OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Yes, it would be trying to pick someone else. Two things would have to happen first. The biggest one would be someone would have to actually agree to be a replacement. The second would have to be delegates on the floor would have to vote against who the voters voted for in the primary. The biggest hurdle for that is most of those delegates were put in place by the Biden administration.
The only way this happens is for Joe to agree to release them (send out word, not that they are legally bound) and to put his efforts behind someone. How that wouldn't be Kamala is beyond me as they'd either have to pick her or place her into something else first. Unless there was suddenly a vacancy on the S.Ct. (and I don't see how they'd get her through the confirmation process that fast before the convention), it's got to be something pretty creative. And then, who would it be that would even agree to get stuck in that position who realistically thinks they could go forward next time after likely losing to Trump the first time they run as a substitute? That leaves the world's smartest woman. Bottom line is I think we are stuck with the existing choices unless Joe gets even worse and he has to announce he's ending it in Jan or even before and Kamala steps into both the Oval Office and the nomination.
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Yes, it would be trying to pick someone else. Two things would have to happen first. The biggest one would be someone would have to actually agree to be a replacement. The second would have to be delegates on the floor would have to vote against who the voters voted for in the primary. The biggest hurdle for that is most of those delegates were put in place by the Biden administration.
I was seeing yesterday that some were saying that because of how it was set up, Biden would actually have to withdraw.

Shouldn't be an insurmountable task, might have to yank all of the strings at one time though.

ETA oops, I did it again. I didn't see @pooponduke 's post Sorry pooponduke.
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Oh God PLEASE let it be Kamala Harris, maybe the one person on the planet even less well thought of than Biden at this point.

Unfortunately, she actually is capable of putting rational thought into cogent language, and without chuckling at her own words. I've seen her do it. The best play would be to endlessly show a clip of her inviting illegals from all around the globe to come to our borders, advising that 'no one will be turned away'.
Doesn’t seem likely. Now if fundraising falls apart it might change things and the party turn on him. The almighty dollar will always be heard.
Apparently they had a huge money haul yesterday, so it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Someone is going to have to convince him to step down. Not sure who could actually do that. Maybe his wife.

What's lost in all of this is the fact that he already is president. All the talk has been about him being able to win and if he would be able to do the job. Umm... he already has the damn job. Pretty much no one is talking about that.
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Louisiana now requires The 10 Commandments to be displayed in every public schoolroom.

And "Effective immediately, Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through 12, according to a memo Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters sent to all school districts. Schools are instructed to refer to the Bible and the Ten Commandments for their “substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.” "

Wtf. How does state sponsored religion jibe with religious freedom for all? Just more conservatives making big gov decisions.
You people can't even see when you're being made fun of by the rest of the world. If you really saw yourself like the rest of the world did you would understand.
Hey Lyles, how do we look to the rest of the world now after that gem by ya boy the other night? Like a laughingstock. My personal favorite from the Brits was the term "Joematose"... I think I'll borrow that one.

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Louisiana now requires The 10 Commandments to be displayed in every public schoolroom.

And "Effective immediately, Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through 12, according to a memo Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters sent to all school districts. Schools are instructed to refer to the Bible and the Ten Commandments for their “substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.” "

Wtf. How does state sponsored religion jibe with religious freedom for all? Just more conservatives making big gov decisions.
I'm conservative and I'm not anti-religion (although I'm also not religious), but I would hope there would be a separation of church and state lawsuit in these two instances. However, the principles being espoused are just what kids need to have hammered into their thick little skulls. Just don't shove religion down their throats because 1) it isn't the government's place to do that and 2) it'll just turn them off and end up having the opposite effect of that desired.

How to be a decent, principled human being should be part of every class without idiots expanding common decency into the insanity of wokeness. Which is what this is probably a reaction to.
You people can't even see when you're being made fun of by the rest of the world. If you really saw yourself like the rest of the world did you would understand.
we understand now. Want us to tell you or would you rather remain deep in denial.?
Louisiana now requires The 10 Commandments to be displayed in every public schoolroom.

