OOTB's Political Thread . ..

who is gonna tell him?

You obviously didn't get the point of the poast. Yes, I understand that streaming is going to minimize commercials. But I don't want to watch all of Shawshank. I've seen it plenty. But if it's a part I like when I'm flipping by, I'll check it out. You think I'm going to sign into Netflix and pull up Shawshank Redemption? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Like I said, I like channel surfing. It's the way I grew up watching TV and I don't watch enough TV now to change my ways.
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I can believe that is happening, but I would also say it's likely in very isolated cases and is more of a problem among some overly zealous teachers than the school systems. If you know otherwise I would be interested i. hearing about it.

That's fair. But any school system reluctant to make statements denouncing that kind of behavior are complicit. It should be an immediate fire-able offense for a teacher and school systems should shout it from the rooftops that those scenarios result in immediate dismissal.

If we're being honest, we should really be contacting a mental health provider every time a kid says they're transgender. If teachers were really looking out for the best interest of the students, that's what they would do. Because it's a mental disorder. And school personnel and the overall systems in which they work should all be on board to completely eradicate the idea that gender is fluid or flexible or what-have-you. That's where I land. But I'm not even asking schools to go that far. That's me compromising. I'm just asking that parents ALWAYS be in the loop and for schools to make it known that parents are ALWAYS in the loop or else.
That's where his moronic plan to implement tariffs comes into play.
you can not predict how this might pan out. In order to gain in the long term, there might be some painful short term adjustment necessary. And of course you and your ilk will report the pain and not the gain.

Cozying up with Putin and Jong Un and Orbán is hardly what I would consider "carrying a big stick." Not just Americans but most of the world felt threatened by Trump's weakness as a leader.
lol yeah, I remember all those wars borne of Trump's weakness. I always get a laugh out of the characterization of Trump being disrespected and a laughingstock around the world when nothing of the sort was true. What WAS true however was the incredulity displayed almost immediately upon Biden taking office over his idiocy. He truly was and is a global laughingstock. Now we have cacklepuss. That ought to help with our global prestige.
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you can not predict how this might pan out. In order to gain in the long term, there might be some painful short term adjustment necessary. And of course you and your ilk will report the pain and not the gain.

lol yeah, I remember all those wars borne of Trump's weakness. I always get a laugh out of the characterization of Trump being disrespected and a laughingstock around the world when nothing of the sort was true. What WAS true however was the incredulity displayed almost immediately upon Biden taking office over his idiocy. He truly was and is a global laughingstock. Now we have cacklepuss. That ought to help with our global prestige.
I've come to realize that beta men like beta leaders.
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You obviously didn't get the point of the poast. Yes, I understand that streaming is going to minimize commercials. But I don't want to watch all of Shawshank. I've seen it plenty. But if it's a part I like when I'm flipping by, I'll check it out. You think I'm going to sign into Netflix and pull up Shawshank Redemption? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Like I said, I like channel surfing. It's the way I grew up watching TV and I don't watch enough TV now to change my ways.
That's what YouTube TV is for or if you want a crapier service, Hulu live and Sling.
But any school system reluctant to make statements denouncing that kind of behavior are complicit.
I agree, but how many school systems are guilty? One? Ten? 100? Listening to Donald Trump and the MAGA mouthpieces you would think they're talking about school systems nationwide.
you can not predict how this might pan out.
I'm not predicting anything. I leave that to the experts.

Goldman Sachs: Trump policies would slow down economy​

Goldman predicted better performance outcomes in the event of a Harris presidency along with Democratic control of Congress, arguing that spending initiatives and tax credits would “more than offset” the hit to investment caused by a higher corporate income tax rate, which Vice President Harris has proposed increasing to 28 percent.
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Cost, no contract and customer service.

Maybe. I know what we pay is exorbitant. I don't think we have a contract but I don't know that for sure. My wife fools with all that. Customer service? I'd at least listen but I have a hard time believing it's any better. There's really no such thing as customer service anymore.
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I'm not predicting anything. I leave that to the experts.

Goldman Sachs: Trump policies would slow down economy​

Goldman predicted better performance outcomes in the event of a Harris presidency along with Democratic control of Congress, arguing that spending initiatives and tax credits would “more than offset” the hit to investment caused by a higher corporate income tax rate, which Vice President Harris has proposed increasing to 28 percent.

yeah I've seen that and I call bullshit. So, same answer. And raising the corporate rates back up? The stupidity is mind-boggling.
that’s charles manson level shit
There are probably tens of thousands of people like that. If he loses, we'll probably get to see just how many and how pissed-off they can get.

Now, to be fair, a lot of so-called liberals were on the ledge when Trump won in 2016, and I know a lot who will be back on the ledge if Trump wins. They were never willing to die for their own candidate, of course.

I have to say, the opportunity to watch this Trump-cult unfold, in real-time, has been interesting. It's one thing to read about things, historically. But, to actually see how masses of people can become totally subservient to the man, and go from rally to rally and wear that MAGA swag. I guess it speaks to the power of celebrity, and how totally disillusioned people in this country have become with the status quo in their government, and how easily they can be deceived. I never thought the rank-and-file GOP die-hards would allow him to totally take over their party.
I'm not predicting anything. I leave that to the experts.

