OOTB's Political Thread . ..

you use an empty platitude to tell me my statement was an empty platitude? LOL, how knuckleheaded can you get.
Illegal immigrants...blah, blah, blah... cut spending... blah, blah, blah... strong military!

You're pieces of a commercial. You're ideal for an oligarchy! Make them believe one side is always good and the other side is always bad. Game, set, match!
Make them believe one side is always good and the other side is always bad. Game, set, match!
and there you are at your best, putting words in someone's mouth and then arguing against them as if they aren't your words that you just planted. You do that because otherwise you'd have nothing to argue against.

And of all the idiotic notions you have put forth, this might be the dumbest. I didn't say anything to suggest that I believe one side is better than the other. in any moral sense. But anyone with half a brain knows that there is OUR side and there is THEIR side. We have a country. They have theirs. That's why there are borders.

I am responsible for what I am. Others are responsible for what they are. Countries also are responsible for what they are. I enjoy being the country that so many want to live and seek their fortune in. I'm glad I'm not in a country that so many want to leave to seek a decent life elsewhere. I loathe the abject stupidity of those among us who want us to become the country which people want to escape from, out of some misplaced and knuckleheaded aense of righteousness.

You seriously need to get some help. You'd be a lot happier if you could rid yourself of that pathological need to be somebody's hero .
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and there you are at your best, putting words in someone's mouth and then arguing against them as if they aren't your words that you just planted. You do that because otherwise you'd have nothing to argue against.

And of all the idiotic notions you have put forth, this might be the dumbest. I didn't say anything to suggest that I believe one side is better than the other. in any moral sense. But anyone with half a brain knows that there is OUR side and there is THEIR side. We have a country. They have theirs. That's why there are borders.

I am responsible for what I am. Others are responsible for what they are. Countries also are responsible for what they are. I enjoy being the country that so many want to live and seek their fortune in. I'm glad I'm not in a country that so many want to leave to seek a decent life elsewhere. I loathe the abject stupidity of those among us who want us to become the country which people want to escape from, out of some misplaced and knuckleheaded aense of righteousness.

You seriously need to get some help. You'd be a lot happier if you could rid yourself of that pathological need to be somebody's hero .
You don't need words put in your mouth... not at all. See above... tl;dr
from your POV I do, just as I said. Again, what would you have to argue about if you couldn't just make shit up.
You have to have the last word in every exchange, right? (The preceding is a rhetorical question)
Illegal immigrants...blah, blah, blah... cut spending... blah, blah, blah... strong military!

You're pieces of a commercial. You're ideal for an oligarchy! Make them believe one side is always good and the other side is always bad. Game, set, match!
Riiiiiight, because everyone knows illegal immigration isn’t a problem, we don’t need to cut spending, and we don’t need a strong military.
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Riiiiiight, because everyone knows illegal immigration isn’t a problem, we don’t need to cut spending, and we don’t need a strong military.
Everyone? I don't know about everyone. I don't care about any of those issues. I don't give them any thought at all. They're all completely beyond my control and concern.
and his hypocrisy, given that he is the one who made those things an issue only a few posts back.
I made them an issue?

I made them an issue?

Illegal immigrants...blah, blah, blah... cut spending... blah, blah, blah... strong military!

You're pieces of a commercial. You're ideal for an oligarchy! Make them believe one side is always good and the other side is always bad. Game, set, match!
yes, you made those things an issue. But you don't care about those things, right? That's why you didn't mention them....oh, wait, you DID.
yes, you made those things an issue. But you don't care about those things, right? That's why you didn't mention them....oh, wait, you DID.
Me pointing out your party line paranoias are not an issue of mine at all. I couldn't care less about that crap. But me pointing out that it's your fear and paranoia doesn't mean that I share in your delusion.
Me pointing out your party line paranoias are not an issue of mine at all. I couldn't care less about that crap. But me pointing out that it's your fear and paranoia doesn't mean that I share in your delusion.
don't even try it, Bozo. You said you didn't care yet you're the one who brought it up. You failed in that regard and then you doubled down on failure by trying to deny that you did that.
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don't even try it, Bozo. You said you didn't care yet you're the one who brought it up. You failed in that regard and then you doubled down on failure by trying to deny that you did that.
Okay, sweetie. I'm not trying to do anything. I am relieved to find out that none of those are an issue for YOU, now. Congratulations!
Okay, sweetie. I'm not trying to do anything. I am relieved to find out that none of those are an issue for YOU, now. Congratulations!
your squirming is becoming a little unsettling. I love it. You even pulled out your 'sweetie' card. Yuk.
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Yuk? That's not an issue for you again, is it?
I don't know what the 'again' refers to, but yes, obviously, it's somewhat of an issue when a poster indulges defensively in unsavoriness just because he's getting his ass handed to him. Not a huge issue, just one worth commenting about as I did. It's just mildly nauseating to see a grown man act like a bitch.
I don't know what the 'again' refers to, but yes, obviously, it's somewhat of an issue when a poster indulges defensively in unsavoriness just because he's getting his ass handed to him. Not a huge issue, just one worth commenting about as I did. It's just mildly nauseating to see a grown man act like a bitch.
So, you carry puke bags in your dress(es) and dodge mirrors whenever you have to.
Is everything that’s beyond your control of no concern to you?

