OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Nooo... that's a description of YOU, not me. You're skeptical of half of them and you embrace the other half.

I, on the other hand, know that they're all for sale and they all, collectively, don't give a shit about average people.

Did you just go with “ I’m rubber, you’re glue”? Hahaha. You’ve mailed it in at this point.
Hate is not a choice I would make. I wouldn't want to be supportive of his kind of rhetoric, and I wouldn't want to mimic that kind of rhetoric. But, hating it is similar to holding a grudge. Holding a grudge only hurts me... if I do that.
Has nothing to do with a grudge. I hate the qualities of a person like
Actually, you may find this to be an outlandish concept, but his or her positions on the issues and the policies they tend to support would be top of the list. All things being equal would I want them to also be nice, etc.? Of course, but being a wonderful guy is not what we need as president when they're own bedroom represents the same challenge as an escape room to them. Our leader is not being hired to be a preschool assistant.
Don’t kid yourself, Trump’s position on anything is determined by whether it makes Trump money or not.
No one here believes this phony shit you’ve cooked up. (yes, this is me speaking for everyone or I guess I could create a poll and embarrass you if you want).
Please, PLEASE do! lol

I love it when you speak for "everyone" because of something I offered.
Actually, you may find this to be an outlandish concept, but his or her positions on the issues and the policies they tend to support would be top of the list. All things being equal would I want them to also be nice, etc.? Of course, but being a wonderful guy is not what we need as president when they're own bedroom represents the same challenge as an escape room to them. Our leader is not being hired to be a preschool assistant.
I’m sorry but you are the kind of person Trumps preys on. To his you are just a sucker to make money off of.

Everyone knows. So good job. You’re like everyone else here.

And you’re an idiot if you can’t acknowledge there is a definite meaning to the word American. But I imagine that was just your pathetic virtue signaling again. I’ll pay it no mind this time but you better stop with that stupid shit or you won’t get off so easily next time.
I’m sorry but you are the kind of person Trumps preys on. To his you are just a sucker to make money off of.
That's pretty funny since he's made the same amount of money on me that Joe has. Someone else might have to tell you what that number is.

On the other hand, I've personally seen my bottom line significantly go down since orange left office. But it' all good, Joe's got them gas prices on the run.
That's pretty funny since he's made the same amount of money on me that Joe has. Someone else might have to tell you what that number is.

On the other hand, I've personally seen my bottom line significantly go down since orange left office. But it' all good, Joe's got them gas prices on the run.
Your passbook checking account is up a little isn’t it?
I’m sorry, I wasn’t paying that much attention. Remind us, what have you “offered”? You talking about the silliness I already spoke to?
I just find it amusing when you resort to the need to have "everyone else" agreeing with you where I'm concerned. You must need that a lot, since you resort to it so often.

I don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't agree with me. I don't need others' approval in order to have value in my opinion when confronting another individual here. I'm not sharing my comments to be rewarded with likes or getting cheered-on by anyone else.
Explain to me why you hate him. Do not accuse him of being racist as there are no facts to back that up. Do not say he collided with Russia because there are no facts to prove that. Do not say he intentionally inspired an “InSURrEcTiOn” because there are no facts that prove that.

So, using the guidelines outlined above, why do you personally hate him?

My issue with Trump has never been his supposed 'racism'. He's no more racist than any other person his age. If Bob Mueller says there wasn't enough evidence to show Trump committed a crime in regards to his contact with the Russians, that's good enough for me.

We are never going to see eye to eye on January 6th. Trump whined, complained, and shouted to the heavens the election was being stolen from him without evidence. People seized upon that and stormed the Capitol Building. He tried to hold onto power when he lost. That's reason enough for me never to vote for the guy. There is no riot on that day if he keeps his big mouth shut.

There were some policies I didn't like. I didn't care for his sucking up to dictators or treating allies second class. Even opinions he did have that I could get behind were largely incoherent and his administration was a revolving door of chaos. I was tired of the f**king circus every week.

But he's just utterly depraved. Trump worships no god or idol just himself. He doesn't believe in anything except for what benefits him in a given moment and screw everyone else. He's a narcissistic egomaniac. Even beyond that, it's what Trump enables that really makes my blood boil: playing footsies with the Proud Boys, cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.

