OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Same reason for hiding the other stuff, corruption.

Mom still living there since 2014 and hasn't a penny in paid rent.

thanks for pointing these things out. Now please point out anything actually illegal instead of merely insinuating illegality. .

The bolded was a nice humorous touch, BTW. 'Because you know, corruption'. LOL.
thanks for pointing these things out. Now please point out anything actually illegal instead of merely insinuating illegality. .

The bolded was a nice humorous touch, BTW. 'Because you know, corruption'. LOL.
google "Conflict of interest" then ponder why that might be a problem in any branch of gov.
Maybe I’ve been naive about these judges and have held them to an impossible standard. I’ve always felt safe and secure in thinking they were above the political fray. This makes me doubt that. But it’s not a hill I’m gonna die on.
Any facade that they were above the political fray was lost when the most recent one refused to (or was unable to) define what a woman is.
google "Conflict of interest" then ponder why that might be a problem in any branch of gov.
OK. First, ponder demonstrating the conflict of interest I'm supposed to be concerned with before I waste my time. I don't mean the innuendo you've conjured up in your liberal hate-filled little noggin, I mean one that translates directly into the breaking of a law current at the time of the law-breaking. Remember, you have to actually show the conflict of interest and why it is in fact a conflict, and not just the usual insinuation of a conflict or broken law.
next google ethical standards and how they impact trust and confidence in the judicial system.
blah blah blah. How about that conflict of interest you were supposed to nail down for me? If you manage to provide that, I won't have to point out that any mistrust of the judicial system that resides in your one-track psyche isn't due to some inconsequential real estate transaction, but in the political leanings of whoever it is you're trying to smear.

On the other hand, MY mistrust of the judicial system doesn't stem from politics, but in the fact, for example, that a majority of justices (who happened to have liberal leanings) could decide to say F the Constitution and write law instead of leaving that to the legislature as in Roe v. Wade.

Want to talk about actual SCOTUS impropriety instead of insinuated impropriety?
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Some Americans are too stupid to be gun owners. Give 'em the firing squad!
'gun culture' bad. 'Fear culture' bad. So...fear gun culture? SHOOT gun culture? LOL, the liberal 'mind' is a terrible thing.
A child tries out a gun during the National Rifle Association annual convention.

I too think this is a bad look but certainly for a different reason than you. Bad trigger discipline. His parent is a bad firearm owner. My kids know that their finger doesn't ever touch the trigger until the weapon is going to be fired. Because I taught them that as a responsible firearm owner.
Why weren't the cheerleaders and people accidentally going to the wrong doors and driveways simply wearing more kevlar?

Why weren't the cheerleaders and people accidentally going to the wrong doors and driveways simply wearing more kevlar?

I'm going to have to agree with you here. This automobile-derived violence has to stop! Here we had a parking lot full of these dangerous vehicles, any of which could have been mistakenly approached and entry attempted, sparking the sort of senseless violence that took place.

Many will try to pin the blame on the shooter, but common sense dictates that had there not been a vehicle to erroneously seek entry into, there would have been no reason for the arrested individual to become psychotically violent.

We need stronger background checks on vehicle ownership and ongoing, in-depth training in the use thereof....including recognition-of-one's-own-vehicle training.
I too think this is a bad look but certainly for a different reason than you. Bad trigger discipline. His parent is a bad firearm owner. My kids know that their finger doesn't ever touch the trigger until the weapon is going to be fired. Because I taught them that as a responsible firearm owner.
Don't make assumptions. He might be getting ready to shoot the cameraman. As @coryfly would say, leave no witnesses.
Don't make assumptions. He might be getting ready to shoot the cameraman. As @coryfly would say, leave no witnesses.
can we at least assume that if you are going to eliminate a witness, it would behoove you to do so before he takes a picture of you aiming at him and pulling the trigger?
lol at a liberal deriding a media outlet for 'telling the lies you want to believe'.
How many HUNDRED million dollars did PBS, NPR, BBC and others paid out this week while admitting to lying to their viewers? You have been watching and lapping up disinformation.
How many HUNDRED million dollars did PBS, NPR, BBC and others paid out this week while admitting to lying to their viewers? You have been watching and lapping up disinformation.
for there to be a lawsuit for damages, tangible damage has to be demonstrated. Just because there is no easily demonstrated tangible damage, doesn't mean lies haven't been told. Lies galore have been promulgated by the left wing media...and you know that's true. Those lies have been damaging to the country, but not in a way that can be boiled down to dollars and cents, and not that can be assigned to any particular claimant.

