OOTB's Political Thread . ..

What does a Biden-over-Trump victory look like?


A photo obtained by The Times shows an inverted flag at the Alito residence on Jan. 17, 2021, three days before the Biden inauguration.
🤣 🤣 🤣
What do you expect from a guy who worked for Donald Trump? They're all alike.
Well, he’s your side’s star witness. But we’re expected to believe that he’s telling the truth this time. Just like you believed the Steele dossier re: Russian collusion and “golden showers” despite MI6 saying he was completely unreliable and dishonest. What do they have in common? They were both willing to perjure themselves in order to undermine Trump. Dims have no shame, no moral compass at all. I truly believe there is nothing, including murder that they would not do to remain in power.
Well, he’s your side’s star witness. But we’re expected to believe that he’s telling the truth this time. Just like you believed the Steele dossier re: Russian collusion and “golden showers” despite MI6 saying he was completely unreliable and dishonest. What do they have in common? They were both willing to perjure themselves in order to undermine Trump. Dims have no shame, no moral compass at all. I truly believe there is nothing, including murder that they would not do to remain in power.
Wow, I simply acknowledge that Michael Cohen, star witness for the prosecutor, is a sleazy, lying scumbag just like nearly everyone else who has recently worked with Donald Trump (including Trump himself), and you surmise an entire political party has no shame?

Since you're one of the have-nots who unquestionably supports the former president, perhaps it's YOU who lacks a moral compass.
Thank you. While I don't play with hot irons, I get the comparison of myself to a suave badass like Robert Mitchum.
you play with hot 'irony'....this present case being one of the more laughably stark examples of a lib accusing others of his own tendencies. I did actually snicker out loud at your ironic post.

Sorry, but I doubt anyone here pictures you as Robert Mitchum. If there's some direct comparison to you and the man in the GIF, it's his jerkiness. But seriously, I see you as more of a Little Lord Fauntleroy-looking type...


BTW, what @Archer2 posted wasn't mere surmisal, it was observation and experience-based opinion, and it was formed long ago and frequently expressed in the meantime. Dems suck, and the proof is in what they managed to subject us all to in the last presidential election....not to mention an ongoing plague of Nancy Pelosis and Chuck Schumers.
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You mean Biden's landslide victory? Yeah, that obviously stung.
that's what I'm saying, dummy. It's stinging all of us and you are typical of libdem fools who only care about making juvenile comments about having won, oblivious to the fact that because you won, we are all losing. As they say, you can't fix stupid.
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that's what I'm saying, dummy. It's stinging all of us and you are typical of libdem fools who only care about making juvenile comments about having won, oblivious to the fact that because you won, we are all losing. As they say, you can't fix stupid.
It stung because you're a sore loser.

The people that still believe COVID lockdowns were necessary are only the most brainwashed Dem overlord nuthuggers. I think even those that were duped early have finally come to peace with how much their trusted government lied to them. And kept lying. I kind of feel bad for them but kind of don’t. But those that still believe that nonsense, good luck with your myocarditis.
Wow, I simply acknowledge that Michael Cohen, star witness for the prosecutor, is a sleazy, lying scumbag just like nearly everyone else who has recently worked with Donald Trump (including Trump himself), and you surmise an entire political party has no shame?

Since you're one of the have-nots who unquestionably supports the former president, perhaps it's YOU who lacks a moral compass.
I live a meager existence, it’s true. I live one paycheck to the next so I know firsthand the effect that policies enacted under this Administration have had on my life. But I don’t consider myself a have-not. I don’t play the victim card thing which is so common in American society today. As for Trump, I’ve stated multiple times that I dislike him immensely. I just happen to believe Biden is just as much an azz whilst being senile to boot. And liberal policies are destroying our country. So if he’s the Pub candidate, I will begrudgingly vote for him.
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Thank you. While I don't play with hot irons, I get the comparison of myself to a suave badass like Robert Mitchum.
Unsurprisingly, none of these definitions of “suave” seem to apply to you, with the exception of “bland”.

suave /swäv/


  1. Courteous and elegant; gracious and sophisticated.
  2. Sweet; pleasant; delightful; gracious or agreeable in manner; bland
it’s insane, relying on most recent polls from each state and ignoring margin of error (if someone leads by just one point they get the win) trump gets 268 electoral votes and biden 266. New Hampshire is a tie.
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it’s insane, relying on most recent polls from each state and ignoring margin of error (if someone leads by just one point they get the win) trump gets 268 electoral votes and biden 266. New Hampshire is a tie.
It's hard to choose between two of the worst candidates in history. What's funny (or sad?) is that we didn't actually have to nominate them.
it’s insane, relying on most recent polls from each state and ignoring margin of error (if someone leads by just one point they get the win) trump gets 268 electoral votes and biden 266. New Hampshire is a tie.

What polls are you looking at? I’d like to see them. Because the polls I’ve seen show Trump walking the dog on Biden.
It's hard to choose between two of the worst candidates in history. What's funny (or sad?) is that we didn't actually have to nominate them.

It’s not hard for me. And I while I agree that another GOP candidate probably performs better, Trump is needed now more than ever. There are people I like better. There are people that would probably have better positions or positions that match mine more closely. But the lunacy of the left must be attacked. It must be eradicated like the disease that it is. It should be met with harsh rhetoric or complete dismissal. And only one guy is perfect for that job.

Let Trump take out the trash. Let’s try to get this thing back between the lines on the road. Then we can talk about rational policy making and such. But not until this anti-American, anti-traditional values fad is dead.
Like all these idiots?

Election deniers
This is the part that is always so frustrating. Due to the hate and singular mentality of must get Trump, there are those who want to act as if orange invented election denial and acting like an idiot after losing. And, it surely didn't just start in 2016 with the world's smartest woman. That's just the impact of social media and everyone walking around with a computer in their hands. It's also what causes those same individuals to take a word like "find" and redefine it to mean "create" or "manufacture" etc. Yet, the great uniter can give a speech like he just delivered at Morehouse that contains some of the most devisive language ever used and those same individuals are super silent.
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it’s insane, relying on most recent polls from each state and ignoring margin of error (if someone leads by just one point they get the win) trump gets 268 electoral votes and biden 266. New Hampshire is a tie.
the only thing one should count on is the final count, the actual election. People will tend to speak their minds through a poll but address their gut feelings at the polling place. I don't care how many polls show Trump holding sway, I am anticipating the likelihood of not being at all surprised by the sheep allowing their current pied piper to drag us all deeper into the abyss due to the same factors that ousted Trump the last time. To me, it's a tossup and it will be right up until it isn't.

Don't forget, NO ONE thought Trump would win. It was in the bag for Hillary. I still like to sometimes catch a youtube of snarky libs snickering at the impossibility of Trump being elected, and their shattered, hysterical reactions to the impossible having happened..

Take nothing for granted and don't even allow your optimism to shade your pessimism. Have no expectations. It's always better to be pleasantly surprised than bitterly disappointed.

I have to comment how thankful I am for the nearly absolute cluelessness of the left. Trump's popularity isn't a cult as the local stupidity likes to claim, it's simply based on people like me being fed up with the shenanigans of the left and knowing that Trump is of the same mind. And the oblivious left reacts by doubling down on the shenanigans. It's almost miraculous....only God could make so many people that stupid.
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Trump's popularity isn't a cult as the local stupidity likes to claim, it's simply based on people like me being fed up . . . and knowing that Trump is of the same mind.
Not to draw conclusions but I believe that is a comment very similar to one Susan Atkins made in prison about Charlie after stabbing Sharon Tate to death. I guess that wasn't a cult either.