OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Since some people aren't as familiar as most about the insurrection, I guess we should take MAGA's lead and try to sweep it further under the carpet. Yeah?
Did you not read (not that anyone here would be surprised) who was at the event: MSNBC is hosting a union town hall in Michigan and the workers don’t care whatsoever about “January 6th."

Take a wild guess and tell us what you think the percentage was of D's v. R's. These used to all be your peeps and voters. As reliable as the sun coming up every morning. What happened to your party?

Did you not read (not that anyone here would be surprised) who was at the event: MSNBC is hosting a union town hall in Michigan and the workers don’t care whatsoever about “January 6th."

Take a wild guess and tell us what you think the percentage was of D's v. R's. These used to all be your peeps and voters. As reliable as the sun coming up every morning. What happened to your party?
What's your point?
That's what makes it so funny.
as funny as seeing the country being fvcked over just for you to be able to say nanny nanny boo boo? I have no doubt that I've gotten under your skin that much, but it does surprise me a little that you don't seem to mind admitting it. That's out of character for you. I want to say maybe you don't realize that's what you're doing, but even @prlyles isn't that oblivious of his own butthurt idiocy.
as funny as seeing the country being fvcked over just for you to be able to say nanny nanny boo boo? I have no doubt that I've gotten under your skin that much, but it does surprise me a little that you don't seem to mind admitting it. That's out of character for you. I want to say maybe you don't realize that's what you're doing, but even @prlyles isn't that oblivious of his own butthurt idiocy.
😄 Whatever you do, bluetoe, don't ever change.

It’s embarrassing what a devoted Democrat soldier you are. And at the young age of 19 too. Man, they must have seen that you were vulnerable for whatever reason (no dad in the home, childhood trauma, etc) and reeled you in easily.

Sorry reality is so difficult for you.
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Not all deregulation is good.
Yep. And we can debate the issue of proper regulation on such things all you want. But what this really shows is a great example of headline manipulation and how media presents things. They don't technically lie, but they also manipulate the lazy reader (99% of us) into thinking something that fits their agenda.

The Guardian, whom I'd be willing to bet was fully against Brexit says in the article's headline: "Revealed: Far higher pesticide residues allowed on food since Brexit"

Even the X says: "Pesticide residues . . . have soared since Brexit."

It's a false connection being used to dump on Brexit when they should be attacking the UK gov for lowering the standards on the singular issue of pesticides (if, indeed, that is a problem). It creates and suggests a causal connection between two things that aren't the issue and there are likely dozens upon dozens of good reasons supporting what's happened post Brexit. They might as well say "Pesticide levels have soared since DuPont invented blah, blah, blah." I mean, technically, they are related, but the reason for them going up is the way in which they are being used which the UK regulators have full control over.

This is no different then when they report on politician T and place it in big letters above the fold with a misleading headline and subheadline, but the article fully explains things at the very end. Then, when they report on poltician H, it's on page 5 and has a soft, apologetic headline and sub. Technically, they reported on both and no one can accuse them of being impartial as they "covered both stories." But did they, did they really?

Here, the take away is Brexit was bad. But wasn't that the real goal?
I know many here will not take well to the X below because it's from Glenn Beck, but has anyone heard about Soros buying over 200 radio stations, many that carry conservative talk radio personalities, with the assist from foreign investors? The FCC is fast tracking it to go through before the election without the normal due diligence on the background investors. Hmmm, silencing the opposition perhaps? I mean, next, the feds are gonna want to put an agency in charge of the internet so the dissenters can't get out information in that forum either. They'll just take anything they don't like and label it "disinformation" even if it turns out to be absolutely true later. Wait. . . . . . .

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It's a false connection being used to dump on Brexit when they should be attacking the UK gov for lowering the standards on the singular issue of pesticides (if, indeed, that is a problem). It creates and suggests a causal connection between two things that aren't the issue and there are likely dozens upon dozens of good reasons supporting what's happened post Brexit. ... I mean, technically, they are related, but the reason for them going up is the way in which they are being used which the UK regulators have full control over.
If not for Brexit, they'd still be on EU standards, not these lowered standards, no?
I know many here will not take well to the X below because it's from Glenn Beck, but has anyone heard about Soros buying over 200 radio stations, many that carry conservative talk radio personalities, with the assist from foreign investors? The FCC is fast tracking it to go through before the election without the normal due diligence on the background investors. Hmmm, silencing the opposition perhaps? I mean, next, the feds are gonna want to put an agency in charge of the internet so the dissenters can't get out information in that forum either. They'll just take anything they don't like and label it "disinformation" even if it turns out to be absolutely true later. Wait. . . . . . .

