OOTB's Political Thread . ..

@prlyles said...

"Wow Blue the last few days you have sounded like one stupid SOB. You really need to up your game. You are embarrassing yourself. Has the new guy really got under you people's skin that much or is something else going on? Other people can come in and make you people look a lot dumber than he has. Is that what you want?"

lol, it's obvious to everyone but you who it is that looks like their skin has been gotten under. Hint; between me and you, it ain't me.

You aren't getting any smarter. Empty claim after empty claim, and not a shred of substantiation behind any of your pointless little spitballs. When you can demonstrate that I'm actually embarrassing myself, I'll address it respectfully. But as long as your posts continue to be such mindlessly shallow attempts to hit last, I'll just keep letting you publicly try to get your panties out of your crack.
Wow so the tech exists to remotely blow up your cell phone? Cot dam. I’m no fan of Israel but their assassination game is strong af.
Like them or not, agree or disagree on any given issue, Israel is bad ass in many respects. When your entire country is the size of New Jersey and you're surrounding by countries that hate you, that's kind of a requirement or you aren't a country for long.
OK, sometimes people can talk to you so I'm going to give this a try, do you think it would have passed if Trump had not stopped the MAGA from voting for it?
I'm not conceding whatever it is that you think you are gaining with the way you phrased your question. If you are asking whether or not the funding bill for the wars in Ukraine and Israel would have passed despite the fact that it contained poor legislation regarding our own border had former President Trump apparently expressed his lack of support for the bill, I'd have to say that it most likely would have. All you have to do is look at the subsequent funding of those wars which did pass when Trump apparently did not express a lack of support for the subsequent funding. Regardless, we now know who supports financing those wars and we don't have poor legislation that would have solved nothing regarding our own border. So, all in all, it worked out pretty well that Trump spoke his mind.
The yin and yang (& finger pointing) of Donald Trump:

- 2000+ MAGA-crazed insurrectionists storm the Capitol on January 6 and try to prevent the certification of the 2020 election and Trump denies any responsibility by way of his incendiary rhetoric.

- Two MAGA-crazed would-be assassins take potshots at him and Trump blames Kamala Harris's political rhetoric.

@prlyles said...

"Wow Blue the last few days you have sounded like one stupid SOB. You really need to up your game. You are embarrassing yourself. Has the new guy really got under you people's skin that much or is something else going on? Other people can come in and make you people look a lot dumber than he has. Is that what you want?"

lol, it's obvious to everyone but you who it is that looks like their skin has been gotten under. Hint; between me and you, it ain't me.

You aren't getting any smarter. Empty claim after empty claim, and not a shred of substantiation behind any of your pointless little spitballs. When you can demonstrate that I'm actually embarrassing myself, I'll address it respectfully. But as long as your posts continue to be such mindlessly shallow attempts to hit last, I'll just keep letting you publicly try to get your panties out of your crack.
Dunning-Kruger Effect on fool display here ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

Blaze referred to Joe Biden potentially signing legislation as "They". Which I actually think is probably accurate. I was simply pointing out the unintended admission as to what's really been going on.

When I say coverup, I am referring to the rather extensive effort by everyone connected with Joe to hide and lie to us about his abilities, challenges, and the decline he has experienced. We can quibble over the timeline over which it took place and when he first reached a point of actual concern, but there is no question that he should not have been running for re-election and he should not be finishing his term as president. You can call that tinfoil or any other term you want, but there is no disputing these facts. He obviously has his good days, moments, etc., but there simply is no credible argument to make that he isn't significantly compromised and is suffering the same as what most of us have had to watch with relatives and others over the years. There are times when he shouldn't be operating his corvette, let alone doing the world's hardest and most important job.

We were/are being lied to about this and it was/is being hidden from us simply for the sake of winning and staying in power. It is unforgivable. That list begins with KH and, for that alone, she should not be our alternative to orangeman. If these are the lengths to which things can be manipulated to pull the wool over our eyes, what else are they, including the media, willing to do? Call that what you will, but you are only kidding yourself.
Blaze referred to Joe Biden potentially signing legislation as "They". Which I actually think is probably accurate. I was simply pointing out the unintended admission as to what's really been going on.

When I say coverup, I am referring to the rather extensive effort by everyone connected with Joe to hide and lie to us about his abilities, challenges, and the decline he has experienced. We can quibble over the timeline over which it took place and when he first reached a point of actual concern, but there is no question that he should not have been running for re-election and he should not be finishing his term as president. You can call that tinfoil or any other term you want, but there is no disputing these facts. He obviously has his good days, moments, etc., but there simply is no credible argument to make that he isn't significantly compromised and is suffering the same as what most of us have had to watch with relatives and others over the years. There are times when he shouldn't be operating his corvette, let alone doing the world's hardest and most important job.

We were/are being lied to about this and it was/is being hidden from us simply for the sake of winning and staying in power. It is unforgivable. That list begins with KH and, for that alone, she should not be our alternative to orangeman. If these are the lengths to which things can be manipulated to pull the wool over our eyes, what else are they, including the media, willing to do? Call that what you will, but you are only kidding yourself.

