Yeah... her entire perspective of the world is through a political filter FIRST. That's a shame for anyone, in my opinion. Because, as Rogan pointed-out, politics is corrupt. Politics only exist because there is chaos and/or disagreement. Now, I am not saying there's no place for politics in society. We have no choice, it's here. And, in spite of political division, things somehow get accomplished. But, in my mind, politics is a poison, it's a weight around the neck of the species. It's a shame that we developed our governing system THROUGH politics.
Anyway, I digress. Owens is so fervently political, that she doesn't realize the impact it is having. She is so partisan and completely lacks objectivity (which is a symptom of partisan politics). It's a shame. It's entirely possible that she can maybe develop a newer understanding that is not so dependent on adhering to some political philosophy. She is intelligent, and articulate. But, she's a little too naive with this blind allegiance to whatever she believes to be "conservative."