OOTB's Political Thread . ..

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So you think your lack of understanding of the topic makes being a lying racist ok?

The Haitian people in Springfield are largely (if any) not illegal. Most are there because of Dewine's charity to grow his formerly dying towns.
and there's only 5,000 of them, right? Well, it isn't someone's lack of understanding that makes you a liar. Being a liar makes you a liar, and being a pinko liberal makes you a pinko liberal advocating taking from the legitimate citizen and giving to the usurping hordes. Your credibility is as low as what you aspire to be. But keep flailing away and take comfort in the fact that @prlyles counts you as one of 'his people', a brother in arms.

On the other hand I got a good chuckle out of Springfield's Haitian problem being an act of charity to Springfield. LOL, with friends like you, who needs enemas?
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and there's only 5,000 of them, right? Well, it isn't someone's lack of understanding that makes you a liar. Being a liar makes you a liar, and being a pinko liberal makes you a pinko liberal advocating taking from the legitimate citizen and giving to the usurping hordes. Your credibility is as low as what you aspire to be. But keep flailing away and take comfort in the fact that @prlyles counts you as one of 'his people', a brother in arms.

On the other hand I got a good chuckle out of Springfield's Haitian problem being an act of charity to Springfield. LOL, with friends like you, who needs enemas?

Isn't it a bit early to be this intoxicated?
Jesus….dont you idiots get tired of crying wolf? “It’S rAcIsT!”, “YoU’rE a BiGoT!”, “tRaNsPhObE!” “THrEaT tO dEmOcRaCY!”

A lot of cope coming for you in November.
Let's try to put this in a language you might comprehend... sToP eleCTinG RAcisT lOSerS.
I can't imagine getting to a place where my life is so awful that I'm chanting the demise of other law abiding people because of the color of their skin. It's truly amazing that one POS can get this many other POS to show their true colors in public. They are an absolute embarrassment to the country.
imagine if you can that I couldn't describe the skin color of a Haitian, which I actually can not...but apparently you can. But WE are the racists?

I only know one thing about these Haitians and it's all I need to know. They don't belong here. They don't belong here because they weren't properly processed as asylum-seekers but were rather ushered in by weak-minded and heavy-hearted liberal shit-for-brains politicians and the dull sheep who mindlessly support them. We didn't create their problems in Haiti, and only the mindless bleeding heart offers apologetic rationalizations for these law-abiding angels who have created a public safety nightmare.

Imagine that.
Let's try to put this in a language you might comprehend... sToP eleCTinG RAcisT lOSerS.

Let's try to put this in language you may understand:

"waah waah waah, wahh waah waah waah!"

Isn't it a bit early to be this intoxicated?
Here's another introduction to another of our moronic posters:

First of all, @bluetoe accuses everyone who doesn't agree with him of being a liar, so welcome to the club.

I call bluetoe "the angriest man in America" for obvious reasons. He's a bitter and retired curmudgeon who sits at his computer all day and night bitching about liberals because he has nothing better to do. He's a creepy dude who probably terrorizes the attractive girls in his neighborhood with his innuendo and sleazy come-ons (just check out his avatar), he always has to have the last word in arguments where's he getting schooled (which is nearly all of them), and he lives in a bizarro world where he's never wrong, where he's the expert on all topics, where his beliefs are unquestionably the best beliefs, etc.

His most annoying traits include never admitting when he's wrong, projecting his own miserable shortcomings upon others, and shamelessly imitating others due to his lack of originality (check out his signature which he created a day after I created mine).

The most redeeming qualities about him are he's fun to provoke and he makes for a really good punching bag.

* E.g., lame and predictable bluetoe comeback in 3-2-1 . . .
It's unfortunate that other politicians like trump/jv vance, who root for the demise of this country, would take a success story like Springfield and turn it into a racist wedge issue.
The fact that you can type those words and put them together reveals much, much more about you and your agenda and it's definitely not about good, honest exchange of debate and finding consensus.

Also, I've noticed the mistake on JD on more than one occasion. I guess it's supposed to be funny word play? You really think his story and credentials don't stack up against your man that they've now had to film changing a clean air filter on his truck in a desperate attempt to appeal to regular guys?
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His most annoying traits include never admitting when he's wrong, projecting his own miserable shortcomings upon others, and shamelessly imitating others due to his lack of originality.

The most redeeming qualities about him are he's fun to provoke and he makes for a really good punching bag.
Was that from your HS senior photo description or is it the intro to your new autobiography?
The fact that you can type those words and put them together reveals much, much more about you and your agenda and it's definitely not about good, honest exchange of debate and finding consensus.

