OOTB's Political Thread . ..

you don't even know? You poor mindless bastard. Wish I could help but I think you're beyond that.

And no I'm not deflecting, it's just that your question is purposely idiotic and I won't respect it enough to answer. But I will say that I told you before that you are maybe the most susceptible person I know of.
You deflect? Noooo... never.
LOL you and @Heels Noir are both sidewinders. His original point, the specific one that I responded to, was simply that Trump DID NOT USE the DPA AT ALL. It's right there, all you have to do is go back and read it. Everything else you've said is just horse mustard (I don't know what that means either, but it seems appropriate somehow). When he started skewing away from the original path with his opinion, I followed with plain fact relating back to his original point.

You've got to get better at strawman-making. As much as you have practiced it, you aren't very good at it.
The original point was that Trump f'd his pandemic approach by not "Tackling the pandemic head-on".

Trump fudged the potential power of DPA to help where it mattered most - PPE. And when he actually used it for GM/Vents it was slow, and debatable as to whether or not it was sabre-rattling.

If you want to dispute semantics like "AT ALL" then that is either you just fighting about semantics because you suck or you doing the skewing and strawman'ing to spin away from the original "tackling the pandemic head-on" premise (becaues you suck)
So if I post that Capital Ford screwed me on some car repairs that means you should go to the dealership and vandalize the place?

yes if your followers are fuk nut cult dwelling yee haws that hang on you every word like step and fetch children and you’ve been whining and bitching like an old woman with a wooden leg for months about how capitol Ford screwed you over when in fact you got the best service ever
yes if your followers are fuk nut cult dwelling yee haws that hang on you every word like step and fetch children and you’ve been whining and bitching like an old woman with a wooden leg for months about how capitol Ford screwed you over when in fact you got the best service ever

LOL.. me thinks you are jealous of the Trumpster.
Before the violent mob stormed the capitol building:

“We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. We won this election, and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election.”

After the violent mob stormed the Capitol building:

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long,” he tweeted. “Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”
Before the violent mob stormed the capitol building:

“We will never give up. We will never concede. It doesn’t happen. You don’t concede when there’s theft involved. We won this election, and we won it by a landslide. This was not a close election.”

After the violent mob stormed the Capitol building:

“These are the things and events that happen when a sacred landslide election victory is so unceremoniously & viciously stripped away from great patriots who have been badly & unfairly treated for so long,” he tweeted. “Go home with love & in peace. Remember this day forever!”

Thanks for the reminder.. it was a great speech.
"A school in New York City that charges $57,000 a year has published a guide sent to students and parents that encourages them to alter their language to conform to gender identity ideology, including pushing students to stop referring to their parents as 'mom' and 'dad.'"

Since when is a politically-correct conformist and oppressor who is only "encouraging" others to use different if foolish terminology classified as "censorship"?

You need to relax, Archer. For a loooooong time you have been too uptight. Smoke a doobie, drink a cocktail. Unwind.
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The original point was that Trump f'd his pandemic approach by not "Tackling the pandemic head-on".

Trump fudged the potential power of DPA to help where it mattered most - PPE. And when he actually used it for GM/Vents it was slow, and debatable as to whether or not it was sabre-rattling.

If you want to dispute semantics like "AT ALL" then that is either you just fighting about semantics because you suck or you doing the skewing and strawman'ing to spin away from the original "tackling the pandemic head-on" premise (becaues you suck)
LOL, get a grip dude. You are patently dishonest. The words I responded to are right there and are unmistakable...

That's just the thing, Trump invoked it but never implemented it to ensure necessary supplies for medical professionals. I.e., he never used it. (bluetoe's bold)

HE NEVER USED IT. Is that a matter of semantics? You are nothing more than a pathological liar if you continue to claim semantics or strawmanning. Jeezus dude, just admit you're wrong. LMAO.
"A school in New York City that charges $57,000 a year has published a guide sent to students and parents that encourages them to alter their language to conform to gender identity ideology, including pushing students to stop referring to their parents as 'mom' and 'dad.'"

Since when is a politically-correct conformist and oppressor who is only "encouraging" others to use different if foolish terminology classified as "censorship"?

