OOTB's Political Thread . ..

so, yes you hate religion
I enjoy learning about it. Joseph Campbell is a great source. Alan Watts is another. There are dozens of great people who view it and comment on it objectively. That's not even remotely hate.

But, the western tribal religious allegiance is both funny and a pain in the ass. The less educated they are, the more committed to the invisible man-King they get. Worshiping celestial monarchs isn't a good mix with societies that have chosen to self govern. It makes it interesting... especially when they go to war and pray to the same "God" and forget that the same "God" is now on bosides. It diminishes anything divine about their deity. As if God gives a shit which one inflicts more pain and death on the other. I'd say humans and their choices are like God's very own streaming service, always for free.
I explained why your question was unsuitably off base toward promoting the welfare of the kids involved. I explained why training isn't needed to understand that imposing treatment on kids who might be better off waiting to make up their own minds is a bad idea.

Sooo, yes. No is correct.
I already knew that you don't know your ass from third base about it. You just regurgitate the conservative right-wing obsession/fear/threat that is associated with it. Who knew that transgenderism could scare so many old, white men so viscerally! They're running scared, for sure. That old, white patriarchal hold keeps slipping away!
I enjoy learning about it. Joseph Campbell is a great source. Alan Watts is another. There are dozens of great people who view it and comment on it objectively. That's not even remotely hate.

But, the western tribal religious allegiance is both funny and a pain in the ass. The less educated they are, the more committed to the invisible man-King they get. Worshiping celestial monarchs isn't a good mix with societies that have chosen to self govern. It makes it interesting... especially when they go to war and pray to the same "God" and forget that the same "God" is now on bosides. It diminishes anything divine about their deity. As if God gives a shit which one inflicts more pain and death on the other. I'd say humans and their choices are like God's very own streaming service, always for free.
so, you really do hate religion
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I already knew that you don't know your ass from third base about it. You just regurgitate the conservative right-wing obsession/fear/threat that is associated with it. Who knew that transgenderism could scare so many old, white men so viscerally! They're running scared, for sure. That old, white patriarchal hold keeps slipping away!
you know you're just a one-trick pony, don't you?
He never disappoints.

Woke is the mongoose to the old, white, male cobra.

I saw a great comment in the video comments:

For MAGA folks, Woke is "Anything that has come into being that is socially different from the values and mindset of how white, suburban, Christian, two parent families lived like in the 1950s."

And, even that existence was based on a fictional vision.
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so, you really do hate religion
I don’t know if he does but I will admit I do. I think most of the worlds wars and ensuing hate and misery are a result of people claiming their god is the right one and the people who disagree are evil and deserve to die. If there is a god or gods or goddesses they’re all arrogant selfish ass holes and can gft.

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I don’t know if he does but I will admit I do. I think most of the worlds wars and ensuing hate and misery are a result of people claiming their god is the right one and the people who disagree are evil and deserve to die. If there is a god or gods or goddesses they’re all arrogant selfish ass holes and can gft.

I don't think it's "God's" fault at all. I don't even think the people feel that "their God" has been defiled. They take it personally and use their "celestial Monarch" as a codependent sort of participant. It's their hatred and justification that allows them to act-out and abandon civilized behaviors. They just put the "God wants it" in there to give them more incentive. I think most of the world's wars came from misunderstandings and pride, and people refusing to realize their pride and too stubborn to forgive.

There's always that part of me that was taught from birth that there is this "Him" somewhere that is in charge and you're accountable to HIM. And, you see all of your caregivers (parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles) all living in fear of this invisible thing... it was very difficult, for me, to break from that.

Did you have that same kind of experience as a child?
For MAGA folks, Woke is "Anything that has come into being that is socially different from the values and mindset of how white, suburban, Christian, two parent families lived like in the 1950s."

Or more succinctly stated, "anything normal". I largely agree.
You got that awesome red wave city council, probably discussing placement of a really nice crosswalk somewhere.

I don’t think so. I haven’t heard anything on that. But admittedly, after the liberals got thrown out on their ass, I hadn’t paid much attention. Except I know one of the council members is trying to get tax money back to the residents because of the significant surplus.
If the trick works, why do I need more than one. And, why is it always a pony?

No tricks, no equine, here. I just know you're one side of a coin.
the only side of the coin you know how to see. And the trick doesn't work, but that doesn't stop you from trying. One trick pony.
I don’t know if he does but I will admit I do. I think most of the worlds wars and ensuing hate and misery are a result of people claiming their god is the right one and the people who disagree are evil and deserve to die. If there is a god or gods or goddesses they’re all arrogant selfish ass holes and can gft.

I don't care much for religion either. But I respect the participation of those who do, and I don't rule out the likelihood of a 'greater power'. I don't understand the need to disrespect and hate religion or any other basically harmless human practice...but I have little use for those who do cause harm in the name of whatever they might believe.