Tampon Tim and Soros' son had a little get together not long ago.
I know many here will not take well to the X below because it's from Glenn Beck, but has anyone heard about Soros buying over 200 radio stations, many that carry conservative talk radio personalities, with the assist from foreign investors? The FCC is fast tracking it to go through before the election without the normal due diligence on the background investors. Hmmm, silencing the opposition perhaps? I mean, next, the feds are gonna want to put an agency in charge of the internet so the dissenters can't get out information in that forum either. They'll just take anything they don't like and label it "disinformation" even if it turns out to be absolutely true later. Wait. . . . . . .

Reminds me of Sinclair, you see some similarities?
"It got a critical assist this spring from Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who revived a decades-old regulatory loophole that will keep Sinclair from vastly exceeding federal limits on media ownership."

Rudy Guiliani was disbarred this summer from New York, and today officially disbarred from DC. Why has it taken so long?
If not for Brexit, they'd still be on EU standards, not these lowered standards, no?
This is exactly the point. You connect two things that are not causally related. The supposed problem are the standards set by the UK, not what everyone else is doing. For example, had Hitler honored the peace agreement and not attacked England, America never enters the war, Europe is never rescued and there never is a European Union formed because it's all known as Germany. So, under your logic, it's Hitler who should be credited with setting the EU standards on pesticides so high.

The issue is that the UK (arguably) needs to set their pesticide standards higher, not that withdrawing from the EU caused anything. What if the UK set their own standards higher than the UK? Would the article then be crediting Brexit with making their food safer? The headline should complain about the pesticide standards being too low, not withdrawing from the EU.
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Reminds me of Sinclair, you see some similarities?
"It got a critical assist this spring from Republican FCC Chairman Ajit Pai, who revived a decades-old regulatory loophole that will keep Sinclair from vastly exceeding federal limits on media ownership."

Only in the sense that we both don't like the actions of the FCC. In the Sinclair instance, they have been pro repub long before orangemanbad, so your normal level of hatred should be dialed back down to just normal hatred. Also, the rule was existing in the Sinclair case and it was just questionable application. Had it been improper, I'm sure one of your groups like the ACLU would have sued to stop it. In the Soros instance, it's not his acquisition of the stations that is the issue but the failure of the FCC to do their normal procedure of vetting the backgrounds of the money providers from overseas. How you wouldn't think that is a good idea to follow normal guidelines is beyond me. I mean, what if the three biggest money people were from the former USSR? Would you be screaming RUSSIA,. RUSSIA, RUSSIA?!?!? It may be fine, it may not. We won't ever know until it's not.
Rudy Guiliani was disbarred this summer from New York, and today officially disbarred from DC. Why has it taken so long?
Good question. Probably needed to exhaust all appeals, etc. before they took that final action. I suspect he was suspended during that interim period. Either way, I'm guessing he has enough secreted away somewhere to afford hair dye for as long as he needs it.
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Why does this matter since it impossible for the ballot to be counted twice?
And it says as much directly beneath the headline:

City officials say duplicate ballots have identical bar codes so they can't be counted twice

This is exactly the point. You connect two things that are not causally related.
Sure, agreed, the direct prob is UK policy-makers, but it was well known this type of thing would happen if Brexit was approved. UK policy-makers doing what they did are a consequence of voters approving Brexit.
The issue is that the UK (arguably) needs to set their pesticide standards higher, not that withdrawing from the EU caused anything. What if the UK set their own standards higher than the UK? Would the article then be crediting Brexit with making their food safer?
It certainly could if it was a predicted benefit that approving Brexit would lead to safer foods. The article is talking about a consequence.
Because if it hadn't be caught, 2000 people could have voted for Trump and it counted as 1 vote.
In the past you've proven that you have difficulty with comprehension, difficulty discerning myth from reality, etc, so i don't doubt that you'd lack understanding of what happened, but i'm curious if you even attempted to read the article before or after posting it here.
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In the past you've proven that have difficulty with comprehension, difficulty discerning myth from reality, etc, so i don't doubt that you'd lack understanding of what happened, but i'm curious if you even attempted to read the article before or after posting it here.

So it's a good thing that 2000 absentee ballots were sent out with the same barcode?

It's those kind of stances that have earned you such respect around here.
So it's a good thing that 2000 absentee ballots were sent out with the same barcode?
You are still dumb. But now i'm curious if you tried reading it again, or if you've tried to have someone else read and interpret it for you, or you're just giving up.

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