You need to relax, Archer. For a loooooong time you have been too uptight. Smoke a doobie, drink a cocktail. Unwind.

Okay man I’m disagreeing here. What that nyc school is “encouraging” is still f**king nuts and shouldn’t be encouraged at all.
Okay man I’m disagreeing here. What that nyc school is “encouraging” is still f**king nuts and shouldn’t be encouraged at all.
Maybe that's why I called them conformists and oppressors and characterized their behavior as foolish, if you read it closely enough.
"A school in New York City that charges $57,000 a year has published a guide sent to students and parents that encourages them to alter their language to conform to gender identity ideology, including pushing students to stop referring to their parents as 'mom' and 'dad.'"

Since when is a politically-correct conformist and oppressor who is only "encouraging" others to use different if foolish terminology classified as "censorship"?

You need to relax, Archer. For a loooooong time you have been too uptight. Smoke a doobie, drink a cocktail. Unwind.

Free speech is being threatened here, and in my book that is censorship.

Your argument might hold some water if these were only adults being 'encouraged'. But they are sub-adults as well and therefor highly suggestible, and the so-called 'encouragement' comes in a form that makes not acting on the instruction seem to be ethically wrong. Additionally, I am quite sure that speech not conforming to these suggestions would not be allowed at school. I have no problem describing this as censorship, and I would welcome the opportunity to tell these idiots to stick it up their ass.

Here's how acting on one suggestion would go..."Hello parentals, how was your day?" The warmth just gushes out, doesn't it? The world has really gone haywire when we can't be allowed to recognize the difference between male and female, and we start indoctrinating children accordingly.
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Free speech is being threatened here, and in my book that is censorship.
What an idiot! No one is being "threatened" if you care to read the article. I'm sure most parents laughed at the guide and threw it in the trash before their children had a chance to read it. And, like most Republicans these days, you have little to no understanding of the US Constitution.

"sub-adults" You mean school children? What a lamebrain! 🤣

Like Archer, you need to simmer down and quit getting your panties in a wad.
What an idiot! No one is being "threatened" if you care to read the article. I'm sure most parents laughed at the guide and threw it in the trash before their children had a chance to read it. And, like most Republicans these days, you have little to no understanding of the US Constitution.

"sub-adults" You mean school children? What a lamebrain! 🤣

Like Archer, you need to simmer down and quit getting your panties in a wad.

I read the article.

I know no one is being threatened, idiot. I said free speech is being threatened. Don't try to argue with the literate. For example I used sub-adults because to say 'school children' connotes younger students, whereas older students are included as well with the term 'sub-adults'. Did I mention you shouldn't try to argue with the literate? I'm only 'encouraging' you so you can avoid the humiliation.

OOPS, too late.
I read the article.
I already know all about your reading comprehension. It sucks!

For example, if someone's right to free speech is being threatened, then that same someone is being threatened -- not physically but by entitlement. Same thing, moron.

I read the article.

I know no one is being threatened, idiot. I said free speech is being threatened. Don't try to argue with the literate. For example I used sub-adults because to say 'school children' connotes younger students, whereas older students are included as well with the term 'sub-adults'. Did I mention you shouldn't try to argue with the literate? I'm only 'encouraging' you so you can avoid the humiliation.

OOPS, too late.
After a post like that I don’t think I would mention the word literate......

The group identified as “Die-hard Trumpers” — supporters of the former president who would back him in a hypothetical primary regardless of who else was running but who don’t believe in QAnon conspiracy theories — comprised 27 percent of the Republican voters surveyed.

Another 28 percent comprised the “Trump Boosters,” Republicans who said they approve of how Mr. Trump did his job, but only a slight majority of them support him being the nominee again, and they are more supportive of the Republican Party than Mr. Trump personally.

The “Never Trump” Republicans comprised 15 percent of the Republicans surveyed.

Another 20 percent were described as “Post-Trump G.O.P.,” who like Mr. Trump but want to see someone else as the party’s nominee.

