for there to be a lawsuit for damages, tangible damage has to be demonstrated. Just because there is no easily demonstrated tangible damage, doesn't mean lies haven't been told. Lies galore have been promulgated by the left wing media...and you know that's true. Those lies have been damaging to the country, but not in a way that can be boiled down to dollars and cents, and not that can be assigned to any particular claimant.
Additionally, the first amendment as interpreted almost guarantees the right to lie, even if those lies are for the purpose of selling the product of 'news'.
The entity that settled with Fox had a good case of being able to show damages in monetary terms. And as I have pointed out here not long ago, the justice system is often not much more than legal extortion, where the party being sued or accused has to weigh the damage of a trial itself against actual justice being served. The defendant is basically leveraged into a settlement. I'm sure this factored in with this settlement.
And if we take this to a logical conclusion, you can define a media lie as purporting to tell the truth while not telling the entire truth, and not providing a balance wherein all sides of an issue are reported....or not reporting on an issue at all. Many oaths taken before testimony in a court of law commit one to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'. The media is not bound by those terms. That is why Fox News has been so popular; they have addressed those stories that the left wing media has refused to explore. In that regard, the left wing media has been not much more than one massive lie for the last number of years and beyond. A massive lie that YOU wanted to hear, and nothing more. And you have the audacity to snicker about Fox News. LMAO.
To deny the truth of this is obscenely wrong....but not at all unusual here.