And "Effective immediately, Oklahoma schools are required to incorporate the Bible as part of the curricula in grades five through 12, according to a memo Superintendent of Public Instruction Ryan Walters sent to all school districts. Schools are instructed to refer to the Bible and the Ten Commandments for their “substantial influence on our nation’s founders and the foundational principles of our Constitution.” "

Wtf. How does state sponsored religion jibe with religious freedom for all? Just more conservatives making big gov decisions.
If anything they should be putting the U.S. Constitution in classrooms for the kiddies to study.
Hey Lyles, how do we look to the rest of the world now after that gem by ya boy the other night? Like a laughingstock. My personal favorite from the Brits was the term "Joematose"... I think I'll borrow that one.
As bad as Biden was in the debate, Trump and his persistent lies was worse. At least Biden showed the very next day that it was an aberration, but Trump will never change, never improve.
As bad as Biden was in the debate, Trump and his persistent lies was worse. At least Biden showed the very next day that it was an aberration, but Trump will never change, never improve.
I watched the debate. Assuming you did, you can't possibly believe Trump was worse. I guess we all can't trust our lying eyes, huh?

They were both awful but only one of them lied through his teeth every time he opened his mouth. By the way, nice work quoting a fiction writer whose social commentary through fiction has been extraordinarily accurate in forecasting the dystopian world that the dems have been and still are creating for us. Just as he was, you're really in touch with reality. Thank you for putting me squarely in my place, especially considering that I have quoted figures of lesser credibility.
FIFYour dumb ass.
As bad as Biden was in the debate, Trump and his persistent lies was worse. At least Biden showed the very next day that it was an aberration, but Trump will never change, never improve.




LMAO. Lying is as ingrained in Biden's character as it is with y...well, you know. But he showed it was an aberration by what, going the better part of a day without his lips moving? Or by telling the lie that it was Trump telling the most lies.

Trump exaggerates for effect and often disregards accuracy when accuracy isn't important to the point. On the other hand, Biden stood down the dangerous thug Corn Pop back in his Polish I mean Greek I mean Italian I mean black neighborhood and his uncle was eaten by cannibals in New Guinea and he was at the top of his law school class, and his golf handicap was 6...and on and on. And on. We can make a list if you'd care to. We can start with 'the border is under control'.
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By the way, nice work quoting a fiction writer whose social commentary through fiction has been extraordinarily accurate in forecasting the dystopian world that the dems have been and still are creating for us. Just as he was, you're really in touch with reality. Thank you for putting me squarely in my place, especially considering that I have quoted figures of lesser credibility..
I guess George Orwell, just like Dostoevsky, is someone you've never actually read before. If you had you would realize that Big Brother is a totalitarian government that specializes in revising history and is vengeful against those who question its authority. Whose leadership does that sound like? That's right, Donald Trump's.
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I guess George Orwell, just like Dostoevsky, is someone you've never actually read before. If you had you would realize that Big Brother is a totalitarian government that specializes in revising history and is vengeful against those who question its authority. Whose leadership does that sound like? That's right, Donald Trump's.

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I guess George Orwell, just like Dostoevsky, is someone you've never actually read before. If you had you would realize that Big Brother is a totalitarian government that specializes in revising history and is vengeful against those who question its authority. Whose leadership does that sound like? That's right, Donald Trump's.
LMAO. As I said, and as you just described, the dems are bent on creating just such a dystopian existence for us. Weaponizing our institutions and systems in order to persecute and suppress political opposition to that end is clearly not a Trump tactic, but a lefty one.

