OOTB's Political Thread . ..

A public endorsement of Dick Cheney is hardly anything you want anyone to know about... especially if you're a democratic candidate for president!
Bahahahahaha!!! “What’s wrong with our country?” The dip shit has the gall to ask after making about as utterly stupid a statement as he ever has. (Again). Oh of course he’s exxagerating, it’s the way he talks, he doesn’t really mean it….blah blah fuking blah. But to answer his question…HE’S what’s wrong with our country. HIM. The stupid ass mother fukker actually believes kids are getting sex change operations at school. Hey @bluetoe and @pooponduke can u guys get out your maga tard decoder rings and translate this gibberish and tell me how he doesn’t mean what he says? Thanks

Bahahahahaha!!! “What’s wrong with our country?” The dip shit has the gall to ask after making about as utterly stupid a statement as he ever has. (Again). Oh of course he’s exxagerating, it’s the way he talks, he doesn’t really mean it….blah blah fuking blah. But to answer his question…HE’S what’s wrong with our country. HIM. The stupid ass mother fukker actually believes kids are getting sex change operations at school. Hey @bluetoe and @pooponduke can u guys get out your maga tard decoder rings and translate this gibberish and tell me how he doesn’t mean what he says? Thanks

Joke if you want. Those trans people are being radicalized to shoot-up American schools.
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Hey @Heels Noir next time you want to parade out your tired vaudeville act about the Foreign War Funding bill that you insist on calling a bipartisan border bill, perhaps you should remember this little admission that came out of Joe. The completely misnamed Inflation Reduction Act was a lie for the believers like yourself to swallow. But then, those that swallow were the targets since the Queen was the deciding vote and was proud of it.

Huh? 🤷‍♂️
Bahahahahaha!!! “What’s wrong with our country?” The dip shit has the gall to ask after making about as utterly stupid a statement as he ever has. (Again). Oh of course he’s exxagerating, it’s the way he talks, he doesn’t really mean it….blah blah fuking blah. But to answer his question…HE’S what’s wrong with our country. HIM. The stupid ass mother fukker actually believes kids are getting sex change operations at school. Hey @bluetoe and @pooponduke can u guys get out your maga tard decoder rings and translate this gibberish and tell me how he doesn’t mean what he says? Thanks

I couldn't really tell what crazy shit he was saying. I couldn't hear him say he was going to tax money we don't even have or that he's going to give people $25,000 as a down payment on a house or that he's going to clamp down on high supermarket price gouging instead of just discontinuing the practices that actually cause those high prices.. I just couldn't hear him say any of that bizarre crap.
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"Kamala Harris will be the next President of the United States."

Shit, I was saying as much two and a half months ago.
That's his prediction. It requires people to come out and vote. But, we all know that Trump will never concede.
That's his prediction.
I know. I've been following Allan Lichtman and his predictions since I first heard about him before the 2020 election. That's why all the Trumpers who know about him and his uncanny success at picking winners will watch that video with bated breath . . . and then shit themselves.

🎼Happy Days are here again!🎵🎶
I couldn't really tell what crazy shit he was saying. I couldn't hear him say he was going to tax money we don't even have or that he's going to give people $25,000 as a down payment on a house or that he's going to clamp down on high supermarket price gouging instead of just discontinuing the practices that actually cause those high prices.. I just couldn't hear him say any of that bizarre crap.
okay Tks that clears it up
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Bahahahahaha!!! “What’s wrong with our country?” The dip shit has the gall to ask after making about as utterly stupid a statement as he ever has. (Again). Oh of course he’s exxagerating, it’s the way he talks, he doesn’t really mean it….blah blah fuking blah. But to answer his question…HE’S what’s wrong with our country. HIM. The stupid ass mother fukker actually believes kids are getting sex change operations at school. Hey @bluetoe and @pooponduke can u guys get out your maga tard decoder rings and translate this gibberish and tell me how he doesn’t mean what he says? Thanks

I will say with 1000% certainty that if the orange turd has the balls to make this claim at the debate he will lose the debate. I’m sure maga will be in denial and point out Harris’ laugh and blame the media and Obama but he will lose the debate and prob the election as well if he claims kids are getting sex change operations at school.
I know. I've been following Allan Lichtman and his predictions since I first heard about him before the 2020 election. That's why all the Trumpers who know about him and his uncanny success at picking winners will watch that video with bated breath . . . and then shit themselves.

