OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Is this Senator speaking sense or is he a RINO?
It's hilarious to hear conservative after conservative morph from dropping warnings, to making statements like this, then backtracking and sucking-up, sometimes just becoming a never-trumper.

What is a Republican? To be a RINO, you need some idea of what being a Republican is, to start with.

Is this a Republican?

That's North Carolina's very own Thom Tillis. He's no RINO. He's dyed in the wool MAGA.
I think it's interesting how the MAGA cult has already splintered. MTG announces that Loomer is "not MAGA." Who gets to decide that? Tillis, Greene, Loomer... Trump? Laura Loomer, I'm sure, believes that she is the epitome of whatever MAGA is supposed to be. I'm sure Donald Trump is too savvy to allow crackpots to influence his decision making.
I think it's interesting how the MAGA cult has already splintered. MTG announces that Loomer is "not MAGA." Who gets to decide that? Tillis, Greene, Loomer... Trump? Laura Loomer, I'm sure, believes that she is the epitome of whatever MAGA is supposed to be. I'm sure Donald Trump is too savvy to allow crackpots to influence his decision making.
@What Would Jesus Do? here's an interesting thing. All this stuff kinda makes me even more skeptical of polls. I guess we shouldn't be surprised one way or the other on election day. But you hear tons of stuff about new Dem registrations, first-time voters, and yet some polls still show Trump leading, or Harris having just a tiny lead. 🤷‍♂️

It's nothing new. Just ask Kevin McCarthy. I say it's the result of poor leadership. I agree with the Laura Loomer part. She's the most recent ring kisser and we know how susceptible Trump is to flattery.
It has been notable for a while that Trump’s wife, Melania, is nowhere to be seen, and Trump has begun to cling to provocateur Laura Loomer, who has vowed utter loyalty to Trump and is evidently quite happy to be seen with him. This is a problem for the Republican Party because of her history of conspiracy theories and open racism. As Joe Perticone and Marc Caputo of The Bulwark note, Loomer has referred to Vice President Harris as a “drug using prostitute,” for example, and suggested she has not given birth to children because “she’s had so many abortions that she damaged her uterus.”

Loomer’s extremism has made other Trump supporters urge him to keep her at a distance, sparking an embarrassing public fight. Two of those trying to get Trump to isolate Loomer are Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). Their chilliness prompted Loomer to fight back on social media, questioning Graham’s sexual identity and calling attention to Greene’s extramarital affair and comparing her to a “hooker.”

[from HCR's letter]
@What Would Jesus Do? here's an interesting thing. All this stuff kinda makes me even more skeptical of polls. I guess we shouldn't be surprised one way or the other on election day. But you hear tons of stuff about new Dem registrations, first-time voters, and yet some polls still show Trump leading, or Harris having just a tiny lead. 🤷‍♂️

Big boost in registrations after Taylor Swift's endorsement, and subsequent urging young people to vote.

The question is whether these represent "real" new voters or mainly folks who would have registered later anyway.
Two of those trying to get Trump to isolate Loomer are Senator Lindsey Graham (R-SC) and Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA). Their chilliness prompted Loomer to fight back on social media, questioning Graham’s sexual identity and calling attention to Greene’s extramarital affair and comparing her to a “hooker.”
The fact that my behavior gets so deep under your skin is all the satisfaction I really need. Pucker up, Boy Blunder.

just like I said. Don't pretend it's about getting under someone's skin, because you know you're being laughed at. Well actually, I guess you don't.

Respectability around the world, eh @prlyles

If you're looking for respectability, Grzegorz Braun is about the last person you should be considering. He isn't speaking here on behalf of the Polish government or people, but I'm sure in your haste to post this nonsense you didn't bother doing any research on the matter.

Braun is Poland's far-right, psychotic version of Donald Trump. In fact, he's Trump 2.0. Besides his Membership in the European Parliament (MEP), like Donald Trump he has lost most of his power in his otherwise inconsequential role in the Polish government. He supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine and considers Polish Jews, his fellow countrymen, enemies of the state. He is an antisemitic, anti-America, pro-Russia, hate-monger who isn't even respected by members of his own party.

