actually "learned" and can be induced like most psychological conditions. It's not a biological or genetic condition. It's also temporary for 80-98% of people suffering from it.
The question of whether sexuality or gender issues might not be 100% innate is an interesting one. Too bad it is hard to take anything you type seriously.
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It was the Fesurrection.

The Ray Epps breach team thus set up a booby trap by pushing back the police, then hauling away the “restricted area” signage, the chain fencing, and the metal barricades—all while tens of thousands were still at the Trump rally. Without police present or “do not enter” signs prominently visible, people leaving Trump’s speech and arriving at the Capitol entrance would have no idea it was illegal to walk through the gate, or onto the lawn, or up to the Capitol steps. After all, this entire area is ordinarily open to the public.

Instead, they heard friendly music and saw the main walkway to the Capitol grounds wide open. These unwitting Trump supporters had no idea they had just crossed an invisible tripwire that would later subject them to federal prosecution for trespassing"

This is the best, so far. Friendly music??? Hilarious.
Um, gender dysphoria is not innate. It is actually "learned" and can be induced like most psychological conditions. It's not a biological or genetic condition. It's also temporary for 80-98% of people suffering from it.

Lol please stop talking as if you know anything about this topic. Are you in the medical field? Are you a psychologist? Are you trans yourself? If not, take your ass elsewhere.
So, are you suggesting that the NY Post has altered the video? Just because one does not like the source doesn't mean it is not of value. The video posted last night by Carlson, which is what the NY Post is using, was shocking. It was shocking because it was so NOT the story that has been beat into us.

Just a simple example of the manipulation of perception. The J6 production showed the world video of Senator Hawley running across a hallway, which elicited laughter from the "hearing" room audience, and used it to paint him as a wuss, etc. What they didn't show was the earlier part of the video from mere seconds or less before where a dozen or more of his colleagues (I'm guessing from both parties) had done the exact same thing running in front of him.

It is amazing that after all the discussion here previously about the horrible orangeman leading his troops up the Capitol steps to create a path of destruction, no one is debating this because @randman1 dared to use the NY Post as a source.

Lame excuse if you ask me. Fine, the NY Post isn't respected. Go to your trusted sources, the NYT, WaPo, CNN, MSNBC, etc. Watch the video. Of course, I haven't looked there and there is a good chance they don't have it posted. One should ask why.

Yeah, I watched the video. It changes nothing. And I don’t appreciate Tucker’s half assed attempt at painting J6 as a bunch of harmless tourists who just wanted to talk.
Which was provided by the CIA.
And, Antifa, the FBI, BLM, and Hunter's laptop made a cameo. How can you possibly be held accountable when all of those things are conspiring against you?

And, objective sources like Revolver News is proof-positive that it was a ruse and that those MAGA folks were just there to share their love for America.

And, Antifa, the FBI, BLM, and Hunter's laptop made a cameo. How can you possibly be held accountable when all of those things are conspiring against you?

And, objective sources like Revolver News is proof-positive that it was a ruse and that those MAGA folks were just there to share their love for America.

You expect people to read a left wing extremist site like Forbes? Did you not see how bad their coverage of Hunter's laptop was?
Yeah, I watched the video. It changes nothing. And I don’t appreciate Tucker’s half assed attempt at painting J6 as a bunch of harmless tourists who just wanted to talk.
And therein lies the issue. It should change something because the truth is not what we've been sold. Granted, it may not be the walk in the park that you will take Tucker's presentation as, but the reality is likely somewhere in the middle of those two points.

Incidentally, I don't know if you've seen the video beyond the clip of the idiot J6 Shaman, but it does show a bunch of harmless tourists who are just milling around taking selfies (they didn't even want to talk). They also confirmed that there is over 41K hours of video. Most of it shows empty offices and empty hallways. That in and of itself is significant from the standpoint that things were not necessarily totally overrun and occupied as we would have thought.

You should see the video of the Officer who was supposed killed by the mob. It shows him perfectly fine and no restriction of movement, no injuries, even wearing a helmet AFTER he was supposedly assaulted with a fire extinguisher or otherwise attacked.
You expect people to read a left wing extremist site like Forbes? Did you not see how bad their coverage of Hunter's laptop was?
We don't have objective sources. That way, there's never a dull moment.

I just love that comment of "friendly music."
We don't have objective sources. That way, there's never a dull moment.

I just love that comment of "friendly music."
I'm curious to know what they were playing that was friendly. Maybe some yacht rock? Taylor Swift? The Barney theme song? Or maybe they meant it literally and it was the Friends theme song. So many possibilities.
And therein lies the issue. It should change something because the truth is not what we've been sold. Granted, it may not be the walk in the park that you will take Tucker's presentation as, but the reality is likely somewhere in the middle of those two points.

Incidentally, I don't know if you've seen the video beyond the clip of the idiot J6 Shaman, but it does show a bunch of harmless tourists who are just milling around taking selfies (they didn't even want to talk). They also confirmed that there is over 41K hours of video. Most of it shows empty offices and empty hallways. That in and of itself is significant from the standpoint that things were not necessarily totally overrun and occupied as we would have thought.

You should see the video of the Officer who was supposed killed by the mob. It shows him perfectly fine and no restriction of movement, no injuries, even wearing a helmet AFTER he was supposedly assaulted with a fire extinguisher or otherwise attacked.

Well I don't know about that last one or when he died.

What I do know is that two things can be true at the same time. I'm sure there were people just harmlessly milling about not doing much. I'm sure some of the officers and security people were calmly trying to get them out. But there's other video footage that shows people behaving violently, forcing their way in, gnashing, screaming, and make no mistake if some of them got their hands on actual Senators/representatives it would have gotten ugly.

It also doesn't take away from the fact they shouldn't have been inside in the first place. It doesn't take away the wrongly believed an election to be stolen. And the that erroneous belief was perpetuated by the former President.