Define concern in this context. I can't control the weather, but if there's a tornado warning near me, I take precautions.
that means you're concerned about something that's beyond your control, genius. Try again.

Maybe try the innate racism of all plant and animal life and mountains and rivers that you believe exists, judging by your views expressed here.. No, that won't can't do anything about that either but we all know how obsessed you are with it.

I'm beginning to think that you ARE concerned with things that you have no control over. And when I say 'define concern', in your case it means obsession.
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I googled "what is tuck bathing suit" and got a picture of @Heels Noir in a mankini looking rather umm...featureless.
Sheesh, I go away on my honeymoon and come back to find you're the same sad loser as always, still unable to come up with a clever insult no matter how hard you try. What have you been doing while I was gone? If anyone could use two weeks with a gorgeous woman in paradise, I guess it's you.

What else have I missed at the bluetoe shit show besides your drooling over men in skimpy swimsuits on the Internet?
No time for all that. Can we talk about how woke Pink Floyd became for displaying rainbow colors on dark side of the moon?

I hope not. I'd hate to see them crash and burn like other entities that were too stupid to get out of their own way.

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De Santis is portraying an image of being a hateful spiteful little man with a grudge. Thats okay with the far right but seems to me he’s risking alienating the swing votes. Once again I think he’s getting bad advice from whomevers advising him on his campaign. I watched some of Haley’s town hall and found her safe and likeable. But she’s boring. She has a dead pan expression that makes her look dull or something. I would vote for her over biden though. Meanwhile there’s crickets from the dems. What a sad lot.
No time for all that. Can we talk about how woke Pink Floyd became for displaying rainbow colors on dark side of the moon?
lol but did you see their former lead guy wearing nazi-esque stuff on stage the other day?
I hope not. I'd hate to see them crash and burn like other entities that were too stupid to get out of their own way.

The pendulum is swinging back. But it is a pendulum and will continue going back and forth.
Sheesh, I go away on my honeymoon and come back to find you're the same sad loser as always, still unable to come up with a clever insult no matter how hard you try. What have you been doing while I was gone? If anyone could use two weeks with a gorgeous woman in paradise, I guess it's you.

What else have I missed at the bluetoe shit show besides your drooling over men in skimpy swimsuits on the Internet?
Congrats on the nuptials. I’m going on 40yrs of marital somewhat bliss. Wish you luck.
Sheesh, I go away on my honeymoon and come back to find you're the same sad loser as always, still unable to come up with a clever insult no matter how hard you try. What have you been doing while I was gone? If anyone could use two weeks with a gorgeous woman in paradise, I guess it's you.

What else have I missed at the bluetoe shit show besides your drooling over men in skimpy swimsuits on the Internet?
two weeks of inflicting sexual frustration on your woman hasn't made you any smarter. If you want to catch up on what has been posted, just read it, dumbass.

I wish I knew where you lived because I'm sure there's someone there that's in desperate need of some strong male attention...besides you I mean.
two weeks of inflicting sexual frustration on your woman hasn't made you any smarter. If you want to catch up on what has been posted, just read it, dumbass.

I wish I knew where you lived because I'm sure there's someone there that's in desperate need of some strong male attention...besides you I mean.

We've been over this. It's not a woman if he's born with a Y chromosome.
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The joke went over your head, Dark Side of the Moon was 50 yrs ago.

No. I read your comment. I understood it. I hesitate to call it a joke because it was humorless. My response was playing on your comment - as if to say that I hope Pink Floyd, whose music I enjoy, doesn't experience the blowback that other entities such as Target and Bud Light have experienced. My response clearly indicated I recognized your comment and responded in the same light.

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