Also, I've noticed the mistake on JD on more than one occasion. I guess it's supposed to be funny word play? You really think his story and credentials don't stack up against your man that they've now had to film changing a clean air filter on his truck in a desperate attempt to appeal to regular guys?

Lol. It's Dewine's agenda not mine.

Clark County, Ohio has 136,000 people. The city estimates 9-11% of the county is foreign-born. For context, 14.3% of the U.S. population is foreign-born, and 52% are naturalized citizens.

The Clark County, Ohio foreign-born population is lower than the national average but that's not a good story for a lifelong racist like trump.
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This shows Donald Trump actually purchasing a vote in Pennsylvania. It cost him $100. Desperate times call for desperate measures.

Someone should tell him he has fallen so far behind Kamala Harris in that state that this woman's vote really won't help him.

Trump: "We'll do that for you for the White House."
Here's another introduction to another of our moronic posters:

First of all, @bluetoe accuses everyone who doesn't agree with him of being a liar, so welcome to the club.

I call bluetoe "the angriest man in America" for obvious reasons. He's a bitter and retired curmudgeon who sits at his computer all day and night bitching about liberals because he has nothing better to do. He's a creepy dude who probably terrorizes the attractive girls in his neighborhood with his innuendo and sleazy come-ons (just check out his avatar), he always has to have the last word in arguments where's he getting schooled (which is nearly all of them), and he lives in a bizarro world where he's never wrong, where he's the expert on all topics, where his beliefs are unquestionably the best beliefs, etc.

His most annoying traits include never admitting when he's wrong, projecting his own miserable shortcomings upon others, and shamelessly imitating others due to his lack of originality (check out his signature which he created a day after I created mine).

The most redeeming qualities about him are he's fun to provoke and he makes for a really good punching bag.

* E.g., lame and predictable bluetoe comeback in 3-2-1 . . .
Yeah, that's about right.
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Here's another introduction to another of our moronic posters:

First of all, @bluetoe accuses everyone who doesn't agree with him of being a liar, so welcome to the club.

I call bluetoe "the angriest man in America" for obvious reasons. He's a bitter and retired curmudgeon who sits at his computer all day and night bitching about liberals because he has nothing better to do. He's a creepy dude who probably terrorizes the attractive girls in his neighborhood with his innuendo and sleazy come-ons (just check out his avatar), he always has to have the last word in arguments where's he getting schooled (which is nearly all of them), and he lives in a bizarro world where he's never wrong, where he's the expert on all topics, where his beliefs are unquestionably the best beliefs, etc.

His most annoying traits include never admitting when he's wrong, projecting his own miserable shortcomings upon others, and shamelessly imitating others due to his lack of originality (check out his signature which he created a day after I created mine).

The most redeeming qualities about him are he's fun to provoke and he makes for a really good punching bag.

* E.g., lame and predictable bluetoe comeback in 3-2-1 . . .
translation; 'bluetoe has caught me in a lie more times than you can count and has called me out on it just as many times, and I can't deny the lies even though I try to cover them with even more lies.

He has gotten completely under my skin which is why I always try too hard to come back at him at every opportunity and always end up looking the fool, which pisses me off even more. I have no regard for the facts or the truth of any matter; all that matters to me is that I can claim to always be on top even when I'm sucking bottom. This being a good example of me doing exactly that.

That's why I'm ignoring the fact that in a previous exchange, you falsely claimed that there were only 5,000 Haitians in Springfield and bluetoe demonstrated that claim to be false by at least half of the real number.. Annoyingly and unlike me, he backs up what he contends. He is my better and all I can do is throw these little spitballs.'

'And furthermore, he only laughs to himself at my juvenile attempts to get under the skin of anyone who counters me by assigning them a silly, third-grader kind of nickname. I admit that's lame but what else can I do? I damn sure can't use truth and facts against them, because the truth and facts are almost always on their side.'
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Any one see Paw Paw yesterday at the press conference? Yeah, he's mentally sharp as a tack. I guess Jill really is running the country.
well dammit she has to, doesn't she? Hunter is apparently too busy smoking crack and chasing whores and spending his influence-peddling cash, and president wannabe Harris is too busy working 24/7 with ghost president Joe to hammer out a solution to Gaza. Not to mention that she (Harris) campaigns every day as well.
George Papadopoulos "sparked" the events leading to the Mueller investigation when he told Australian officials that "Russian officials were in possession of politically damaging information relating to Hillary Clinton". He served as a foreign policy aide on Trump’s 2016 campaign. In 2018, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Kremlin-linked professor who told him Russia had dirt on Hilary Clinton.