🎼Happy Days are here again!🎵🎶

And Nate Silver has Trump with 58% chance to win. It just went up and Kamala’s went from 46% to 41%. Big deal.
🎼Happy Days are here again!🎵🎶
Where the hell have they been el stupido? This isn't 2020. Your idiots have been in charge for four years. These are your "Happy Days".

You will, of course, respond with something like, but, but, but , but Jan 6th. Well, here's one of the big differences about these happy days and many do remember Jan 6th

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I will say with 1000% certainty that if the orange turd has the balls to make this claim at the debate he will lose the debate. I’m sure maga will be in denial and point out Harris’ laugh and blame the media and Obama but he will lose the debate and prob the election as well if he claims kids are getting sex change operations at school.

Kids are being manipulated at school. Kids are being radicalized at school. I don’t know if they’re having sex changes there yet but I could be convinced.

I think the point is that public education is a disaster and he’s selling something better - a chance to get away from it.
I will say with 1000% certainty that if the orange turd has the balls to make this claim at the debate he will lose the debate. I’m sure maga will be in denial and point out Harris’ laugh and blame the media and Obama but he will lose the debate and prob the election as well if he claims kids are getting sex change operations at school.
I was going to let this go (your previous post) when I ran across it just because I try to limit how much I pick on you and your nonsense. But you have provoked me into saying that it is YOU that is wrong with country. This country is full of the unthinking who allow their emotion to overrun plain common sense. So many who want to hate someone or something so badly that they would believe that a man might think that a kid goes to school one day and comes back the opposite sex. How fvcking retarded are you to think that?

It is EXACTLY what I have said about Trump that you keep taking potshots at. It's rhetoric. I do exactly the same thing in everyday order to make a point I often add exaggerated emphasis. I imagine most of us do the same thing on some regular basis. It's colorful and more impactful to talk this way. When I do it I assume that whoever I'm talking to is more intelligent than a head of cabbage and understands that some man-eating fungus is not really going to spring up out of the carpet if you don't wipe your feet or that a can of peas doesn't actually cost twenty bucks.

It's hard to imagine people so stupid that they don't realize that Trump was just pointing out a real thing, the educational system's meddling in the sexual identity of kids. He's trying to address a real problem and you are ridiculing him for it. And you don't think the problem is you?

What we like about Trump is that he doesn't measure every word in order to avoid the kind of stupidity that I don't have to care about on my non-presidential level. Unfortunately, in order to avoid this idiotic kind of criticism, Trump would have to become someone whose words are cookie-cutter politician's other words, he would have to become a politician, a person who the dolts of the world feel all warm and fuzzy about

C'mon dude, get a grip. Hate Trump all you want to, but try to have a valid reason for doing so. Because while you are shitting a brick over colorful speech, you're helping the real idiot who won't say more than she has to (for good reason) get elected.
Where the hell have they been el stupido? This isn't 2020. Your idiots have been in charge for four years. These are your "Happy Days".
You're right when you say, "This isn't 2020." Thank you, Donald Trump, for these fond memories . . .





I was going to let this go (your previous post) when I ran across it just because I try to limit how much I pick on you and your nonsense. But you have provoked me into saying that it is YOU that is wrong with country. This country is full of the unthinking who allow their emotion to overrun plain common sense. So many who want to hate someone or something so badly that they would believe that a man might think that a kid goes to school one day and comes back the opposite sex. How fvcking retarded are you to think that?

It is EXACTLY what I have said about Trump that you keep taking potshots at. It's rhetoric. I do exactly the same thing in everyday order to make a point I often add exaggerated emphasis. I imagine most of us do the same thing on some regular basis. It's colorful and more impactful to talk this way. When I do it I assume that whoever I'm talking to is more intelligent than a head of cabbage and understands that some man-eating fungus is not really going to spring up out of the carpet if you don't wipe your feet or that a can of peas doesn't actually cost twenty bucks.

It's hard to imagine people so stupid that they don't realize that Trump was just pointing out a real thing, the educational system's meddling in the sexual identity of kids. He's trying to address a real problem and you are ridiculing him for it. And you don't think the problem is you?

