OOTB's Political Thread . ..

I bet less than 1% of them have ever read the actual Constitution in its entirety, and that doesn't begin to even consider the caselaw that has interpreted it. Those are the people you are worried about a popularity contest for a Court that is supposed to ONLY interpret the law?
Read with what type of interpretation though? Isn't that key?
There has been this entire series of cases that 0910 keeps laying out. Cases that are NOT conservative rulings. How come the msm and social media aren't jumping up and down celebrating and applauding the Court for doing their jobs? How come all these Americans aren't aware of these rulings?
I've said before, some of the really big rulings have bite. If trust in the court erodes enough, the masses are going to be pissed and politicians (pandering or otherwise) might do something (pack court or term limits for example, etc, etc).
Can you explain my diagnosis in greater detail, doc? Remember, you will be graded.

Due to the doctor/patient confidentiality policy, I am not at liberty to share with the board the depths of your mental despair. But I will anyway.

You’re crazier than a shithouse rat. And obsessive tendencies often lead to suicidal ideation. Let me be the first to say that if you start thinking of hurting yourself, don’t hesitate. No one likes an indecisive individual.
Read with what type of interpretation though? Isn't that key?

I've said before, some of the really big rulings have bite. If trust in the court erodes enough, the masses are going to be pissed and politicians (pandering or otherwise) might do something (pack court or term limits for example, etc, etc).
"Interpretation" is the concept that justifies your creationism. It's a living breathing document that must be twisted to keep up with the times is exactly the problem with rulings and I'll go back to Roe. The Constitution does not have a right to abortion in it. I dare you to read it and point it out to us. Good luck. But the politics of the time provided justification for the Court to magically find it in there. That's what judicial activism gets us. Instead of using the actual methodology and amend the Constitution, activist, progressive judges go around the barn and then some to create what they can't get legislative because it isn't as universally popular as you want to believe.

BTW, the ultra conservative majority Court was at it again today and came out with a 6 to 3 opinion. Oh, and before certain posters get their panties wadded up over that number, that 6 was because the 3 claimed libs were joined by Roberts (Bush), Kavanaugh (orange), and Barrett (orange). And since you'll only read snippets and believe your sources, I even grabbed one from CNN for you. Man o man, those conservative only voting super majority justices are doing a bang up job.
Read with what type of interpretation though? Isn't that key?
that question is key. There are those who interpret according what seems to them to be the intended meaning, and there are those who take advantage of any lack of clarity to interpret according to what is desired or seems appropriate to current conditions. The latter is completely wrongheaded. If the Constitution doesn't serve a changing country or the desires of the majority or the rights of the individual, change the Constitution.

Among the founding fathers, there was sentiment for periodically dumping the Constitution and writing a new one. There is merit to the idea. On the other hand, certain principles should be adhered to to the point of become tradition; with that in mind, it seems a method of keeping the original and amending it as necessary is a better approach.

Instead of bitching about SCOTUS rulings and interpretations, ask Congress to amend the part the interpretation of which bothers you.

I would ask congress to change our judicial system in entirety, except Congress is too busy being political to listen to me. So all I'm left with is bitching about SCOTUS rulings. Oh wait...
You’re crazier than a shithouse rat. And obsessive tendencies often lead to suicidal ideation. Let me be the first to say that if you start thinking of hurting yourself, don’t hesitate. No one likes an indecisive individual.
That's good enough to earn you an F minus. It's pretty obvious that you want me to obsess over you. Maybe clinically we should be addressing your emotional loneliness, yeah?

Thanks anyway for the quackery. It was good for a hearty laugh.
@blazers, hits just keep coming for you.

BTW, the ultra conservative majority Court was at it again today and came out with a 6 to 3 opinion. Oh, and before certain posters get their panties wadded up over that number, that 6 was because the 3 claimed libs were joined by Roberts (Bush), Kavanaugh (orange), and Barrett (orange). And since you'll only read snippets and believe your sources, I even grabbed one from CNN for you. Man o man, those conservative only voting super majority justices are doing a bang up job.
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No doubt. I didn't see yours initially because of the way my feed came up since I was replying to blaze's comment to my earlier post (which he posted after yours about the new case). Saw no point in deleting or editing what was my second paragraph after I realized you had already posted the yahoo link as mine was from CNN with a different headline for him to read. I didn't know it was a race to see who posted first or it even mattered, but you definitely won if we were.