That's some mental gymnastics there but let's assume you are correct. Trump is completely in the early stages of full blown dementia and since he's never been a smart guy- it's much worse. Fox News won't even show his entire events, and what they show often results in them doing a cleanup on his delusional gibberish.

Given your logic above, it's safe to assume there's no way in hell that you're voting for trump, correct?

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That's some mental gymnastics there but let's assume you are correct. Trump is completely in the early stages of full blown dementia and since he's never been a smart guy- it's much worse. Fox News won't even show his entire events, and what they show often results in them doing a cleanup on his delusional gibberish.

Given your logic above, it's safe to assume there's no way in hell that you're voting for trump, correct?

That's funny, given that you can't even define a woman or a man, how do you and the author of the clip know that orange was wrong?

But nice attempt at whataboutism, even if it's a childish example due to Trump not knowing an entertainer and making an assumption based on their name. This is about as dumb as you idiots wanting to rag on him for having issues walking on a slippery ramp and comparing it to Joe repeatedly falling down going UP steps as well as other ambulating challenges.
That's some mental gymnastics there
And on this point, that's just the point. I engaged in no such actions. On the other hand, your ilk having been winning gold medals for years now. If you want to be taken seriously, you simply can't argue like you're a member of the msm and act like this Joe Biden is the best version of Joe Biden ever and that he's a whirlwind of decisive energy behind the scenes. Otherwise, just go hang out on the terrible joke thread.
Blaze referred to Joe Biden potentially signing legislation as "They". Which I actually think is probably accurate. I was simply pointing out the unintended admission as to what's really been going on.

When I say coverup, I am referring to the rather extensive effort by everyone connected with Joe to hide and lie to us about his abilities, challenges, and the decline he has experienced. We can quibble over the timeline over which it took place and when he first reached a point of actual concern, but there is no question that he should not have been running for re-election and he should not be finishing his term as president. You can call that tinfoil or any other term you want, but there is no disputing these facts. He obviously has his good days, moments, etc., but there simply is no credible argument to make that he isn't significantly compromised and is suffering the same as what most of us have had to watch with relatives and others over the years. There are times when he shouldn't be operating his corvette, let alone doing the world's hardest and most important job.

We were/are being lied to about this and it was/is being hidden from us simply for the sake of winning and staying in power. It is unforgivable. That list begins with KH and, for that alone, she should not be our alternative to orangeman. If these are the lengths to which things can be manipulated to pull the wool over our eyes, what else are they, including the media, willing to do? Call that what you will, but you are only kidding yourself.
so then the conspiracy you’ve previously claimed to make biden look bad in the debate was to cover the conspiracy to make him look good before the debate which was to cover the conspiracy of him hiding in his basement which was to cover the conspiracy of him being manipulated behind the scenes which was to cover for the conspiracy of profiting from hunters business deals which was to cover for the conspiracy of foreign involvement in the election which was to cover for the conspiracy of a rigged election which was to cover for the satanic reptilian child
Molestors wanting to keep the second son of god from being president so they can have an endless supply of adrenochrome from the kids that are victims of child trafficking in the DC area pizza joints connected to tunnels under the White House as well as school sex change operations for kids being fed cats and dogs captured by Haitian migrants in Springfield ohio
Jimmy Fallon Writing GIF by The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon
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But, but, but he’s a Republican! Riiiiiiiiight.

What a disgrace to see our cities starting to resemble those in third world countries. And it was largely avoidable. Reversing Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy on day one has allowed untold millions(estimates range from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more), to illegally enter our country. Even if it were possible to stop illegal immigration completely right now, the dangerous repercussions of this invasion are just beginning. The world is on fire and the United States is very vulnerable to attack from within as well as from without. We
The yin and yang (& finger pointing) of Donald Trump:

- 2000+ MAGA-crazed insurrectionists storm the Capitol on January 6 and try to prevent the certification of the 2020 election and Trump denies any responsibility by way of his incendiary rhetoric.

- Two Harris supporters take potshots at him…
Fact checked it for you.
Dunning-Kruger Effect on fool display here ⬆️⬆️⬆️⬆️

I’d put you at the apex of the Ignorant curve.
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And on this point, that's just the point. I engaged in no such actions. On the other hand, your ilk having been winning gold medals for years now. If you want to be taken seriously, you simply can't argue like you're a member of the msm and act like this Joe Biden is the best version of Joe Biden ever and that he's a whirlwind of decisive energy behind the scenes. Otherwise, just go hang out on the terrible joke thread.

Who ever said any of that? Lol.

You are ignoring the question.

Trump has been in a constant state of delusions for a long time. Unfortunately for him, he's so mentally deteriorated that any caring family would of stepped in long ago. Whether it's claiming WW2 didn't happen, Nikki Haley was to blame for J6, that he beat Obama in 2016, etc, etc, etc. he's lost all touch with reality.