What we like about Trump is that he doesn't measure every word in order to avoid the kind of stupidity that I don't have to care about on my non-presidential level. Unfortunately, in order to avoid this idiotic kind of criticism, Trump would have to become someone whose words are cookie-cutter politician's other words, he would have to become a politician, a person who the dolts of the world feel all warm and fuzzy about

C'mon dude, get a grip. Hate Trump all you want to, but try to have a valid reason for doing so. Because while you are shitting a brick over colorful speech, you're helping the real idiot who won't say more than she has to (for good reason) get elected.
if you’re defending someone claiming kids are coming home from school with sex change operations I can never take serious another word you say. It’s not rhetoric. It’s not exxagerations. It’s plain fuking English. You’ve hit rock bottom defending this lunacy.
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For four years the right has non stop ridiculed, bashed, attacked, seized upon, lost their shyt over ever single stumble, fumble, mispoken word, brain fart, and “wtf did he say” moment from biden. Yet when trump offers up the most “wtf” moment in the history of American politics….oh well you know you’re stupid, an idiot, it’s rhetoric. Fuking hilarious. Politics and religion makes hypocrites out of most anyone but maga has elevated it to an art form.
For four years the right has non stop ridiculed, bashed, attacked, seized upon, lost their shyt over ever single stumble, fumble, mispoken word, brain fart, and “wtf did he say” moment from biden. Yet when trump offers up the most “wtf” moment in the history of American politics….oh well you know you’re stupid, an idiot, it’s rhetoric. Fuking hilarious. Politics and religion makes hypocrites out of most anyone but maga has elevated it to an art form.
^^^^^ insanely loses his shit over one quote taken too literally and then compares that to a man who has been relegated to basement guard duty to keep him out of sight and whose run for the presidency was cancelled because of his constant stumbling and bumbling. I don't know what size his brain was before, but TDS has at this point eaten away the greater part of it. So sad. Sad that he can vote, I mean.

And talking about intelligence; the lefties who want us to believe that the intelligence is all on their side of the table are so FOS.

My cable TV defaults to the UNC/PBS/commie channel when first turned on. A while ago, I tuned in and caught the tail end of an interview with some young woman who achieved something notable, and there was some comparison to Einstein being made. She was asked basically what made her so smart and capable, and to her credit she replied humbly that she wasn't that smart, she just stuck with a problem longer. Of course, she knew she was being told how smart she was and of course she knew how smart she was. Good for her.

But the gushing interviewer in closing asked the young lady what law she would make if she had the opportunity. Without hesitation, she said she would lower the voting age to sixteen, 'because kids' ideas need to be heard'..

Whaaaa? Even sixteen year olds know what a dumb idea this is....yet the libs seriously tried to push this same idea several years ago. And unlike this being an isolated comment, it is typical of libthink. Intelligence is not in great supply on either end of the spectrum. But common sense has been abandoned by the left (and some who are supposedly on the right).

And now comes an idiot who wants to give $25,000 of money we'll have to borrow to those who can't come up with a down payment on a house. So let's go ahead and elect this commie as president because orange man bad.
All sane Americans agree the era of Trump is coming to a close. That said, lets not debate whether that is true or not but who do you MEGAs think will replace him as the head of the republican party? Please all non MEGAs like me, stay out of the discussion and let them have their say.
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another board nut case, driven insane by DJT.

"Vote like your freedom depends on it, because if you aren't them, it does."


No wait, there is only a mere, relative handful of overtoasted Christians on display here. The millions and millions crossing our border are illegals who have been purposely shuttled into our country and truly imposed on us. But FORGET THEM, the real threat is this relative handful of Christian zealots.
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Cable TV?! 🤣

What century are you living in?
I don't understand this comment other than a general desire to attack him. Last I saw, something in the 40 percentile still have actual cable TV services. Then, there is the large segment of people who's only real option for high speed internet is through the cable company because dsl isn't an option, satellite can be super expensive and has some inherent problems, and wireless might be poor as well. So, even if one streams "TV" through a service such as YouTubeTV, sling, or fubo, they have to have "cable" internet.

Assuming you had one, what's your point or suggestion?
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