It appears the people of Poland are thankful, as usual, for the American and NATO presence and commitment in their country, and they're not fearful of the U.S. starting WWIII but rather Putin after his invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

Nice work, 'slinger. What other crap do you have to share with us?
I think it's interesting how the MAGA cult has already splintered. MTG announces that Loomer is "not MAGA." Who gets to decide that? Tillis, Greene, Loomer... Trump? Laura Loomer, I'm sure, believes that she is the epitome of whatever MAGA is supposed to be. I'm sure Donald Trump is too savvy to allow crackpots to influence his decision making.
what I think is 'interesting' is how so many of the detractors seem to think every little difference of opinion or emphasis on an issue or reaction to an incident indicates an unhealthy chasm within the republican party. To me that indicates just the opposite as long as there aren't mass desertions to the other side on the day that counts. Isn't speaking our minds supposed to be what we are all about? Isn't that supposed to be how the best game plan is worked out?

What strikes me as unhealthy is not hearing a peep out of the dems no matter how outrageous or contradictory an issue or policy is. How much dem dissension have you witnessed over ten million illegals flooded into the country or the record inflation or the nitwit running for president blatantly and deceptively flip-flopping her stances, or a hundred other things?

How is that healthy to hear no objections to anything other than what a republican comes up with? Sure, such compliance with whatever goes helps get them elected, but it also screws us in the process. Us getting screwed in the process of dems acting like sheep is what I think of as being unhealthy.
If you're looking for respectability, Grzegorz Braun is about the last person you should be considering. He isn't speaking here on behalf of the Polish government or people, but I'm sure in your haste to post this nonsense you didn't bother doing any research on the matter.

Braun is Poland's far-right, psychotic version of Donald Trump. In fact, he's Trump 2.0. Besides his Membership in the European Parliament (MEP), like Donald Trump he has lost most of his power in his otherwise inconsequential role in the Polish government. He supports Russia's invasion of Ukraine and considers Polish Jews, his fellow countrymen, enemies of the state. He is an antisemitic, anti-America, pro-Russia, hate-monger who isn't even respected by members of his own party.

It appears the people of Poland are thankful, as usual, for the American and NATO presence and commitment in their country, and they're not fearful of the U.S. starting WWIII but rather Putin after his invasion of neighboring Ukraine.

Nice work, 'slinger. What other crap do you have to share with us?
Braun may be those things but that doesn't mean he doesn't represent the viewpoint of many Poles regarding the possibility of a larger-scale conflict that might drag Poland in unwillingly. I'm pretty sure the vast majority of Poles don't want that.

Rattling the Polish sabre for them and at our whim in support of Ukrainian military advances probably deserves the 'kindly fvck off' it got, regardless of how and by whom it was delivered.

The video you provide only serves to emphasize those concerns, not belie them. Poles aren't joining the military because they want to fight, but because they are concerned over the increased likelihood that they may have to.

I'm not siding with Russia, I'm only trying to clarify. I'm all for the Russians being driven out of Ukraine.
This isn't making the point you think this it's making. Unless, you support putin and hate the United States, if that's the case; then it's making your point very well.
Welcome. 8 posts since 2003 (7 about the Pitt game). Hope you make an appearance more often. Any contributions and interaction is appreciated. Seriously, post.
what I think is 'interesting' is how so many of the detractors seem to think every little difference of opinion or emphasis on an issue or reaction to an incident indicates an unhealthy chasm within the republican party. To me that indicates just the opposite as long as there aren't mass desertions to the other side on the day that counts. Isn't speaking our minds supposed to be what we are all about? Isn't that supposed to be how the best game plan is worked out?

What strikes me as unhealthy is not hearing a peep out of the dems no matter how outrageous or contradictory an issue or policy is. How much dem dissension have you witnessed over ten million illegals flooded into the country or the record inflation or the nitwit running for president blatantly and deceptively flip-flopping her stances, or a hundred other things?

How is that healthy to hear no objections to anything other than what a republican comes up with? Sure, such compliance with whatever goes helps get them elected, but it also screws us in the process. Us getting screwed in the process of dems acting like sheep is what I think of as being unhealthy.

The dems of today are a big tent party who have consistently move the extremes out of office, while not always agreeing on policy.

To your points, the GOP killed there own border security bill. The dems had their majority supporting it. Colin Aldridge as have others, have been outspoken about border (going back to when trump was gutting the immigration infrastructure) through the last few years.

Inflation, 54% of the Inflation we saw was price gouging not traditional inflation. The GOP killed every bill that would curbed price gouging and reduced "Inflation" more quickly. Even without any support by the GOP- we have had the best economic outcome of all of the G7 countries by a wide margin. The U.S. is the only G7 country who is ahead of their 2019s pre-covid economic projections.