It's hilarious how you feel threatened because I have read Dostoevsky. Oh, and because I just showed you up a little. There's no reason for you to feel threatened when you've already been bested.
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it was like a two guys throwing darts. One can’t hit the board. The other can’t find his darts. So who wins?
Well, actually that would be like one guy throwing darts. I'd have to say that the guy who can't find his darts defaults to the guy who at least threw some in the direction of the target. And come to think of it, 'default' pretty well describes Biden's appearance while 'errant' might well describe Trump's..
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I guess George Orwell, just like Dostoevsky, is someone you've never actually read before. If you had you would realize that Big Brother is a totalitarian government that specializes in revising history and is vengeful against those who question its authority. Whose leadership does that sound like? That's right, Joe Biden’s.
Apparently they had a huge money haul yesterday, so it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Someone is going to have to convince him to step down. Not sure who could actually do that. Maybe his wife.

What's lost in all of this is the fact that he already is president. All the talk has been about him being able to win and if he would be able to do the job. Umm... he already has the damn job. Pretty much no one is talking about that.
maybe the haul is because it’s already in the works…i think it is, it better be.

the delegate switch would be to her, but someone, newsom or shapiro, could be the benefactor…i don’t think it’s that difficult if the right people are making the decision.
maybe the haul is because it’s already in the works…i think it is, it better be.
Seems like it would make more sense to hold off and give the money to the next person instead of giving him false hope. Also, you can't just switch money to another campaign after it's been donated.

the delegate switch would be to her, but someone, newsom or shapiro, could be the benefactor…i don’t think it’s that difficult if the right people are making the decision.
Who's her? Harris? I seriously doubt that would be who the majority switched their vote to. It's possible I guess, but I don't see it. The optics of them voting for someone else when Biden is still running is pretty bad. It's a great way to disenfranchise Biden supporters. They have to get him to drop out, but make it look like it's his decision.
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Seems like it would make more sense to hold off and give the money to the next person instead of giving him false hope. Also, you can't just switch money to another campaign after it's been donated.

Who's her? Harris? I seriously doubt that would be who the majority switched their vote to. It's possible I guess, but I don't see it. The optics of them voting for someone else when Biden is still running is pretty bad. It's a great way to disenfranchise Biden supporters. They have to get him to drop out, but make it look like it's his decision.
If he gets out and they don't put forward Kameltoe the Dims are done with the black vote.
Seems like it would make more sense to hold off and give the money to the next person instead of giving him false hope. Also, you can't just switch money to another campaign after it's been donated.

Who's her? Harris? I seriously doubt that would be who the majority switched their vote to. It's possible I guess, but I don't see it. The optics of them voting for someone else when Biden is still running is pretty bad. It's a great way to disenfranchise Biden supporters. They have to get him to drop out, but make it look like it's his decision.
her is harris, but she doesn’t have to accept…she’s on the ticket so those are hers.

lol we’re past optics and the dems already know this…parties aren’t concerned about optics at this stage, see the two candidates.

if the dems know what’s best for them it’s to encourage more media attention re: biden.
I know you’re rooting for him but really….do you think he stands a chance? I just don’t see it barring trump totally screwing the pooch. I mean like literally screwing a dog on live tv or something.
I simply believe that come November there will be more intelligent voters than ignorant ones. There's no changing the minds of Trumpers or never Trumpers but the undecided voters exhibit a reservation that lends itself to intelligence. In the end, I think it comes down to not who is best for the country but who is the most dangerous.

Also, Trump pretty much screws the pooch, at least figuratively, every time he speaks.
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her is harris, but she doesn’t have to accept…she’s on the ticket so those are hers.

lol we’re past optics and the dems already know this…parties aren’t concerned about optics at this stage, see the two candidates.

if the dems know what’s best for them it’s to encourage more media attention re: biden.
No, they aren't automatically her's. That's not how it works. The delegates are free to choose whoever they want. Optics matter in this case because they need people to come out and vote. If they tell all these Biden voters that they are going to ignore what they want, then they will just sit at home. But you are right about needing to push the media, though.
I guess George Orwell, just like Dostoevsky, is someone you've never actually read before. If you had you would realize that Big Brother is a totalitarian government that specializes in revising history and is vengeful against those who question its authority. Whose leadership does that sound like? That's right, Donald Trump's.
It sounds exactly like what Dims are attempting to do.
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