OOTB's Political Thread . ..

There's also 'The Governor' which shoots both .45 caliber rounds and .410 shotgun shells. You can fire .38 ammo in a .357, but not vice versa...because a .357 round is too long for a .38. Picture of 'The Governor':


maybe my favorite gun that i own!
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i'll share mine:

A) legalized murder of babies.
B) rewriting the Constitution to fit their emotions (2nd amendment).
C) giving free healthcare to people who enter and reside in the country illegally.

are you a real person?...i almost see c), but a) & b) are categorically incorrect and idiotic to even assume.

Too bad your mom didn’t abort you

stay classy
i'll share mine:

A) legalized murder of babies.
B) rewriting the Constitution to fit their emotions (2nd amendment).
C) giving free healthcare to people who enter and reside in the country illegally.

And you are OK with prioritizing unborn and in many cases non-viable fetuses (A) over actual peoples lives (B and C)?
And you are OK with prioritizing unborn and in many cases non-viable fetuses (A) over actual peoples lives (B and C)?

Yes because guns will always be around and people will always use them for murder ...and because free health care is not a God given right.
Yes because guns will always be around and people will always use them for murder ...and because free health care is not a God given right.
Hey, man... if God were responsible for giving "rights" then I find it hard to believe that the government could take them away whenever they feel like it... and, they have.
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I know most of you won't watch. You'll just grunt and walk on by, leaving knuckle trails in the dirt. :p However, I know that @strummingram enjoyed the black "liberals vs. conservatives" video I posted, so I'm posting it for him and whoever else decides to watch. It's pretty interesting, at least to me.

I know most of you won't watch. You'll just grunt and walk on by, leaving knuckle trails in the dirt. :p However, I know that @strummingram enjoyed the black "liberals vs. conservatives" video I posted, so I'm posting it for him and whoever else decides to watch. It's pretty interesting, at least to me.

I'll watch it. That one you mentioned was really good. I shared it with some other friends who I consider to far more liberal-minded than I ever could be.

I just got through the first 5 or 6 minutes and will watch the rest. It seems like an annoying chore to have to proclaim my "pronouns" in formal introductions, in the future. Unless I move to Asheville, I doubt I will ever have to deal with it.
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