OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Harris has been a disappointment. But it's still a very easy choice.
I guess the liblogic here is that if the first time was a disappointment, the second time can't be. I understand how that works, because I wasn't disappointed when she turned out to be the mindless liberal nitwit I thought she would be.

But you're only imagining her as VP, apparently. If she should become president, I would anticipate you experiencing 'disappointment' even beyond the limits of your imagination. She would cause 'disappointment' to have to be redefined.
Harris has been a disappointment. But it's still a very easy choice.

To call Kamala a disappointment is to insinuate that the general public felt she would and could do better. I disagree. She had to drop out of the Dem primary because she had no support and had been exposed as a no-talent hack by Tulsi and others. Therefore IMO, Kamala has performed exactly to her capabilities and exactly as anyone should have expected. She was a terrible but not surprising choice for VP. While she isn’t really black, she looked enough like one for the Dems to sell her as such.

She’s been a colossal failure and constant embarrassment. Exactly what most of us thought she would be.
To call Kamala a disappointment is to insinuate that the general public felt she would and could do better. I disagree. She had to drop out of the Dem primary because she had no support and had been exposed as a no-talent hack by Tulsi and others. Therefore IMO, Kamala has performed exactly to her capabilities and exactly as anyone should have expected. She was a terrible but not surprising choice for VP. While she isn’t really black, she looked enough like one for the Dems to sell her as such.

She’s been a colossal failure and constant embarrassment. Exactly what most of us thought she would be.
Yep, there are some things we can’t foresee. Her incompetence wasn’t one of them.
Harris has been a disappointment. But it's still a very easy choice.
If this is your conclusion, then I would respectfully suggest you take a step back and reassess. First, no one can honestly say who is currently in charge and making decisions. I believe it is Joe a good part of the time, but it is those times that he isn't as well as those grey area times that something gets slid by him. All kidding aside, regardless of what one thinks of his old policies, his new policies, or what he will do/say in the future, there has to be concern about his mental status - if we are being honest. As such, we have no idea how much longer the scenario of his ruling in abstentia will continue.

Kamala is a complete and total unknown. She has done nothing with those things she has been "assigned". When she opens her mouth, it is a total word salad not related to age/dementia type explanation. It is very concerning. Thus, you would literally be choosing anyone but Trump.

With Trump, it is pretty apparent what we would be getting. And much of that wouldn't be bad. From the progressive left's perspective (wait, why am I being careful with word choice??) From the D's perspective, he will be held mostly in check by the D's in both chambers, as well as the RINO's, and NeverTrumpers. And perhaps most importantly, it's only four years and a potential return to previous conditions at worst (from your perspective). That's versus a potential eight years of ultra left movement and a change of the fundamental approach to how we've done things forever (which would be a total of 12 in a row). And, as demonstrated time and again, once something is "given" or offered by the gov., there is almost no chance of going "back".

That is NOT a very easy choice unless you are referring to a vote for orange hitler (which I highly doubt) or you simply don't agree with our having a Constitutional Republic with distinct roles for the three branches.
And, I should add, this may get much more interesting once he finally announces his choice for VP. It is interesting that in almost every VP race, the choice matters little on both sides and is normally limited to being anointed the party front runner once the existing prez limits out. As we've seen though, that's not always the case. Here, it's gonna really matter for both sides. One is gonna be president for four years with a strong chance at eight, running as an incumbent. Indeed, they may even try to structure this Constitutionally so that she gets some time from Joe and then two more terms. The other is gonna be the frontrunner after only four years, since Trump only has one term, and will presumptively have a huge base of donors, et al, since (s)he will be Trump's pick.
Donald Trump has decided he would rather be electrocuted by his sinking electric boat than eaten alive by a shark. I have no preference how he goes, either way is fine. I just know for once he and I can agree on something.

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Donald Trump has decided he would rather be electrocuted by his sinking electric boat than eaten alive by a shark. I have no preference how he goes, either way is fine. I just know for once he and I can agree on something.

Now, why on earth did you post that clip?

Next thing you know, ole Blaze will be telling us that Trump said he wants his political enemies to be eaten by sharks.
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It (wanting harm to come to his enemies) wouldn't be far from the truth.
says the hypocrite who just said he didn't care how Trump died as long as he died. Rules for thee but not for libs I guess.

Speaking of hypocrites, check out this one...

says the hypocrite who just said he didn't care how Trump died as long as he died. Rules for thee but not for libs I guess.
I'm not a political figure and I have no desire or intention of making my "wish" come true. Unlike Donald Trump.