I disagree somewhat about your take on wars. Men are going to be in conflict regardless of what the medium of contention is. The Japanese weren't on some religious quest when they attacked Pearl Harbor, and Hitler wasn't praising Jesus when he killed a gazillion Jews and started WWII. It's the nature of man, not the practice of religion, that's behind most wars.
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But I thought that's what this court was going to do? Aren't they supposed to destroy the country? Send us back to the 1700's so we can have slaves and make sure the white man is all powerful? That's what we were told by the left.
Seems like Clarence Thomas and a few others would be okay with that.
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So it looks like trump is gonna get indicted in the documents clusterfuk. Once again he seems to not able to get out of the way of his gigantic ego. He woulda gotten away with taking classified docs, as evidently several other presidents will, if he had just given them back and been honest if there were any more. But he allegedly lied about giving them all and that becomes obstruction. Whether or not the initial investigation was a political witch-hunt and whether or not trump mentally telepathied them into being declassified now becomes irrelevant. When this started I felt it wouldn’t materialize into anything but now I’m thinking he screwed the pooch.
So it looks like trump is gonna get indicted in the documents clusterfuk. Once again he seems to not able to get out of the way of his gigantic ego. He woulda gotten away with taking classified docs, as evidently several other presidents will, if he had just given them back and been honest if there were any more. But he allegedly lied about giving them all and that becomes obstruction. Whether or not the initial investigation was a political witch-hunt and whether or not trump mentally telepathied them into being declassified now becomes irrelevant. When this started I felt it wouldn’t materialize into anything but now I’m thinking he screwed the pooch.
Everything he touches turns to shit. Just say "oops, sorry" (like Pence and Biden did) and it goes away.
So it looks like trump is gonna get indicted in the documents clusterfuk. Once again he seems to not able to get out of the way of his gigantic ego. He woulda gotten away with taking classified docs, as evidently several other presidents will, if he had just given them back and been honest if there were any more. But he allegedly lied about giving them all and that becomes obstruction. Whether or not the initial investigation was a political witch-hunt and whether or not trump mentally telepathied them into being declassified now becomes irrelevant. When this started I felt it wouldn’t materialize into anything but now I’m thinking he screwed the pooch.
I doubt much happens to him. His biggest concern should be the GA issue. That's more serious than any of them.
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Everything he touches turns to shit. Just say "oops, sorry" (like Pence and Biden did) and it goes away.
getting away with 'oops, sorry' isn't a matter of acceptable contrition, it's a matter of not being Donald Trump...and I'm sure you know that. You know there were a lot of minds other than yours looking for some demonstrable difference in the several instances that could possibly be considered a pursuable legality against Trump.

How do I know this is true? Common sense. If there was going to be a legality worth prosecuting, it would be the possession of the documents. But Biden making the same mistake (except worse) nixed that avenue. Obstruction is what was left to pursue.

Bill Clinton was also persecuted beyond what I felt was reason, and the situation was similar in that the investigation having found no substantial evidence of the charge in question, became a witch hunt (whereas Trump was subjected to a witch hunt from the start with trumped up evidence; but I digress). I was no Clinton fan but I was pissed at the pointless persistent quest to find something, anything against him.

I don't feel so bad about that now. I can imagine Jesus looking down from Heaven at Trump and proclaiming, 'OMG, I thought I was persecuted.'

And the dude stands up to it all. I'll freely acknowledge that he has some serious flaws, but how can you not want a President who has such balls of iron. And can stand up physically as well.
getting away with 'oops, sorry' isn't a matter of acceptable contrition, it's a matter of not being Donald Trump...and I'm sure you know that. You know there were a lot of minds other than yours looking for some demonstrable difference in the several instances that could possibly be considered a pursuable legality against Trump.

How do I know this is true? Common sense. If there was going to be a legality worth prosecuting, it would be the possession of the documents. But Biden making the same mistake (except worse) nixed that avenue. Obstruction is what was left to pursue.

Bill Clinton was also persecuted beyond what I felt was reason, and the situation was similar in that the investigation having found no substantial evidence of the charge in question, became a witch hunt (whereas Trump was subjected to a witch hunt from the start with trumped up evidence; but I digress). I was no Clinton fan but I was pissed at the pointless persistent quest to find something, anything against him.

I don't feel so bad about that now. I can imagine Jesus looking down from Heaven at Trump and proclaiming, 'OMG, I thought I was persecuted.'
We'll never know, cuz Trump never says "oops, sorry".
But I thought that's what this court was going to do? Aren't they supposed to destroy the country? Send us back to the 1700's so we can have slaves and make sure the white man is all powerful? That's what we were told by @strummingram .
FIFY. What are you, some conservative poor white Southern patriarchal racist regurgitating the right-wing obsession/fear/threat that is associated with it?
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I don't understand. If their ability to get representation is watered down by dividing the clump among red districts, wouldn't that be a bigger problem for the minority?
I don't understand your question. Their representation will increase overall after this ruling, a little bit.
Congrats on the nuptials. I’m going on 40yrs of marital somewhat bliss. Wish you luck.
Thank you, heelman. We've been together for nearly six years and lived together for three, so I thought things wouldn't be much different. However, it does feel different. I'm not sure if it's because we're official now, or if it's the impact of our friends and families celebrating with us. Either way, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.

I'm hopeful for "marital somewhat bliss" in 40 years.
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I don't understand. If their ability to get representation is watered down by dividing the clump among red districts, wouldn't that be a bigger problem for the minority?
You should have stopped at "I don't understand."
Thank you, heelman. We've been together for nearly six years and lived together for three, so I thought things wouldn't be much different. However, it does feel different. I'm not sure if it's because we're official now, or if it's the impact of our friends and families celebrating with us. Either way, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.

I'm hopeful for "marital somewhat bliss" in 40 years.
What food makes women stop giving blowjob?
wedding cake

Jokes! Congrats
Thank you, heelman. We've been together for nearly six years and lived together for three, so I thought things wouldn't be much different. However, it does feel different. I'm not sure if it's because we're official now, or if it's the impact of our friends and families celebrating with us. Either way, I'm the happiest I've ever been in my whole life.

I'm hopeful for "marital somewhat bliss" in 40 years.
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I don't understand your question. Their representation will increase overall after this ruling, a little bit.
how do you know that based only on the map provided? You asked if the problem could be spotted. No information is provided on present or former population/minority distribution, so how do you know if the district is proper or not? Or whether it's beneficial or detrimental to gaining representation, or whether redistricting will be?