Granted, everyone shits on each other these days. But his brand of it is toxic beyond measure. He brings out the worst in his supporters and detractors. It's a corrosive, 'us vs. them' mentality. He divides instead of healing. And the only thing he cares about is people kissing his ass. He turns that toxicity on anyone who doesn't follow the Trump style GOP rhetoric. It's not healthy.

So those are my reasons. I await your standard 'GFY' along with some variation of 'fag.'
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Explain to me why you hate him. Do not accuse him of being racist as there are no facts to back that up. Do not say he collided with Russia because there are no facts to prove that. Do not say he intentionally inspired an “InSURrEcTiOn” because there are no facts that prove that.

So, using the guidelines outlined above, why do you personally hate him?
Any blue collar American should hate Trump. He’s a cheat, grifter, liar, and conman. He is well-known for flat out refusing to pay people for services. He litigates everything. He routinely steps out on his wives. He is a bully born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He would slit the throat of his supporters if it helped him in the slightest.
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My issue with Trump has never been his supposed 'racism'. He's no more racist than any other person his age. If Bob Mueller says there wasn't enough evidence to show Trump committed a crime in regards to his contact with the Russians, that's good enough for me.

We are never going to see eye to eye on January 6th. Trump whined, complained, and shouted to the heavens the election was being stolen from him without evidence. People seized upon that and stormed the Capitol Building. He tried to hold onto power when he lost. That's reason enough for me never to vote for the guy. There is no riot on that day if he keeps his big mouth shut.

There were some policies I didn't like. I didn't care for his sucking up to dictators or treating allies second class. Even opinions he did have that I could get behind were largely incoherent and his administration was a revolving door of chaos. I was tired of the f**king circus every week.

But he's just utterly depraved. Trump worships no god or idol just himself. He doesn't believe in anything except for what benefits him in a given moment and screw everyone else. He's a narcissistic egomaniac. Even beyond that, it's what Trump enables that really makes my blood boil: playing footsies with the Proud Boys, cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.

Granted, everyone shits on each other these days. But his brand of it is toxic beyond measure. He brings out the worst in his supporters and detractors. It's a corrosive, 'us vs. them' mentality. He divides instead of healing. And the only thing he cares about is people kissing his ass. He turns that toxicity on anyone who doesn't follow the Trump style GOP rhetoric. It's not healthy.

So those are my reasons. I await your standard 'GFY' along with some variation of 'fag.'
To me, it's really no longer about Donald Trump. I'm not sure it ever was, frankly. People are fond of labeling me as having "TDS." As if that's a bad thing? I realize he's a shyster, but that's just my observation. However, it's not really TDS... it's more like TSDS- Trump Supporters Derangement Syndrome. For me, it's not about the leader- Trump. It's about the followers, supporters. Charismatic demagogues are blamed for a lot of things. But, they were really just opportunists. When they have millions and millions of people supporting them, how can they be blamed for everything? So, I'm more alarmed by the amount of people who, despite everything, would still vote for him, and continue to defend anything and everything he does/has done. And, most of them love "Us vs. Them"
We all know it’s just your silliness. No one here believes this phony shit you’ve cooked up. (yes, this is me speaking for everyone or I guess I could create a poll and embarrass you if you want). Stop it and get some help.
again with the assuming…do you realize how tired this act is by now?

how’s your house?…is it in order?…you’re on here an awful lot, like all day…are you bored and just not stimulated enough at home or at work?…you must know by now how easy it is to do a psychoanalysis on you, right?…you might as well be canceled yourself.
LOL.. you act like Warnock is a choir boy.
By comparison, he absolutely is. He was arrested for obstructing police trying to question his campers. He was let go and charges dropped. His ex wife claims he ran over her foot. Hardly domestic dispute


A watershed moment, he writes, came in February 2001, when he drove around suburban Dallas, hunting for a man who he said was avoiding his calls after being days late delivering a car Walker had purchased.

