OOTB's Political Thread . ..

LOL at comparing Trump's denial to 2001.

A few house reps questioned the cert of the election due to the absolute craziness and procedural F-up that happened in in those Florida counties AFTER Gore conceded.

And it was VP Gore himself who used his gavel to shutdown Jessie Jackson and the 12 other House reps who griped for that half hr.

The florida counties were undergoing recount, but took too long (see Brooks brothers riot) . The FL supreme court ruled (4-3) for a statewide recount. SCOTUS Bush v Gore overuled (5-4), FL supreme ct and thus Bush won the electoral college by ONE

Now compare to that Trump, the House, and many Senators in 2020 (including organizing a shutdown of the cert process, fake electors, all the Kraken) thru TODAY.

That proves Cruz really has nothing. Oh, but he also has ONE comment from Hillary AFTER she CONCEDED.
lol at trying to deny the point at hand with your usual misrepresented and extraneous tidbits of info. To begin with, no one said there was an identical correspondence. Of course there was not, and I said that. . But Gore had already conceded? So had Hillary when she went off with her bitter claims of the election having been stolen. And so on and so forth.

The unassailable fact, and the point being made, is that your side is just as guilty of denying the legitimacy of elections and the leftist talking heads don't try to turn it into an insurrection that threatens our democracy.
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I doubt even changing the voting rules would quell your angst. 2020 wasn't about procedure as much as it was about the outcome. And you're still grumbling about it today!
I'm still grumbling that changes haven't been made to make our general elections irreproachable from any POV. And I'm still noting that you habitually and childishly try to turn it into some nose-thumbing contest by disingenuously mischaracterizing my concerns.

You represent the left being snotty and dishonest.
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I'm still grumbling that changes haven't been made to make our general elections irreproachable from any POV. And I'm still noting that you habitually and childishly try to turn it into some nose-thumbing contest by disingenuously mischaracterizing my concerns.

You represent the left being snotty and dishonest.
And Dims don’t want to take simple steps like limiting absentee voting and requiring voter ID’s to reduce the chances of voter fraud. There can be only one reason for that.
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Lol “see who wins”. So the fairness depends on who wins? Interesting take. It will be fair. Just as the last one. Just as the couple dozen before that. Regardless of who wins.

C. Voyant
no, C Voy, I didn't say that and that isn't the point. I said see who wins and then see who barks about the election being unfair regardless of what you might think is fair.. That's the point. Are you taking lessons from @blazers and @Heels Noir on how to misdirect and mischaracterize an argument? Or are you actually just missing the obvious?

Also I think you forgot to try to justify calling an election fair before it it is even held. Maybe I just read over it somehow.

ETA; if you're taking the POV of whoever loses (and not me as author of the post you responded to), then yes that is entirely the point that is being amply and verifiably made. It isn't just the losers of the last gen election calling foul, it's whoever loses period.

My position has consistently been for structuring elections so that the integrity can't be seriously questioned.
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trumps def attorney, instead of focusing on debunking the specifics of the crime (which is very debunkable) is instead going on an hours long rambling discourse disputing irrelevant details about affairs and so on especially with the mcdougal stuff. It’s obvious this is trumps idea to try and protect his public image or maybe his marriage. Maybe the testimony of an affair with her disputes what he’s said to melania? Just speculating but Once again his massive ego getting in the way of common sense. The prosecution case rests solely on
The credibility of cohen. Not trumps image.
well, there ya go, Sherlock. Now if you'll just acknowledge that the setup for the last prez election was flawed and NOT beyond question, we can agree that we should strive to make a questionable election NOT happen again.
Your attempt at the bosides is the fail. JFC you are blinded.
Your attempt at the bosides is the fail. JFC you are blinded.
It reminds me of the time @bluetoe tried to argue that John Edwards' extramarital affair was somehow worse than Donald Trump's extramarital affair because Edwards' wife had cancer and Melania was only pregnant with their child.

Or was it because Edwards is a democrat and Trump is a republican?
Your attempt at the bosides is the fail. JFC you are blinded
that's hilarious, and sad and pathetic at the same time that you are so focused on defending all things left against all things right, that just plain good vs. bad and right vs. wrong, both morally and practically, are completely lost on you. You don't even give a shit about those.

The bosides that failed is both sides complaining and both having room to complain about an election when it would be so easy to stop making it a left/right issue and just create a decently unquestionable election. But no, idiots like you can't let go of your ingrained bias long enough to support something that would benefit both sides.

And you have the gall to say I'M blinded? lol, fvcking doosher.
It reminds me of the time @bluetoe tried to argue that John Edwards' extramarital affair was somehow worse than Donald Trump's extramarital affair because Edwards' wife had cancer and Melania was only pregnant with their child.