What I found chuckle worthy is that he posted a HaHa emoji to your timestamp comment but failed to address the real issue that the Court is not this trump controlled conservative monster that he wants and thinks the public believes. Indeed, while he claims the public is in an uproar over all these major rulings and he claims all these areas of objection, I'd bet a pretty substantial sum that the very same "public" being surveyed can't name one case other than Dobbs and that not even a majority of them can even name "Dobbs", just that the so-called right to abortion on demand got taken away. And even that is incorrect since in the majority of places, nothing has even changed. That total lack of awareness is NOT because the "public" is in anyway knowledgeable about the Court and it's rulings, but rather they are subject to the constant and coordinated attack by the dems/msm/social media telling the sheeple that the Court is bad (because they are actually now doing their Constitutionally mandated job). i find it rather sad.
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No doubt. I didn't see yours initially because of the way my feed came up since I was replying to blaze's comment to my earlier post (which he posted after yours about the new case). Saw no point in deleting or editing what was my second paragraph after I realized you had already posted the yahoo link as mine was from CNN with a different headline for him to read. I didn't know it was a race to see who posted first or it even mattered, but you definitely won if we were.

What I found chuckle worthy is that he posted a HaHa emoji to your timestamp comment but failed to address the real issue that the Court is not this trump controlled conservative monster that he wants and thinks the public believes. Indeed, while he claims the public is in an uproar over all these major rulings and he claims all these areas of objection, I'd bet a pretty substantial sum that the very same "public" being surveyed can't name one case other than Dobbs and that not even a majority of them can even name "Dobbs", just that the so-called right to abortion on demand got taken away. And even that is incorrect since in the majority of places, nothing has even changed. That total lack of awareness is NOT because the "public" is in anyway knowledgeable about the Court and it's rulings, but rather they are subject to the constant and coordinated attack by the dems/msm/social media telling the sheeple that the Court is bad (because they are actually now doing their Constitutionally mandated job). i find it rather sad.
The haha was just @blazers laughing at my use of an old OOTB rule, which is the #timestamp rule. It's a callback to a hilarious thread on radar.
The haha was just @blazers laughing at my use of an old OOTB rule, which is the #timestamp rule. It's a callback to a hilarious thread on radar.
While I've been on THI for years and years, spend almost no time on radar as four corners has always provided the premium/moderated content I want. Radar always seems to be redundant in terms of what's actually happening and seems to many times go off in a direction that has little to do with reality (I have a friend, who has a friend, that talked to his neighbor that heard X kind of thing). Only came to OOTB relatively recently as I enjoy the debate, relaxed site rules, and the often good humor. Still learning the unwritten rules I suppose. And while you may be 100% correct about blaze on this specific occasion, I give credit where it's due as he is very talented at avoiding the actual issue and only pushing the bullet points he gets from the overlords. All good.
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the bill was originally incredibly fat and dripping with giveaways; once it was gutted, it became more palatable and only then did it pass. Even then however, there was plenty reason to vote against it. Actually addressing our infrastructure was almost an afterthought in the original bill.

So she voted against the bill; but once it passed anyway, she lobbied for some of the money to be spent in Iowa. Does that sound hypocritical, as some want to paint it to be? It doesn't to me or any other reasonable and HONEST person.


"In a Jan. 20 press call to Iowa reporters, Hinson said she opposed the act because it was tied to social spending. However, she said, the money was going to be spent regardless once the bill was signed into law and Iowa should get its share.

"If there’s federal money on the table, do you think I’m going to sit back and let that go to states like California and New York? Hell no. I’m going to make sure as much of it comes back to Iowa," Hinson said. "

Do dems and others even know how to spell honesty? The biggest problem with our country at this time is the overriding and overwhelming and media-aided practice of spreading lies and distortions for political purposes.
the bill was originally incredibly fat and dripping with giveaways; once it was gutted, it became more palatable and only then did it pass. Even then however, there was plenty reason to vote against it. Actually addressing our infrastructure was almost an afterthought in the original bill.

So she voted against the bill; but once it passed anyway, she lobbied for some of the money to be spent in Iowa. Does that sound hypocritical, as some want to paint it to be? It doesn't to me or any other reasonable and HONEST person.


"In a Jan. 20 press call to Iowa reporters, Hinson said she opposed the act because it was tied to social spending. However, she said, the money was going to be spent regardless once the bill was signed into law and Iowa should get its share.