What's he up to now?

Working alongside contributors for Kremlin state media, the former Donald Trump policy aide George Papadopoulos, his wife, Simona Mangiante, and others have become editorial board members of the website Intelligencer. The site appears to have launched at the end of 2023 – and nearly half of Intelligencer’s board members are either former aides, surrogates or fake electors for Trump’s previous two campaigns....“With an editorial board that reads like a who’s who of Putinist propaganda, Intelligencer is not your usual Russian ‘fake news’ site,” Briant said. “We may see more efforts like Intelligencer, which brings together cohorts of recognizable pro-Russian writers and consolidates their effort into a respectable-looking ‘news’ platform aiming to promote Russia’s influence in the US election and beyond.”

The shady ties tween Trump and Russia never get less shady.
George Papadopoulos "sparked" the events leading to the Mueller investigation when he told Australian officials that "Russian officials were in possession of politically damaging information relating to Hillary Clinton". He served as a foreign policy aide on Trump’s 2016 campaign. In 2018, he pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about his contacts with a Kremlin-linked professor who told him Russia had dirt on Hilary Clinton.

What's he up to now?

Working alongside contributors for Kremlin state media, the former Donald Trump policy aide George Papadopoulos, his wife, Simona Mangiante, and others have become editorial board members of the website Intelligencer. The site appears to have launched at the end of 2023 – and nearly half of Intelligencer’s board members are either former aides, surrogates or fake electors for Trump’s previous two campaigns....“With an editorial board that reads like a who’s who of Putinist propaganda, Intelligencer is not your usual Russian ‘fake news’ site,” Briant said. “We may see more efforts like Intelligencer, which brings together cohorts of recognizable pro-Russian writers and consolidates their effort into a respectable-looking ‘news’ platform aiming to promote Russia’s influence in the US election and beyond.”

The shady ties tween Trump and Russia never get less shady.
leftist leaning rag

lol, 'shady'. Not actual. Not demonstrable. Just another left-wing shot of innuendo and insinuation. Ho-hum, what else is new?

Whoever heard of a foreign country pushing their own viewpoint in order to dispel misunderstandings and gain acceptability in the U.S.? Oh that's right, everybody has. But this is Russia, the country that must be suitably demonized because the Trump-Russia collusion lie must continue to be...insinuated.
Oh no, an instance of a statistically insignificant clerical error THAT HAPPENED TO HAVE BEEN CAUGHT, belying the notion that this doesn't happen here and raising the concern that there could be more instances, both accidental and intended. Charge the Capitol. You must end up in prison if you really cared, and you must poo poo it if you don't.
leftist leaning rag

lol, 'shady'. Not actual. Not demonstrable. Just another left-wing shot of innuendo and insinuation. Ho-hum, what else is new?

Whoever heard of a foreign country pushing their own viewpoint in order to dispel misunderstandings and gain acceptability in the U.S.? Oh that's right, everybody has. But this is Russia, the country that must be suitably demonized because the Trump-Russia collusion lie must continue to be...insinuated.
Let alone smoke, there will never be enough embers or flames to convince you there is a fire.

Look away nothing to see here.

Look, they caught the potential prob and corrected it! And LOL at this part.
Clutch those nebraskan pearls!
Ten of the mistakenly enrolled individuals went on to cast a ballot, according to Oregon's Secretary of State, although at least one became a citizen before voting.
Let alone smoke, there will never be enough embers or flames to convince you there is a fire.
you want to convince me there is a fire, burn me with it. Don't light yet another joint and try to tell me that the fire you created isn't causing the smoke that makes you persist in your orange man bad fantasy.
It's viewed that way by the whole world except you inbreeds.
And yet, assuming you are anywhere close to correct, you dumb asses gave us the choices of pawpaw or a person who's biggest qualifications are being a half black woman. IF Trump was really that bad and it was such a horrible future with him being elected, one would think that we'd have been given an actual, real alternative.
IF Trump was really that bad and it was such a horrible future with him being elected, one would think that we'd have been given an actual, real alternative.
Real alternative? REAL? Take my word for it, Kamala Harris is a real alternative. In fact, she's so real that she's your worst nightmare.

. . . . . . . . . .WINNER . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LOSER

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