Or was it because Edwards is a democrat and Trump is a republican?
it doesn't surprise me at all that you can't see, or pretend that you can't see the difference in basically abandoning your marital partner to die alone, in order to spend your time with an ongoing extramarital relationship......and an alleged one-timer behind a pregnant wife's back. Yeah those are the same. you fvcking creep.

What you have isn't bias, you're just a worthless asshole.
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In the grand scheme, how does DT fuggin a hooker effect the running of a country? Seems some people are worried about things that have nothing to do with being a good president and businessman. Feigning outrage over something almost every president has done be it before, during, or after the presidency. Sh1t, Kennedy was fuggin everything that moved back during his political career. He had affairs with women of virtually every race or nationality. But that was ok since he was a dim.
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In the grand scheme, how does DT fuggin a hooker effect the running of a country? Seems some people are worried about things that have nothing to do with being a good president and businessman. Feigning outrage over something almost every president has done be it before, during, or after the presidency. Sh1t, Kennedy was fuggin everything that moved back during his political career. He had affairs with women of virtually every race or nationality. But that was ok since he was a dim.
No problem with him fuggin a hooker unless he's also falsifying business records (concealing hush money) to interfere with elections, cuz that mean he's a shady criminal who can't be trusted.
Is there one halfway rational member of any jury in NYC that will admit that the prosecution has failed miserably to make their case? I truly hope so but it wouldn't surprise me if there isn't, despite the prosecution relying predominately on a convicted perjurer's testimony. A perjurer who is selling "Trump in jail" tees and openly admits that he would like to see Trump in jail.
And that is what every person should want.
Should every person want a candidate that will accept the outcome? See... it doesn't matter how well the "integrity" of the election is secure. It really doesn't matter WHAT is put in place to make it secure, or official, or protected against any and all possibilities for manipulation. None of that really matters when the Republican nominee- Donald Trump- refuses to concede any election in which he is found to be the loser. He will NEVER admit to losing. So, the election is essentially rigged and compromised no matter what. You can have all of the possible fail-safe procedures. If Donald Trump loses, he will not concede. And, what's more, he will insist that all the precautions are fake or compromised, or whatever he can think of that allows him to keep from having to say "I lost the election."
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No problem with him fuggin a hooker unless he's also falsifying business records (concealing hush money) to interfere with elections, cuz that mean he's a shady criminal who can't be trusted.
What did he do before he was elected, while he was president, and since he was reelected that has cost you anything?

You worry about trust? For someone who supports BLM, that believes joe isnt involved in his sons career, and is happy with all the shit happening in our country, your distrust of Trump is laughable.
Should every person want a candidate that will accept the outcome? See... it doesn't matter how well the "integrity" of the election is secure. It really doesn't matter WHAT is put in place to make it secure, or official. or protected against any and all possibilities for manipulation. None of that really matters when the Republican nominee- Donald Trump- refuses to concede any election in which he is found to be the loser. He will NEVER admit to losing. So, the election is essentially rigged and compromised no matter what. You can have all of the possible fail-safe procedures. If Donald Trump loses, he will not concede. And, what's more, he will insist that all the precautions are fake or compromised, or whatever he can think of that allows him to keep from having to say "I lost the election."
Kinda like Clinton did?
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Ill keep that in mind for a later disagreement. Remember, you opened this door. No more whatabouts from you, ever.
Bill Clinton won both times.

Hillary Clinton conceded the election that she lost, and attended Trump's inauguration.

Trump will NEVER concede or admit he lost. It's hard to have an election when one candidate refuses to accept they lost.
What did he do before he was elected,
Dodged the draft.
The Trump University fraud.
He raped sexually assaulted at least one woman.
Helped pushed the Obama "birther" conspiracy theories
Failed to pay contractors, employees and attorneys.
Apparently he falsified business records to hide his whoring for the sake of his election/campaign.
He also inflated assets to get cheaper loans.
He invited Russia to help his campaign.
Helped normalize racist rhetoric and sexist remarks.
Hired crooks and grifters in his campaign.
Made up a lie that gullible people would believe regarding the Wall.
Insulted John McCain's war service.
Denied the election results and called the election rigged before the election even happened.
Said he'd release his tax returns.

Made two awesome slogans without any actual policy behind them, just rhetoric "make america great again", "drain the swamp". And people put their blind, gullible hope behind those two.

^timeline might not be right on that.
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Dodged the draft.
The Trump University fraud.
He raped sexually assaulted at least one woman.
Helped pushed the Obama "birther" conspiracy theories
Failed to pay contractors, employees and attorneys.
Apparently he falsified business records to hide his whoring for the sake of his election/campaign.
He also inflated assets to get cheaper loans.
He invited Russia to help his campaign.
Helped normalize racist rhetoric and sexist remarks.
Hired crooks and grifters in his campaign.
Made up a lie that gullible people would believe regarding the Wall.
Insulted John McCain's war service.
Denied the election results and called the election rigged before the election even happened.
Said he'd release his tax returns.