Big difference.
And that’s what Pubs have been asking all along. Why wasn’t there sufficient security, especially with rumors that there may be trouble? Inexcusable, but Dems wanted it to happen.
Hey! Hey here what we do! We know they want to try and stop the process of making biden president. Let’s let them do it! That’ll show them! Yea yea thats the ticket!!
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How much will taxpayers have to dole out to cover the cost of Melania Trump flying round trip from Florida to New York during her husband's hush money trial?
No idea. I don't recall Melania attending actually. But, that doesn't mean she didn't actually go with the former president on his plane from Florida to their residence in NYC. Do you have something that shows she traveled separately from her husband and the taxpayers paid for it?

I mean, the article referenced talks about Jill coming home and leaving her husband in Europe who was conducting official government business for D-Day stuff, etc. and had undoubtedly been able to travel with him on AF1 at no cost beyond what was already properly incurred for the President. Instead of staying with her spouse, she left him and traveled separately to attend the trial of her step-son. A trial, mind you, that we keep getting told repeatedly, ad nauseum, that has nothing to do with our current President. So, if it's got nothing to do with him, why is she going and we are paying for it?

And since it's now happened, any thoughts on the guilty verdicts?
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Hey! Hey here what we do! We know they want to try and stop the process of making biden president. Let’s let them do it! That’ll show them! Yea yea thats the ticket!!
Your point is valid in a vacuum. But, we know that advance info showed that the shit could legitimately hit the fan. We also know that all kinds of additional security had been offered or at least would have been provided if it had been asked for. None of that happened, however, and the shit did hit the fan. So, while I get your tinfoil hat reaction to the comment and consider it potentially appropriate, how else would you explain the situation as it played out? Can they really be that utterly incompetent?
No idea. I don't recall Melania attending actually. But, that doesn't mean she didn't actually go with the former president on his plane from Florida to their residence in NYC. Do you have something that shows she traveled separately from her husband and the taxpayers paid for it?
The fact of the matter is Melania Trump stayed as far away from that lower Manhattan courtroom as possible. Only Don Jr. and Eric were occasionally present,

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Your point is valid in a vacuum. But, we know that advance info showed that the shit could legitimately hit the fan. We also know that all kinds of additional security had been offered or at least would have been provided if it had been asked for. None of that happened, however, and the shit did hit the fan. So, while I get your tinfoil hat reaction to the comment and consider it potentially appropriate, how else would you explain the situation as it played out? Can they really be that utterly incompetent?
How many disasters and horrible events have we endured for seeming idiotic denial of warning signs? Well…ALL OF THEM. And btw the republicans including trump and including several in here ALL poo poo’d the idea that Qanon was some serious threat. Evidently the agencies in charge of security believed them. Trump claimed he never even had heard of them. But anyway, the notion that dems WANTED the events of Jan 6 to happen is just plain stupid. The threats weren’t taken seriously BY ALL INVOLVED and they should have been that’s for sure.
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Hunter biden guilty. Sounds like he deserved it. Good. Prosecute the law breakers, give them a fair trial, and make them face the consequences. I got no prob with it at all.
If a person (any person) breaks the law, send their ass to jail
If a person (any person) breaks the law, send their ass to jail

Do you send people to jail for breaking any law? Which laws are jail worthy and which are not? Are you upset that many people (mostly people of color and immigrants) are not being jailed for violent crimes and property crimes? I ask because I haven't seen any comments you've made on those situations.
If a person (any person) breaks the law, send their ass to jail
EXACTLY. Send ALL their asses to jail. Don't single out an individual with contrived charges. If that individual broke a law, prosecute ALL who broke that law. That's called equal justice, and it's supposedly a guiding principle in our system of justice.

Let's start rounding up all those perps who are undermining our democracy with purposely erroneous bookkeeping entries. First, start building some more prisons.
How many disasters and horrible events have we endured for seeming idiotic denial of warning signs? Well…ALL OF THEM. And btw the republicans including trump and including several in here ALL poo poo’d the idea that Qanon was some serious threat. Evidently the agencies in charge of security believed them. Trump claimed he never even had heard of them. But anyway, the notion that dems WANTED the events of Jan 6 to happen is just plain stupid. The threats weren’t taken seriously BY ALL INVOLVED and they should have been that’s for sure.

"The threats weren’t taken seriously BY ALL INVOLVED..."

that's right. Trump was just trolling when he said 'get more security'.
How many disasters and horrible events have we endured for seeming idiotic denial of warning signs? Well…ALL OF THEM. And btw the republicans including trump and including several in here ALL poo poo’d the idea that Qanon was some serious threat. Evidently the agencies in charge of security believed them. Trump claimed he never even had heard of them. But anyway, the notion that dems WANTED the events of Jan 6 to happen is just plain stupid. The threats weren’t taken seriously BY ALL INVOLVED and they should have been that’s for sure.
I can't disagree that we are habitually stupid about reading the writing on the wall. But this wasn't just any ignored writing. This writing was actually painted on the wall in neon colors by the very people who were supposed to read it and react to it. They ignored their own writing, if you're having trouble keeping up.

I dunno, sure seems like a special case of peeking through those blinders. Maybe it's just me.

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