That "nitwit" just made the other guy look like demented old fool, over and over and over again. But in his defense, after thinking about stuff for over 9 years, he claims to now have "concepts of plan".

Today, inflation is under 3% and the border has less migrants than what we saw under trump all with no help from the GOP because they put politics over what it appears you seem to care about. Getting actual facts and understanding the issues better, is key to not being misled.
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The dems of today are a big tent party who have consistently move the extremes out of office, while not always agreeing on policy.

To your points, the GOP killed there own border security bill. The dems had their majority supporting it. Colin Aldridge as have others, have been outspoken about border (going back to when trump was gutting the immigration infrastructure) through the last few years.

Inflation, 54% of the Inflation we saw was price gouging not traditional inflation. The GOP killed every bill that would curbed price gouging and reduced "Inflation" more quickly. Even without any support by the GOP- we have had the best economic outcome of all of the G7 countries by a wide margin. The U.S. is the only G7 country who is ahead of their 2019s pre-covid economic projections.

That "nitwit" just made the other guy look like demented old fool, over and over and over again. But in his defense, after thinking about stuff for over 9 years, he claims to now have "concepts of plan".

Today, inflation is under 3% and the border has less migrants than what we saw under trump all with no help from the GOP because they put politics over what it appears you seem to care about. Getting actual facts and understanding the issues better is key to not being misled.
Dayummm new guy coming in hot.

I would disagree on one point. The gop isn’t putting politics first, they’re putting serving trump’s addiction to power first.
Inflation, 54% of the Inflation we saw was price gouging not traditional inflation. The GOP killed every bill that would curbed price gouging and reduced "Inflation" more quickly.
What mental gymnastics were performed to get that 54% of inflation isn't real inflation stat?

And how are you wanting to curb inflation... Price controls?
Today, inflation is under 3%
Year over year inflation, off a high number, is under 3%. Unfortunately inflation is cumulative.
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So much to unpack here. But like I said before, welcome. You're gonna fit right in, just don't get all thin skinned and take offense at anything. It's all in good fun.
The dems of today are a big tent party who have consistently move the extremes out of office, while not always agreeing on policy.
The big tent line of yesterday's D party doesn't work anymore. They are only worried about catering to the extremes and leaving the bulk of the people in the middle behind.

To your points, the GOP killed there own border security bill. The dems had their majority supporting it. Colin Aldridge as have others, have been outspoken about border (going back to when trump was gutting the immigration infrastructure) through the last few years.
There has never been a proposed "border security bill". There was a Foreign War Funding bill that was killed. Go back and read the 25 pages or more that went through this one.
Inflation, 54% of the Inflation we saw was price gouging not traditional inflation. The GOP killed every bill that would curbed price gouging and reduced "Inflation" more quickly. Even without any support by the GOP- we have had the best economic outcome of all of the G7 countries by a wide margin. The U.S. is the only G7 country who is ahead of their 2019s pre-covid projections.
If inflation was in fact due to price gouging that was somehow improper, there are these little things called laws that apply. It would seem that a tough, former prosecutor would get together with the DOJ, the States and their AG's, Gov., local DA's, and so on to ensure that they start prosecuting all those existing price gouging laws. Nope. Too busy not getting to root causes and being the last person in the room when Joe makes a big decision I guess.
That "nitwit" just made the other guy look like demented old fool, over and over and over again. But in his defense, after thinking about stuff for over 9 years, he claims to now have "concepts of plan".
Well, the debate didn't go as a repeat of the one against Joe for sure. But, can you honestly say that the ABC people had the same "performance" as the CNN people? My response to that question would be that the desired result in BOTH debates was exactly what was achieved.
Today, inflation is under 3% and the border has less migrants than what we saw under trump all with no help from the GOP because they put politics over what it appears you seem to care about. Getting actual facts and understanding the issues better is key to not being misled.
Inflation still exists. So, I guess that's still just price gauging as KH likes to call it? So, the border is now in great shape. But, but, but, but the R's blocked all that. How on earth did that happen then if the R's had stopped all those border solutions? Here's where you talk about Joe's policies and his EO's that he finally signed, going right into the thick of election season after 3 years plus of a welcome mat and having rescinded Trump's EO's on Joe's first day. If the border is good now, it should have been good in Jan of 2021. You don't get to make pretend claims out of both sides of your mouth.