OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Ask me. And what I'll say is that it's not my responsibility to make sure everyone lives better than their parents. I can choose one or two families personally to help elevate on my own and be more in control of the help and assistance they receive. If I'm the one helping, I get to decide how to do so. Not some out-of-touch politician that attempts to fix everything with a one-size-fits-all solution that is bound to be taken advantage of and ultimately fail.

it would be if you were a commie.
How close do you think we are to fully automated fast food restaurants? Think about this. We already have kiosk in many places to order or ordering by an app. How hard would it be to have a CNC build a burger from frozen to completion? Always have hot fries and your order to be exactly like you order it.
I understand fully what you are saying here but what do we do, stop automating? Had man done that in the past, we would still just have the wheel and othing else. Not an easy answer at all.
I understand fully what you are saying here but what do we do, stop automating? Had man done that in the past, we would still just have the wheel and othing else. Not an easy answer at all.
On stopping automating, corporations are legally bound to shareholders to seek profit. They are going to do everything they can to be more efficient on spending/costs. They're going to want to minimize long-term costs of human labor regardless of an hourly wage changing.
lol, do people really listen to their high school guidance counselor? If I wasn't in trouble for something, I don't think I ever had a meeting with her for any other reason.

High school guidance counselors are the biggest nothing and waste of tax payer money. Sorry if any of you are a high school guidance counselor.
Guidance counselors have become heavily involved in the education part. It's not the same as when you were in school. They don't just stay in their office and wait for you to get in trouble. They push college just like a drug dealer pushes drugs.
an actual communist is you. Of course, you are too oblivious to understand that you are one.

How many times now is it that in the process of trying to tell me what I'm guilty of, that you have actually BEEN guilty of same? EVERY time. You are a deflection machine, and you have nothing of substance to offer. HMMM, accuses others of what he himself is guilty of....maybe you're just a liberal after all. A liberal of course is a commie larva. You liberal commie larva, you.

You got serious issues dude.
2 - My feelings on trade schools are well known. I support them wholeheartedly. The college experience is no longer an affordable experience. If you're not going the engineering or medical route or maybe one or two other specific fields, I highly encourage you to pick a trade and get trained in that. I know guys out of trade school that make almost 6 figures welding. They're 24-25 years old. Read or listen to Mike Rowe. He's a genius.

yep, totally agree. there is definitely a value to college IF you get a degree that is useable in the marketplace AND if you dont go into debt to get the degree.

and i think most 18-19 year olds would benefit from not going straight to college out of high school but rather take a year off, work and save money to help pay for college (or the trade school). thankfully there should always be a need for tradesmen/women ... as opposed to those with a degree in 'gender studies' or 'germany polka' or the many other useless programs that are out there.
I am sure your aunt and uncle worked hard to attain what they have. Im sure there were periods in their life they did without for the betterment of their future. Literally punishing successful people with a larger burden just to give more to other classes of people is not the correct way to handle it. The walmarts and targets of the world wont follow that lead. Remember some years back when it was going to be required to furnish benifits for larger companies such as target? Target played ball, they moved the bulk of their employees to part time to beat that requirement. Forcing social corrections on successful companies only causes bad ripples. $15 per hour minimal wage means
$15 quarterpound combo at McDonalds. It means higher prices across the board for everyone, even the ones who get $15 to flip that burger. It means new innovations to reduce the workforce. If i have to pay $15 to a greenhorn in my business, who do you think is going to pay that? Throwing money at a problem does not solve that problem.

Tell me, why is it the fault of trying to ensure people can earn a decent living that a company like target screws them over by placing them part time as opposed to paying full benefits?

This is what I mean when I say poor or borderline poor people are demonized. They deserve better.
as opposed to those with a degree in 'gender studies' or 'germany polka' or the many other useless programs that are out there.
"gender studies" would probably be an awesome and useful second degree though, at least at UNC when i was there.
Question- What were legit reasons for going to that rally?

I believe most people who went to the "stopTheSteal" rally are thinking one or some of:
a) the election should be overturned cuz fox and trump said so.
b) the election wasn't legal due to fraud
c) the election wasn't legal due to the laws in certain states
d) regardless of election you want congress/biden punished for some crime yet to be charged.
or e) not brain-washed, but just looking for some violence/hate or gov. overthrow type stuff.

Maybe my beliefs are wrong, so what are legit reasons why you would've gone to "stopTheSteal" rally?
Tell me, why is it the fault of trying to ensure people can earn a decent living that a company like target screws them over by placing them part time as opposed to paying full benefits?

This is what I mean when I say poor or borderline poor people are demonized. They deserve better.
There is no fault of people striving for decent wages. There also is no fault in target doing what they did. When the government forces changes like requiring health coverages, then there are things that happen as a result. Profit lines are important to any business, no matter the size. An outside force changes the parameters in which you run that business, and changes that bottom line, then adjustments are made. How would you feel if your boss came to you and said "hey @carolinablue34 , I am taking 8k from your anual salary to cover the janitor, so he will have a better shot in life."
It wouldnt feel fair to you. Redistribution of wealth has a sour taste for those who work hard to get what they desired.
Because I felt like it?
Then I wouldn't feel bad if cancel culture happened to you and people decided they'd rather do biz with someone that makes better decisions for their Wednesdays in early Jan.

