OOTB's Political Thread . ..

"Was the $133,363 price for the Thomas lots fair market value, as Crow maintains? It’s unclear, but Crow paid significantly less for other properties on the same street, buying two properties there for a combined $40,000."

"Federal law requires justices & other officials to disclose the details of most real estate sales of more than $1,000."

"The justice’s failure to report the sale suggests “Thomas was hiding a financial relationship with Crow,” said Kathleen Clark, a legal ethics expert at Washington University in St. Louis who reviewed years of Thomas’ disclosure filings."

"Thomas did not respond to requests for comment."
What's next for you guys, a round of knock-knock fart jokes?

Aren't you the guy who thought it was funny to call someone poopslinger?

I didn't create the nickname purely for laughs but rather to reflect the crap @gunslingerdick constantly tosses about here. If the shoe fits . . .
well thanks, Capt. Obvious. Derrrp.


You were trying to be funny and clever, just as you say and like the man asked. Get a clue. He's trying to tell you that 'obnoxious and juvenile' isn't 'funny and clever'.
You got to say one thing about these guys. They agree with each other, no matter what the subject is.

Isn't it the truth! They're like indoctrinated sock puppets enjoying having someone's hand up their ass.

lol, you couldn't make up the profound irony here. These two idiots, these notorious one-trick ponies, are in complete agreement with each other in trying to cast aspersions on others for being in agreement..

LMAO. A frigging night crawler has more self-awareness than these two morons.
I don't understand why average, law-abiding, citizens can't buy hand grenades. I don't think that's asking too much. It certainly is within the second amendment. I don't think that's debatable. I want to be able to get a bazooka, or an RPG, and the occasional tank, if I can afford it.
i agree! we're allowed to drive 3,000 lb vehicles that can go in excess of 100mph and kill (on average) over 100 people per day in the US. in other words, any "weapon" in the hands of the wrong person can be a major problem.
i agree! we're allowed to drive 3,000 lb vehicles that can go in excess of 100mph and kill (on average) over 100 people per day in the US. in other words, any "weapon" in the hands of the wrong person can be a major problem.
I want dibs on F-16's and maybe a B-52 if the mileage is low enough.
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lol, you couldn't make up the profound irony here. These two are in complete agreement with each other in trying to cast aspersions on others for being in agreement..
The difference is that @prlyles and I don't always agree. For example, while he thinks you're nothing more than an angry and bitter loser stubbornly set in your ways, I would argue you're more of a limp-wristed mama's boy who is too wimpish to change.
that's 100% true - SOME people are going to break laws, no matter what they are or how much they're enforced.
I don't see many criminals using tanks, hand grenades, F-16s, bazookas, or RPG's. I wonder why. I mean, criminals can get their hands on anything and everything.
The difference is that @prlyles and I don't always agree. For example, while he thinks you're nothing more than an angry and bitter loser stubbornly set in your ways, I would argue you're more of a limp-wristed mama's boy who is too wimpish to change.
Neither do I agree all the time with everyone else. But I didn't stupidly agree with a post ridiculing those who agree. Just admit it, you are inherently clueless.

And LOL at you calling someone limp-wristed, you practically type with a lisp. You're doubling down on irony here.
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and why would he hide them? As usual, I'm just waiting for the complete story (or non-story) to come out. For example, in your first posting, there was the implication that two other properties were sold under value as if in some shady deal. Now we learn that they were vacant lots, which I had already suspected since I don't happen to be desperately seeking some smoking gun here. And were these properties sold directly by Thomas, or by an entity connected to Thomas? I suspect that that is a good probability, that Thomas was only connected to whoever actually sold these properties.

And at the same time, did the then current law even require disclosure? This has all the earmarks of 'hit' journalism and of course, your usual smear posting. We'll see. Don't waste your time giving the usual half-assed explanations or rationalizations in the absence of facts. I'll just wait and see.
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wanna see some cringeworthy, Hillary Clinton-level of phoniness? Here you go. AOC addressing a Southern crowd trying to imitate a Southern accent. Almost makes your skin crawl, it's like reading a @Heels Noir post.

I bet she even has a bottle of hot sauce in her handbag.

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wanna see some cringeworthy, Hillary Clinton-level of phoniness? Here you go. AOC addressing a Southern crowd trying to imitate a Southern accent. Almost makes your skin crawl, it's like reading a @Heels Noir post.

I bet she even has a bottle of hot sauce in her handbag.

wow that's bad. did you notice how her accent waned the more she talked. what a fraud.
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bae titty gun GIF
I’ve always wanted a 50cal mounted in the back of my jeep like on “rat patrol”. Always thought that was sick af. But I could settle for this for the wife.
bae titty gun GIF
I’ve always wanted a 50cal mounted in the back of my jeep like on “rat patrol”. Always thought that was sick af. But I could settle for this for the wife.
you must have a really warm and trusting relationship with your wife.
I'll bet your lips move when you read the heating instructions on a soup can.

At least my posts have the ability to move things, even if only your smelly pelt. Reading most of your messages is like overdosing on melatonin and falling into a coma.
LOL yet here you are, lured in again as usual and making the usual juvenile commentary.

You are so laughably self-deluded. The only thing moving when I read your posts is my bowels.
and why would he hide them?
Same reason for hiding the other stuff, corruption.
. And were these properties sold directly by Thomas, or by an entity connected to Thomas?
Mom still living there since 2014 and hasn't a penny in paid rent.

Same reason for hiding the other stuff, corruption.

Mom still living there since 2014 and hasn't a penny in paid rent.

His mother is still alive??? How old is she???

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