When you read transcripts of his words- they rarely make any sense. You can't watch these few clips and think this guy is even remotely competent.

  • Haha
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Who ever said any of that? Lol.

You are ignoring the question.

Trump has been in a constant state of delusions for a long time. Unfortunately for him, he's so mentally deteriorated that any caring family would of stepped in long ago. Whether it's claiming WW2 didn't happen, Nikki Haley was to blame for J6, that he beat Obama in 2016, etc, etc, etc. he's lost all touch with reality.

When you read transcripts of his words- they rarely make any sense. You can't watch these few clips and think this guy is even remotely competent.

Now watch the Harris video I posted.
Who ever said any of that? Lol.

You are ignoring the question.

Trump has been in a constant state of delusions for a long time. Unfortunately for him, he's so mentally deteriorated that any caring family would of stepped in long ago. Whether it's claiming WW2 didn't happen, Nikki Haley was to blame for J6, that he beat Obama in 2016, etc, etc, etc. he's lost all touch with reality.

When you read transcripts of his words- they rarely make any sense. You can't watch these few clips and think this guy is even remotely competent.

So do you believe that Biden is mentally fit to be the Prez at this point or should he be forced to step down? Honest question here.
So do you believe that Biden is mentally fit to be the Prez at this point or should he be forced to step down? Honest question here.

His results are what dictates his "fitness".

It's silly to suggest that Biden, who is old and much slower than a younger version of himself is unfit; while suggesting that trump, who is old, much slower and largerly more delusional than a younger version of himself is fit.

Comparatively, Biden's results are so much superior than 2016-2020 trump results so given the 2- Biden is much more fit than trump even at his current age.

Nikki Haley will likely be proven correct when she said - the party who dumps their 80 year old candidate will win this election.
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So do you believe that Biden is mentally fit to be the Prez at this point or should he be forced to step down? Honest question here.
The debate was a disaster. Every time I've seen him since, Biden has been fine, including impromptu comments.

I want him to have training wheels (good people around him), but I trust his judgment.

I don't see how anyone can trust DonOld's judgment. He's dangerous even with training wheels. And if reports by folks like McMaster are to be believed, we can't count on there being good people around Trump if he wins. I mean look at who's around him now.
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Blaze referred to Joe Biden potentially signing legislation as "They". Which I actually think is probably accurate. I was simply pointing out the unintended admission as to what's really been going on.

When I say coverup, I am referring to the rather extensive effort by everyone connected with Joe to hide and lie to us about his abilities, challenges, and the decline he has experienced. We can quibble over the timeline over which it took place and when he first reached a point of actual concern, but there is no question that he should not have been running for re-election and he should not be finishing his term as president. You can call that tinfoil or any other term you want, but there is no disputing these facts. He obviously has his good days, moments, etc., but there simply is no credible argument to make that he isn't significantly compromised and is suffering the same as what most of us have had to watch with relatives and others over the years. There are times when he shouldn't be operating his corvette, let alone doing the world's hardest and most important job.

We were/are being lied to about this and it was/is being hidden from us simply for the sake of winning and staying in power. It is unforgivable. That list begins with KH and, for that alone, she should not be our alternative to orangeman. If these are the lengths to which things can be manipulated to pull the wool over our eyes, what else are they, including the media, willing to do? Call that what you will, but you are only kidding yourself.
When you said the "cover-up", i thought you were kinda joking, hence the "Touche" pic.
What a disgrace to see our cities starting to resemble those in third world countries. And it was largely avoidable. Reversing Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy on day one has allowed untold millions(estimates range from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more), to illegally enter our country. Even if it were possible to stop illegal immigration completely right now, the dangerous repercussions of this invasion are just beginning. The world is on fire and the United States is very vulnerable to attack from within as well as from without. We
  • Haha
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When you said the "cover-up", i thought you were kinda joking, hence the "Touche" pic.
I don’t doubt bidens people as well as the people of EVERY FUKING OTHER POLITICIAN try to put positive spin on their guys/gals weaknesses and failings. But “cover-up”? Lol. Well anything’s possible but the problem with maga and their previous record on cover ups and conspiracies makes their credibility on the subject to be about as good as somewhere between a ouija board and reading tea leaves.
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But, but, but he’s a Republican! Riiiiiiiiight.

What a disgrace to see our cities starting to resemble those in third world countries. And it was largely avoidable. Reversing Trump’s “stay in Mexico” policy on day one has allowed untold millions(estimates range from 8,000,000 to 15,000,000 or more), to illegally enter our country. Even if it were possible to stop illegal immigration completely right now, the dangerous repercussions of this invasion are just beginning. The world is on fire and the United States is very vulnerable to attack from within as well as from without. We

What are you even talking about? Lol. I live in one of those cities; nothing has changed from 2020 other than more people are working and crime is down.

Oh, but be really scared of everything so the beta "strongman" can fix it for you. Lol.

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