Additionally, the first amendment as interpreted almost guarantees the right to lie, even if those lies are for the purpose of selling the product of 'news'.

The entity that settled with Fox had a good case of being able to show damages in monetary terms. And as I have pointed out here not long ago, the justice system is often not much more than legal extortion, where the party being sued or accused has to weigh the damage of a trial itself against actual justice being served. The defendant is basically leveraged into a settlement. I'm sure this factored in with this settlement.

And if we take this to a logical conclusion, you can define a media lie as purporting to tell the truth while not telling the entire truth, and not providing a balance wherein all sides of an issue are reported....or not reporting on an issue at all. Many oaths taken before testimony in a court of law commit one to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'. The media is not bound by those terms. That is why Fox News has been so popular; they have addressed those stories that the left wing media has refused to explore. In that regard, the left wing media has been not much more than one massive lie for the last number of years and beyond. A massive lie that YOU wanted to hear, and nothing more. And you have the audacity to snicker about Fox News. LMAO.

To deny the truth of this is obscenely wrong....but not at all unusual here.
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~ Trump Supporter
* He might need a brand new pillow to help him sleep tonight after offering to pay 5 million to anyone who could
disprove his claim that China interfered in the 2020 election. Zeidman did, then won an arbitration dispute.
The data provided by Lindell was found to be from a different election than 2020. 😬 Oops.
for there to be a lawsuit for damages, tangible damage has to be demonstrated. Just because there is no easily demonstrated tangible damage, doesn't mean lies haven't been told. Lies galore have been promulgated by the left wing media...and you know that's true. Those lies have been damaging to the country, but not in a way that can be boiled down to dollars and cents, and not that can be assigned to any particular claimant.

Additionally, the first amendment as interpreted almost guarantees the right to lie, even if those lies are for the purpose of selling the product of 'news'.

The entity that settled with Fox had a good case of being able to show damages in monetary terms. And as I have pointed out here not long ago, the justice system is often not much more than legal extortion, where the party being sued or accused has to weigh the damage of a trial itself against actual justice being served. The defendant is basically leveraged into a settlement. I'm sure this factored in with this settlement.

And if we take this to a logical conclusion, you can define a media lie as purporting to tell the truth while not telling the entire truth, and not providing a balance wherein all sides of an issue are reported....or not reporting on an issue at all. Many oaths taken before testimony in a court of law commit one to 'tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth'. The media is not bound by those terms. That is why Fox News has been so popular; they have addressed those stories that the left wing media has refused to explore. In that regard, the left wing media has been not much more than one massive lie for the last number of years and beyond. A massive lie that YOU wanted to hear, and nothing more. And you have the audacity to snicker about Fox News. LMAO.

To deny the truth of this is obscenely wrong....but not at all unusual here.
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~ Trump Supporter
* He might need a brand new pillow to help him sleep tonight after offering to pay 5 million to anyone who could
disprove his claim that China interfered in the 2020 election. Zeidman did, then won an arbitration dispute.
The data provided by Lindell was found to be from a different election than 2020. 😬 Oops.
how do you show evidence of something you say didn't happen? Do you just show up and say 'I don't have anything, so I win'? If we're using common sense and basic logic, I can claim a unicorn ate my lunch withouit fear of you proving that that never happened.

There has to be some missing detail here. In any case, if paying this money out causes Lindell and his pillows to disappear, it's a win for me and for a hell of a lot of other people, of any political persuasion. I mean, I applaud his successful venture in capitalism, but damn man...if I need a pillow I'll call you.
How many HUNDRED million dollars did PBS, NPR, BBC and others paid out this week while admitting to lying to their viewers? You have been watching and lapping up disinformation.
I don't think FoxNews has admitted that they lied to their viewers at all. It wouldn't matter if they did. The lies have already told, believed and locked away as facts in the minds of the diehard Fox viewers.
look at you, childishly trying to get in the last word. BTW, Donald Duck, why is your hand disappearing under the covers as you dream about me? I bet you'll pull out a feather by mistake. Your obsession with me already bordered on the psychotic and now you're having sexual delusions. Please stop. Seriously..
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~ Trump Supporter
* He might need a brand new pillow to help him sleep tonight after offering to pay 5 million to anyone who could
disprove his claim that China interfered in the 2020 election. Zeidman did, then won an arbitration dispute.
The data provided by Lindell was found to be from a different election than 2020. 😬 Oops.


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