The “Infowars G.O.P.” voters, named for the conspiracy-laden news outlet that was founded by Alex Jones, comprised 10 percent of the voters surveyed, far from a majority but a significant enough portion of voters that, in a multicandidate primary, could play a factor. Only 13 percent of all the voters surveyed believed in QAnon conspiracy theories, the poll showed, but 69 percent of the “Infowars G.O.P.” voters backed those theories

The group identified as “Die-hard Trumpers” — supporters of the former president who would back him in a hypothetical primary regardless of who else was running but who don’t believe in QAnon conspiracy theories — comprised 27 percent of the Republican voters surveyed.

Another 28 percent comprised the “Trump Boosters,” Republicans who said they approve of how Mr. Trump did his job, but only a slight majority of them support him being the nominee again, and they are more supportive of the Republican Party than Mr. Trump personally.

The “Never Trump” Republicans comprised 15 percent of the Republicans surveyed.

Another 20 percent were described as “Post-Trump G.O.P.,” who like Mr. Trump but want to see someone else as the party’s nominee.

The “Infowars G.O.P.” voters, named for the conspiracy-laden news outlet that was founded by Alex Jones, comprised 10 percent of the voters surveyed, far from a majority but a significant enough portion of voters that, in a multicandidate primary, could play a factor. Only 13 percent of all the voters surveyed believed in QAnon conspiracy theories, the poll showed, but 69 percent of the “Infowars G.O.P.” voters backed those theories
That seems pretty close to my three group theory I posted a few weeks ago.

The group identified as “Die-hard Trumpers” — supporters of the former president who would back him in a hypothetical primary regardless of who else was running but who don’t believe in QAnon conspiracy theories — comprised 27 percent of the Republican voters surveyed.

Another 28 percent comprised the “Trump Boosters,” Republicans who said they approve of how Mr. Trump did his job, but only a slight majority of them support him being the nominee again, and they are more supportive of the Republican Party than Mr. Trump personally.

The “Never Trump” Republicans comprised 15 percent of the Republicans surveyed.

Another 20 percent were described as “Post-Trump G.O.P.,” who like Mr. Trump but want to see someone else as the party’s nominee.

The “Infowars G.O.P.” voters, named for the conspiracy-laden news outlet that was founded by Alex Jones, comprised 10 percent of the voters surveyed, far from a majority but a significant enough portion of voters that, in a multicandidate primary, could play a factor. Only 13 percent of all the voters surveyed believed in QAnon conspiracy theories, the poll showed, but 69 percent of the “Infowars G.O.P.” voters backed those theories
Wow! That is just so hard to believe. I admit, I don’t understand it at all, never have.
Maybe that's why I called them conformists and oppressors and characterized their behavior as foolish, if you read it closely enough.

My guy, don’t get pretentious on me. The point still stands that edicts like this are the exact reason why a significant portion of the country despises leftism in 2021 and why progressives still can’t win over the working class.

There’s an increasingly obnoxious, elitist portion of left wing politics that concerns itself more with labels, terminology, and moral purism than actual issues that help people. So I don’t blame certain people on this board for being pissed about it. That shit is ludicrous.
Maher is pretty spot on there. The things that get focused on in the US are trivial and don't actually matter in the grand scheme of success as a country.

China's government has a lot of warts too, but there are certainly things they run pretty well.
After a post like that I don’t think I would mention the word literate......
The village idiot speaks...

On seeing a post with the word 'literate' in it, you should know it doesn't concern you.

As is the norm with you, the words you spew are as empty as your head.
I already know all about your reading comprehension. It sucks!

For example, if someone's right to free speech is being threatened, then that same someone is being threatened -- not physically but by entitlement. Same thing, moron.

'threatened by entitlement' 😂😂😂😂😂😂
Maher is pretty spot on there. The things that get focused on in the US are trivial and don't actually matter in the grand scheme of success as a country.

China's government has a lot of warts too, but there are certainly things they run pretty well.
success as a country is the last thing on what passes for a liberal's mind. It's all about being a victim.
The village idiot speaks...

On seeing a post with the word 'literate' in it, you should know it doesn't concern you.

As is the norm with you, the words you spew are as empty as your head.
Blue boy, you are such a worthless little man.
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