"If there’s federal money on the table, do you think I’m going to sit back and let that go to states like California and New York? Hell no. I’m going to make sure as much of it comes back to Iowa," Hinson said. "

Do dems and others even know how to spell honesty? The biggest problem with our country at this time is the overriding and overwhelming and media-aided practice of spreading lies and distortions for political purposes.
So, your saying that the post on twitter was ultimately incorrect and misleading. As such, shouldn't Blaze be in favor of and really advocating that the account, Republicans against Trump, that tweeted it be suspended/banned for spreading disinformation?
And while you may be 100% correct about blaze on this specific occasion, I give credit where it's due as he is very talented at avoiding the actual issue and only pushing the bullet points he gets from the overlords. All good.
So, your saying that the post on twitter was ultimately incorrect and misleading. As such, shouldn't Blaze be in favor of and really advocating that the account, Republicans against Trump, that tweeted it be suspended/banned for spreading disinformation?

lol, I recognized within a short time after coming here that @blazers was just relentless in his pushing of The Narrative and was not going to have that narrative assaulted without a knee-jerk defense of it. He used to overdo the use of rhetoric while sidestepping any reason thrown his way, and he was one slippery eel to try to pin down.

I think he's pulled back on the rhetoric, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for reason to take its place. And he's still pretty slippery. As disagreeable as his viewpoint is to me, I have to say his presence here is pretty enjoyable and I like the back-and-forth we occasionally have.

I don't have a problem with an opposing viewpoint. I just want it to be presented honestly. Good luck with that, I guess.
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lol, I recognized within a short time after coming here that @blazers was just relentless in his pushing of The Narrative and was not going to have that narrative assaulted without a knee-jerk defense of it. He used to overdo the use of rhetoric while sidestepping any reason thrown his way, and he was one slippery eel to try to pin down.

I think he's pulled back on the rhetoric, but I'm not holding my breath waiting for reason to take its place. And he's still pretty slippery. As disagreeable as his viewpoint is to me, I have to say his presence here is pretty enjoyable and I like the back-and-forth we occasionally have.

I don't have a problem with an opposing viewpoint. I just want it to be presented honestly. Good luck with that, I guess.
Agree with this completely. Btw, I don't think he's pulled back as much as he's probably otherwise busy and having a hard time seeing orange all the time when so many things are happening that are anti-trump.
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tHeY'rE nOt TrYiNg To TuRn YoUr KiDs GaY.

Just ask @blazers

Another joke flying over gunslingers gullible head. TBH, i think it is a horrible (and pointless) joke to make given how many people MAGA there are in america though.
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the bill was originally incredibly fat and dripping with giveaways; once it was gutted, it became more palatable and only then did it pass. Even then however, there was plenty reason to vote against it. Actually addressing our infrastructure was almost an afterthought in the original bill.

So she voted against the bill; but once it passed anyway, she lobbied for some of the money to be spent in Iowa. Does that sound hypocritical, as some want to paint it to be? It doesn't to me or any other reasonable and HONEST person.


"In a Jan. 20 press call to Iowa reporters, Hinson said she opposed the act because it was tied to social spending. However, she said, the money was going to be spent regardless once the bill was signed into law and Iowa should get its share.

"If there’s federal money on the table, do you think I’m going to sit back and let that go to states like California and New York? Hell no. I’m going to make sure as much of it comes back to Iowa," Hinson said. "

Do dems and others even know how to spell honesty? The biggest problem with our country at this time is the overriding and overwhelming and media-aided practice of spreading lies and distortions for political purposes.
Can't have your cake and it eat too. There would be NO money from this bill if everyone voted against it.
What I found chuckle worthy is that he posted a HaHa emoji to your timestamp comment but failed to address the real issue that the Court is not this trump controlled conservative monster that he wants and thinks the public believes.
The court's rulings speak for themselves, and the ruling on specific matters speak most loudly.
Indeed, while he claims the public is in an uproar over all these major rulings and he claims all these areas of objection, I'd bet a pretty substantial sum that the very same "public" being surveyed can't name one case other than Dobbs and that not even a majority of them can even name "Dobbs", just that the so-called right to abortion on demand got taken away.
I can't name the 50-yard-line or the Maine-school or any other church-state-sep cases, but that doesn't mean I don't like the interpretations that led to the rulings.
And even that is incorrect since in the majority of places, nothing has even changed.
The NY gun ruling has spawned appeals and cases in lower courts all over the place. And majority of OB-GYNs say they're having more trouble offering solid healthcare because of the dobbs/roe stuff. These rulings do change things.
That total lack of awareness is NOT because the "public" is in anyway knowledgeable about the Court and it's rulings, but rather they are subject to the constant and coordinated attack by the dems/msm/social media telling the sheeple that the Court is bad (because they are actually now doing their Constitutionally mandated job). i find it rather sad.
So right-wing media isn't coordinated? And doesn't discuss rulings?
Agree with this completely. Btw, I don't think he's pulled back as much as he's probably otherwise busy and having a hard time seeing orange all the time when so many things are happening that are anti-trump.
Oh, has Trump been in the news lately?