Made two awesome slogans without any actual policy behind them, just rhetoric "make america great again", "drain the swamp". And people put their blind, gullible hope behind those two.

^timeline might not be right on that.
First one is a lie. All the others are assumptions.
Do your research, dickfor.
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Dodged the draft.
The Trump University fraud.
He raped sexually assaulted at least one woman.
Helped pushed the Obama "birther" conspiracy theories
Failed to pay contractors, employees and attorneys.
Apparently he falsified business records to hide his whoring for the sake of his election/campaign.
He also inflated assets to get cheaper loans.
He invited Russia to help his campaign.
Helped normalize racist rhetoric and sexist remarks.
Hired crooks and grifters in his campaign.
Made up a lie that gullible people would believe regarding the Wall.
Insulted John McCain's war service.
Denied the election results and called the election rigged before the election even happened.
Said he'd release his tax returns.

Made two awesome slogans without any actual policy behind them, just rhetoric "make america great again", "drain the swamp". And people put their blind, gullible hope behind those two.

^timeline might not be right on that.
Excellent and thorough list, blazers. 5 stars.
No problem with him fuggin a hooker unless he's also falsifying business records (concealing hush money) to interfere with elections, cuz that mean he's a shady criminal who can't be trusted.
this is typical of you swallowing a load offered by your leftist masters just because it's the leftist load. The falsifying business records is a complete nothingburger. All that is is putting an expense in a more appropriate category for your purposes than where it actually ibelongs, and it's done hundreds of times a day for any number of reasons in a city like New York. But only Donald Ttrump gets called on it. An expense is an expense and no taxes are avoided and no one is hurt by it and ordinarily no one really gives a shit.

The reality is that that isn't even the issue that they have tried to twist it into. They have tried to turn that payment into an illegal campaign contribution so that they can attack him from the angle of improper reporting.. It's such a ridiculous crock of shit, and dumbasses galore think it's about having sex with a pro or improper accounting or trying to hide from the public something that can perfectly legally and properly be concealed regardless of intention or circumstance. Paying hush money isn't illegal and there is no law that says it has to be revealed just because you're running for office. That is NOT 'election interfefrence'.

I want anyone here to step up and seriously trry to convince me that they know of some candidate for office who is telling all there is to know about himself, and is NOT taking steps to reveal only what he wants revealed. I want them to tell me with a straight face that they would only vote for a candidate with no secrets to keep, and that secrets kept amount to 'election interference'. I'll show you an idiot and a liar An @Heels Noir type..

The pretzel logic applied in making these charges is accepted only because the people involved are out to get Trump somehow and some way. The entire plan was to drag him through as much mud as possible. It is a disgusting third world type of ploy. Fortunatly, many of us recognize it for what it is and are intelligent enough to react against this bilious degradation of our democracy
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Dodged the draft.
The Trump University fraud.
He raped sexually assaulted at least one woman.
Helped pushed the Obama "birther" conspiracy theories
Failed to pay contractors, employees and attorneys.
Apparently he falsified business records to hide his whoring for the sake of his election/campaign.
He also inflated assets to get cheaper loans.
He invited Russia to help his campaign.
Helped normalize racist rhetoric and sexist remarks.
Hired crooks and grifters in his campaign.
Made up a lie that gullible people would believe regarding the Wall.
Insulted John McCain's war service.
Denied the election results and called the election rigged before the election even happened.
Said he'd release his tax returns.

Made two awesome slogans without any actual policy behind them, just rhetoric "make america great again", "drain the swamp". And people put their blind, gullible hope behind those two.

^timeline might not be right on that.
nice intentional omission. What he actually asked was what Trump did that cost you anything. Pleaase stop imitating @Heels Noir's MO while I still have a smidge of respect for you.

Then answer the actual question.
Excellent and thorough list, blazers. 5 stars.
Fugg, you're dumber than @blazers. I saw a movie with yall in it. Add @strummingram and make it the trifecta!

dumb and dumber harry dunne GIF
this is typical of you swallowing a load offered by your leftist masters just because it's the leftist load. The falsifying business records is a complete nothingburger. All that is is putting an expense in a more appropriate category for your purposes than where it actually ibelongs, and it's done hundreds of times a day for any number of reasons in a city like New York. But only Donald Ttrump gets called on it. An expense is an expense and no taxes are avoided and no one is hurt by it and ordinarily no one really gives a shit.
Didn't you say once that you owned a business? An expense is not an expense. You have business expenses that you can use to reduce your business's income which will reduce your taxes. You have personal expenses that does not reduce your income. Recording a personal expense as a business expense is tax fraud. You should know that. That said, whether Trump did this or not is anybody's guess.
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