“The logical side of me knew that what I was thinking of doing to this man — murdering him for messing up my schedule — wasn’t a viable alternative,” Walker wrote. “But another side of me was so angry that all I could think was how satisfying it would feel to step out of the car, pull out the gun, slip off the safety, and squeeze the trigger.”

Four years later, in December 2005, Cindy Grossman, Walker’s ex-wife, secured a protective order against him, alleging violent and controlling behavior.

Grossman has said she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

In an affidavit, Tsettos claimed Walker once called looking for his ex-wife while she was out with her boyfriend. Tsettos took the call and said Walker became “very threatening” when told of Grossman’s whereabouts. In Tsettos’ recollection, Walker “stated unequivocally that he was going to shoot my sister Cindy and her boyfriend in the head.”

On another occasion, Tsettos said she talked to Walker “at length” after he’d reached out to her online. He “expressed to me that he was frustrated with (Cindy) and that he felt like he had ‘had enough’ and that he wanted to ‘blow their f------ heads off,’” she recalled of the Dec. 9, 2005, exchange.
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Any blue collar American should hate Trump. He’s a cheat, grifter, liar, and conman. He is well-known for flat out refusing to pay people for services. He litigates everything. He routinely steps out on his wives. He is a bully born with a silver spoon in his mouth. He would slit the throat of his supporters if it helped him in the slightest.

He can do whatever he wants if I and most other Americans benefit too. I don’t know what color my collar is though.
again with the assuming…do you realize how tired this act is by now?

how’s your house?…is it in order?…you’re on here an awful lot, like all day…are you bored and just not stimulated enough at home or at work?…you must know by now how easy it is to do a psychoanalysis on you, right?…you might as well be canceled yourself.

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By comparison, he absolutely is. He was arrested for obstructing police trying to question his campers. He was let go and charges dropped. His ex wife claims he ran over her foot. Hardly domestic dispute


A watershed moment, he writes, came in February 2001, when he drove around suburban Dallas, hunting for a man who he said was avoiding his calls after being days late delivering a car Walker had purchased.

“The logical side of me knew that what I was thinking of doing to this man — murdering him for messing up my schedule — wasn’t a viable alternative,” Walker wrote. “But another side of me was so angry that all I could think was how satisfying it would feel to step out of the car, pull out the gun, slip off the safety, and squeeze the trigger.”

Four years later, in December 2005, Cindy Grossman, Walker’s ex-wife, secured a protective order against him, alleging violent and controlling behavior.

Grossman has said she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

In an affidavit, Tsettos claimed Walker once called looking for his ex-wife while she was out with her boyfriend. Tsettos took the call and said Walker became “very threatening” when told of Grossman’s whereabouts. In Tsettos’ recollection, Walker “stated unequivocally that he was going to shoot my sister Cindy and her boyfriend in the head.”

On another occasion, Tsettos said she talked to Walker “at length” after he’d reached out to her online. He “expressed to me that he was frustrated with (Cindy) and that he felt like he had ‘had enough’ and that he wanted to ‘blow their f------ heads off,’” she recalled of the Dec. 9, 2005, exchange.

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I just find it amusing when you resort to the need to have "everyone else" agreeing with you where I'm concerned. You must need that a lot, since you resort to it so often.

I don't care who agrees with me or who doesn't agree with me. I don't need others' approval in order to have value in my opinion when confronting another individual here. I'm not sharing my comments to be rewarded with likes or getting cheered-on by anyone else.

Sometimes there are only two choices for practical solutions. All that means is that your views are that of the minority and should be considered less than those of the majority.
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Sometimes there are only two choices for practical solutions. All that means is that your views are that of the minority and should be considered less than those of the majority.
And, then again, sometimes people have delusions of grandeur that their random opinion- on an internet sports message board- is a solution to something beyond their control.
My issue with Trump has never been his supposed 'racism'. He's no more racist than any other person his age. If Bob Mueller says there wasn't enough evidence to show Trump committed a crime in regards to his contact with the Russians, that's good enough for me.

We are never going to see eye to eye on January 6th. Trump whined, complained, and shouted to the heavens the election was being stolen from him without evidence. People seized upon that and stormed the Capitol Building. He tried to hold onto power when he lost. That's reason enough for me never to vote for the guy. There is no riot on that day if he keeps his big mouth shut.