This seems more interesting:
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@bluetoe another one someone didn't vote for

what part of the bill being a good one to not vote for are you missing? Just because a bill you didn't vote for and didn't want to pass doesn't mean you don't take advantage of it when it does anyway. Am I missing something?

I have advocated income tax with virtually no deductions for many years. Years ago, someone I was arguing with about it asked me if I didn't take an interest deduction from my mortgage and my kids, as if that made me a hypocrite. You can't argue with people that stupid.
Another joke flying over gunslingers gullible head. TBH, i think it is a horrible (and pointless) joke to make given how many people MAGA there are in america though.
some joke. And some misleading reporting...

" "The news articles provides no evidence of the ‘we’re coming for your children’ chant being done for years at pride nor does it quote specific individuals that make this claim," the note reads. "This is very irresponsible reporting." "

I don't care if it was sarcasm, I don't want our kids exposed to people like this who want to be considered normal.....

Agree with this completely. Btw, I don't think he's pulled back as much as he's probably otherwise busy and having a hard time seeing orange all the time when so many things are happening that are anti-trump.
lol, yeah that must be pretty disorienting for him. But regarding the rhetoric, he laid it on so heavily back then that I seriously wondered if he was taking a class in it and was assigned homework to use as many rhetorical devices as possible in some public forum.
  • Haha
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some joke. And some misleading reporting...

" "The news articles provides no evidence of the ‘we’re coming for your children’ chant being done for years at pride nor does it quote specific individuals that make this claim," the note reads. "This is very irresponsible reporting." "

I don't care if it was sarcasm, I don't want our kids exposed to people like this who want to be considered normal.....


There’s nothing normal about it. It is deviant and depraved.

It is born out of insecurity and a dire need for attention (albeit mostly negative). These people are emotionally and/or mentally broken. And people who endorse such feel as if they are being supportive but they are really just exacerbating a serious mental illness
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Can't have your cake and it eat too. There would be NO money from this bill if everyone voted against it.
I don't want to eat that cake but if it's the only cake going, I'm damn sure going to get a piece. A better cake is what I really want, but the libs won't let me have it. No money from that bill would be a wonderful thing if a different bill was offered that truly addressed only our need to spruce up our infrastructure. As it is, the bill still is mostly trying hard to play daddy to people instead of responsibly addressing our hard core infrastructure problems.
There’s nothing normal about it. It is deviant and depraved.

It is born out of insecurity and a dire need for attention (albeit mostly negative). These people are emotionally and/or mentally broken. And people who endorse such feel as if they are being supportive but they are really just exacerbating a serious mental illness
I am very strongly for people being what they want to be and doing what they want to do, as long as our toes aren't being stepped on. I consider these public displays of complete social disfunction to be stomping on our toes, one because they are just what you say, and two because I do NOT want our kids accepting these sickos as normal people.

You nailed the problem but I don't care about exacerbating the sickness in the individuals...I care about the sickness in our society. Those who support this stuff are mostly sheep who do so just because others do so. If others do it, it must be the thing to do. Baaa, baaa. They are clueless about the damage they encourage.
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Oh, has Trump been in the news lately?

This seems more interesting:
that's great news for the idiots that caused the problem to start with. I have no doubt that the dems are congratulating themselves and bragging about getting out of the hole they created. Then there are those of us who understand that we may never be the same because of their idiocy.
There’s nothing normal about it. It is deviant and depraved.

It is born out of insecurity and a dire need for attention (albeit mostly negative). These people are emotionally and/or mentally broken. And people who endorse such feel as if they are being supportive but they are really just exacerbating a serious mental illness
You should write a book, doc.
🤣 :rolleyes:
that's great news for the idiots that caused the problem to start with. I have no doubt that the dems are congratulating themselves and bragging about getting out of the hole they created.
Dems created global inflation?

And regarding the outstanding job creation and job numbers overall, how did Dems create some hole relative to this?
Dems created global inflation?
our huge economy has no effect on the global economy?

And regarding the outstanding job creation and job numbers overall, how did Dems create some hole relative to this?
do you mean after destroying so many jobs and blugeoning the economy, why is it ridiculous to crow about seeing jobs coming back? Or are you talking about the gazillions spent to keep millions and millions at home, a scheme that worked too well?

Just need clarity on this.
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Dems created global inflation?

And regarding the outstanding job creation and job numbers overall, how did Dems create some hole relative to this?
You might as well be talking to a brick wall, blazers. @bluetoe's typical MO is to write something completely absurd and then lie about what he wrote after he's called out. And as lies he calls everyone else a liar.

It's sheer madness!
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