Are there any other legit reasons for going?
No. Did you spend a lot of time under somebody's desk?
That's really hilarious.

I just wondered if there was some of that obligatory boomer-fear of the Soviet Union that might contribute to your ignorance to actual communism. Then again, communism is a lot like most other "isms" in that, no two people define it the same way.
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There is no fault of people striving for decent wages. There also is no fault in target doing what they did. When the government forces changes like requiring health coverages, then there are things that happen as a result. Profit lines are important to any business, no matter the size. An outside force changes the parameters in which you run that business, and changes that bottom line, then adjustments are made. How would you feel if your boss came to you and said "hey @carolinablue34 , I am taking 8k from your anual salary to cover the janitor, so he will have a better shot in life."
It wouldnt feel fair to you. Redistribution of wealth has a sour taste for those who work hard to get what they desired.
it's incredible that people can be so lame of thought that they can't see the plain injustice in what they want to impose on others.

It's also unbelievable that they would gladly kill the goose that lays the golden egg, just so everyone is more on the same level. For one example, we produce miracle drugs at an amazing rate, drugs that help a lot of people live more decently....but because pharmaceutical companies make a well-deserved, sometimes spectacular (and other times not so spectacular) profit on some of them they are considered evil entities whose profits must be curtailed. Why? Because somebody decided that everyone deserves the same level of healthcare, regardless of whether they have prioritized their own health, AND REGARDLESS OF THE FACT THAT IN TRYING TO MAKE IT ALL 'FAIR', THEY ARE BENT ON MAKING LESS BENEFIT AVAILABLE OVERALL. The mindlessness is hard to grasp and disgusting to behold.
That's really hilarious.

I just wondered if there was some of that obligatory boomer-fear of the Soviet Union that might contribute to your ignorance to actual communism. Then again, communism is a lot like most other "isms" in that, no two people define it the same way.

LOL, If you really understood what I bolded, you could have spared us the drivel.

if you and that other knob would educate yourselves regarding language and its use, you'd understand that it's befitting for me, speaking colloquially, to call anything communistic that runs in the leftist direction counter to or otherwise opposing my rightist ideals. If I was referring specifically to, say, Marxist Communism however, I would indicate that I was doing just that. But I wasn't referring to Marxist Communism, I was talking to a commie who doesn't even know he is one.
LOL, If you really understood what I bolded, you could have spared us the drivel.

if you and that other knob would educate yourselves regarding language and its use, you'd understand that it's befitting for me, speaking colloquially, to call anything communistic that runs in the leftist direction counter to or otherwise opposing my rightist ideals. If I was referring specifically to, say, Marxist Communism however, I would indicate that I was doing just that. But I wasn't referring to Marxist Communism, I was talking to a commie who doesn't even know he is one.
It's definitely befitting for you to speak colloquially!

Tell me about Marxist Communism... pretty please. Feel free to speak colloquially!
There is no fault of people striving for decent wages. There also is no fault in target doing what they did. When the government forces changes like requiring health coverages, then there are things that happen as a result. Profit lines are important to any business, no matter the size. An outside force changes the parameters in which you run that business, and changes that bottom line, then adjustments are made. How would you feel if your boss came to you and said "hey @carolinablue34 , I am taking 8k from your anual salary to cover the janitor, so he will have a better shot in life."
It wouldnt feel fair to you. Redistribution of wealth has a sour taste for those who work hard to get what they desired.

Depends on the situation. If the boss is taking 8k from me while keeping his own cushy salary I’d tell I’m to take a hike. Not because of the janitor but his priorities. That’s the main issue. I’m not the one hoarding wealth. If I own a company and I have billions of dollars but a good chunk of my employees can’t make ends meet that’s a problem.

The problem isn’t government. Target could pay those benefits if they wanted to. It’s just greed, plain and simple.
Depends on the situation. If the boss is taking 8k from me while keeping his own cushy salary I’d tell I’m to take a hike. Not because of the janitor but his priorities. That’s the main issue. I’m not the one hoarding wealth. If I own a company and I have billions of dollars but a good chunk of my employees can’t make ends meet that’s a problem.

The problem isn’t government. Target could pay those benefits if they wanted to. It’s just greed, plain and simple.
I dont think you will take it kindly to an 8k hit, regardless. As quoted above, its also about stockholders as well for those larger companies. You cant pick up the tab for heavy benifits and keep the stock holders happy
Oh wow well if such an upstanding citizen such as yourself says I am it must be so.

You telling strum and I to “educate” ourselves is the funniest thing I’ve heard all day.
The idea that you could be educated is kinda funny, now that you mention it.
It's OK, you can admit you don't know what it means.
I don't know wtf you mean, I admit it.

So... back to Marxist Communism. Do you think that Friedrich Engels played a larger role in the overall framing of the economic and social philosophies, rather than Karl Marx, based on his personal observations and research throughout England in the mid-19th century? Engels deserves a lot more credit, in my opinion. Especially since he was responsible for supporting Marx financially while he researched and wrote Das Kapital. Personally, I think The Origin of the Family, Private Property and the State is a LOT more informative and descriptive of the actual economic AND social structures. And, Engels was a perfect Tenor!

It just goes to show that you can NEVER trust the Germans, or anyone who descended from German people!
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