There were some policies I didn't like. I didn't care for his sucking up to dictators or treating allies second class. Even opinions he did have that I could get behind were largely incoherent and his administration was a revolving door of chaos. I was tired of the f**king circus every week.

But he's just utterly depraved. Trump worships no god or idol just himself. He doesn't believe in anything except for what benefits him in a given moment and screw everyone else. He's a narcissistic egomaniac. Even beyond that, it's what Trump enables that really makes my blood boil: playing footsies with the Proud Boys, cementing a conservative supermajority on the Court in which Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito hold sway, and his complete disregard for any kind of political discourse.

Granted, everyone shits on each other these days. But his brand of it is toxic beyond measure. He brings out the worst in his supporters and detractors. It's a corrosive, 'us vs. them' mentality. He divides instead of healing. And the only thing he cares about is people kissing his ass. He turns that toxicity on anyone who doesn't follow the Trump style GOP rhetoric. It's not healthy.

So those are my reasons. I await your standard 'GFY' along with some variation of 'fag.'
Well, you certainly put an end to that discussion. Looks like they didn’t want an answer as bad as they thought.
By comparison, he absolutely is. He was arrested for obstructing police trying to question his campers. He was let go and charges dropped. His ex wife claims he ran over her foot. Hardly domestic dispute


A watershed moment, he writes, came in February 2001, when he drove around suburban Dallas, hunting for a man who he said was avoiding his calls after being days late delivering a car Walker had purchased.

“The logical side of me knew that what I was thinking of doing to this man — murdering him for messing up my schedule — wasn’t a viable alternative,” Walker wrote. “But another side of me was so angry that all I could think was how satisfying it would feel to step out of the car, pull out the gun, slip off the safety, and squeeze the trigger.”

Four years later, in December 2005, Cindy Grossman, Walker’s ex-wife, secured a protective order against him, alleging violent and controlling behavior.

Grossman has said she was long a victim of Walker’s impulses. When his book was released, she told ABC News that at one point during their marriage, her husband pointed a pistol at her head and said, “I’m going to blow your f’ing brains out.” She filed for divorce in 2001, citing “physically abusive and extremely threatening behavior.”

In an affidavit, Tsettos claimed Walker once called looking for his ex-wife while she was out with her boyfriend. Tsettos took the call and said Walker became “very threatening” when told of Grossman’s whereabouts. In Tsettos’ recollection, Walker “stated unequivocally that he was going to shoot my sister Cindy and her boyfriend in the head.”

On another occasion, Tsettos said she talked to Walker “at length” after he’d reached out to her online. He “expressed to me that he was frustrated with (Cindy) and that he felt like he had ‘had enough’ and that he wanted to ‘blow their f------ heads off,’” she recalled of the Dec. 9, 2005, exchange.
Holy Shitballs! He must have been tons of fun.
Well, you certainly put an end to that discussion. Looks like they didn’t want an answer as bad as they thought.

Sit tight old man. I’ll get around to responding when I feel like it. I know you’re on borrowed time at your advanced age and all but I’m not on your schedule.
Are there any Georgia guys, or republicans in general that support Walker?
Not in anyway connected to Georgia (except enjoying fb recruits Mack plucks from there), but from my very distant perspective, this has always felt similar to many who voted in our last presidential election: anybody but Warnock. So, I guess the answer to your actual question is, not really. He was a great running back, but I even wonder at times if he will ultimately be found to be suffering from CTE.
That’s pretty funny
They‘re his own words
Not in anyway connected to Georgia (except enjoying fb recruits Mack plucks from there), but from my very distant perspective, this has always felt similar to many who voted in our last presidential election: anybody but Warnock. So, I guess the answer to your actual question is, not really. He was a great running back, but I even wonder at times if he will ultimately be found to be suffering from CTE.
He’s diagnosed with multiple personality disorder. He’s threatened to kill his ex. He’s attempted to kill a man for delivering his car late. He’s certifiably insane. How could Warnock be worse?

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