Goldman Sachs: Trump policies would slow down economy​

Goldman predicted better performance outcomes in the event of a Harris presidency along with Democratic control of Congress, arguing that spending initiatives and tax credits would “more than offset” the hit to investment caused by a higher corporate income tax rate, which Vice President Harris has proposed increasing to 28 percent.
Goldman? They're socialist commies who hate america being profitable!
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It's telling that not one of the MAGAs can name a single person they want to lead the party except Trump. Kind of reminds you of Jonestown.
have you seen the latest photo of your cult leader, Kamala Jones? Take a gander and while you're at it, please try the purple kool-aid. Please.

I hear it's magic. You drink it and it makes our average IQ go up.

You cannot make this stuff up . . .

The right-wing bubble says Trump will save your cat from immigrants

False claims and baseless ones are politically useful, so they rocket to the social media accounts of prominent right-wing people.

If you are not a denizen of the right’s conversational bubble, this will probably strike you as incomprehensible. If you are such a denizen, though, you know what’s happening: Trump and his allies — and his running mate! — are elevating false or unsubstantiated claims about immigrants injuring and eating pets and other animals. And of course, blaming the Biden administration and Trump’s opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, for this thing-that-is-not-demonstrably-happening happening.

The story snowballed from various unverified reports, with people all over X and other platforms chucking their own little hunks of snow at it. In MAGA world, the alleged pet-eating is already a matter of fact, and Republican elected officials, including Vance, are hurrying to join the clout rush, the scramble to get attention and likes and followers by treating it as a serious issue.

Murder, Rape, Child Sexual Assault, Robbery, Assault, Theft, giant sucking of resources needed for others, etc.

. . . . but one thing about cats that goes viral which orange comments on (because if it happened he would, and what he said about KH is not untrue).

The comment is what you get your granny panties twisted up over versus the things that ARE happening? Is there any wonder what's wrong with this debate?
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Murder, Rape, Child Sexual Assault, Robbery, Assault, Theft, giant sucking of resources needed for others, etc.

. . . . but one thing about cats that goes viral which orange comments on (because if it happened he would, and what he said about KH is not untrue).

The comment is what you get your granny panties twisted up over versus the things that ARE happening? Is there any wonder what's wrong with this debate?
Didn't we get over this when we found out Obama ate dogs?
You obviously didn't get the point of the poast. Yes, I understand that streaming is going to minimize commercials. But I don't want to watch all of Shawshank. I've seen it plenty. But if it's a part I like when I'm flipping by, I'll check it out. You think I'm going to sign into Netflix and pull up Shawshank Redemption? Ain't nobody got time for that.

Like I said, I like channel surfing. It's the way I grew up watching TV and I don't watch enough TV now to change my ways.
Well, that's not necessarily true about the commercials. A streaming service like YouTubeTV doesn't change that issue. It's basically exactly like your cable tv service, but cheaper, and you can do things like set your own channel order. So, you can do things like putting CNN and MSNBC as the very last two channels in the guide, after the kids stations, after the Hispanic channels.

But, it's still the same feed from TBS or your local stations with their very same commercial breaks. You may get different commercials for certain slots, but the timing and endless breaks in the shows are the same. So, you have to make a distinction when speaking about "streaming" as to whether you are streaming a TV station provider or a service with their own content such as Netflix. Either way, you still need a source of high speed internet and for many, the best option is right through the cable from the cable tv system in the area. The issue of leaving cable usually pops up when they will no longer offer you those really good bundling deals.

And btw, I watch it exactly as you do. I hate commercials. Drives my wife crazy. I think the only thing that would change this habit would be if the remote broke. Also, it often shocks me how many times a show has a commercial and I'll switch to a sports event figuring it's live and because all the network shows are on the same schedule with commercials at the same time, and the live sports event is in commercial.
Now if you can only persuade Trump to skip tonight's debate and not utter another word between now and the election, things could get interesting. While he's at it, he might want to strap a muzzle on J.D. Vance.
Yep... "freedom" comes at the cost of kids being shot-up and murdered in their schools! GOD BLESS AMERICA! Dead kids= freedom! That makes for a nice Hallmark card.

Sucks for them, but dammit we gotta be free. If you need to be able to kill a lot of people in a hurry, in order to have your freedom... I'm not sure that's freedom. Of course, there's no universal definition of freedom. Thank god for that! Freedom through the threat of murder and/or killing other people! GOD BLESS AMERICA!
Sure does! Sucks for their family too. However, not a reason to push for banning guns. Too bad, not sad.
I pray that people will vote based on their wallet and not on their feeeeeeelings. Voting for feeeeeeeelings is what got us in this shit storm were in right now. Im not sure how kamala says how great bidenomics is doing and yet still talks about fixing our economy.
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I pray that people will vote based on their wallet and not on their feeeeeeelings. Voting for feeeeeeeelings is what got us in this shit storm were in right now. Im not sure how kamala says how great bidenomics is doing and yet still talks about fixing our economy.
Our group of beta males only think about their feelings.
Sure does! Sucks for their family too. However, not a reason to push for banning guns. Too bad, not sad.
I don't think banning guns will solve it. And, apparently just "pushing" for it scares old white people to death. People simply do not need to have mass murder weapons.
You may or may not have heard that there is a debate tonight.

My prediction is that the "reviews" and the pundits will almost universally applaud for KH and the amazing job she did.

In fact, they've probably already been provided their talking points, phrases and buzz words to use during their propagandizing. When expectations are low, and they've been setting that bar very low for weeks now, it's not hard to meet or exceed those expectations. Anything above what Joe did last time out and they will herald her as Obama.2