OOTB's Political Thread . ..

First, it went to NYT, WaPo, and Politico. Bastions of fairness and neutrality you say? ROFL. Also, just because they aren't printing it for the world to see doesn't mean that they didn't pour through it and have/will use it to assist them in future "reporting". Do you volunteer at a kindergarten or something?
I think you are trying to have your cake and eat it too, while donning a tinfoil hat.
It sounds conspiratorial that they're "saving" something for later. Don't you think it is respectable that they "bit their tongue" and haven't reported the details? It has been 2 months.

On July 22, POLITICO began receiving emails from an anonymous account. Over the course of the past few weeks, the person — who used an AOL email account and identified themselves only as “Robert” — relayed what appeared to be internal communications from a senior Trump campaign official. A research dossier the campaign had apparently done on Trump’s running mate, Ohio Sen. JD Vance, which was dated Feb. 23, was included in the documents. The documents are authentic, according to two people familiar with them and granted anonymity to describe internal communications. One of the people described the dossier as a preliminary version of Vance’s vetting file.

Second, the article specifically says that the source of the leak to the three lib media outlets is unknown and they were warned to not go digging into it. So, we don't know if the "they" you refer to that provided it is some Iranian related resource or simply KH's operative. Here's the quote:
National Intelligence, FBI and CISA say it was Iran

But it certainly could've been KH's operative if you think she's willing to royally screw-up her her chance just to put down the couch-fvcker.
Here's what we know about Harris:

1. She grew up a middle class kid
2. She's a career prosecutor
3. She sucked Willie Brown's dick, who was married at the time, to get ahead(OG Hauk Tuah Girl)
4. Her values haven't changed.
5. She smoked dope but prosecuted others who smoked dope
6. She hid evidence that would have freed a man on death row
Check with the people of Springfield and see how they are enjoying the influx of Haitian migrants.
Trump-voting, conservative, republican governor Dewine checked and says
"I think it's unfortunate that this came up. Let me tell you what we do know, though. What we know is that the Haitians who are in Springfield are legal. They came to Springfield to work. Ohio is on the move, and Springfield has really made a great resurgence with a lot of companies coming in. These Haitians came in to work for these companies," DeWine said.

"What the companies tell us is that they are very good workers. They're very happy to have them there, and frankly, that's helped the economy. Now, are there problems connected? Well, sure. When you go from a population of 58,000 and add 15,000 people onto that, you're going to have some challenges and some problems. And we're addressing those," he added.
Here's what we know about Harris:

1. She grew up a middle class kid
2. She's a career prosecutor
3. She sucked Willie Brown's dick, who was married at the time, to get ahead(OG Hauk Tuah Girl)
4. Her values haven't changed.
5. She smoked dope but prosecuted others who smoked dope
6. She hid evidence that would have freed a man on death row

Good grief. Enjoy your future arrested for attempting to end our democracy.
And there's the rub. Because not only does he want abortion on demand up to the point of birth, but he wants to expand the term to include a pregnancy that is no longer a pregnancy and the "thing" has been born. And even then, we'll end it's existence but let's call it an abortion.

Like so many issues, this is the problem with being so entrenched in a position. One is so dedicated to the cause and to winning, that they can't see how extreme and absurd they taken an argument. As I have said here many times, I am not pro-abortion, but I am pro-choice. I would do everything I could to encourage someone not to have an abortion and to take other potential options. However, that doesn't mean that I don't support the ability to have an abortion if that is the final decision. My issue is at some point on the timeline, it really shouldn't be an option anymore. And that point is definitely before the "thing" has been born.
yeah I'm with you there. I am definitely against abortion, but I've said here a number of times that I'm not going to tell a woman when and if she can have one. I'll leave it up to our elected representatives to determine what's reasonable in that regard. What I am really against is using abortion as birth control, and if it was left up to me, abortion would be a necessity and not a convenience.

And as you pointed out, I have to react against the ridiculous arguments put forth in furtherance of 'any abortion any time', just because of how illogical and disingenuous they can be.

They'll have you believe that most abortions are done to prevent wrongful outcomes that can't be avoided in any other way, as with deformities and rape, and an actual dire threat to the health of the mother. But I dug up the official gov. stats on that and presented them here, and they indicated clearly that the vast majority of abortions are performed just because the mother didn't want to be pregnant.

The other thing I know you'll agree with me on, is the cynical terming of abortion as 'healthcare'. What a sick joke.
Check with the people of Springfield and see how they are enjoying the influx of Haitian migrants.
that other dipstick will take us to task for saying the Haitian pop. of Springfield is 20, 000, even when shown evidence to that effect. But he won't utter a syllable to take back that he said it was only 5,000. A lib would climb a mountain to further his bullshit instead of standing still to admit the truth.
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Isn't it easier for you to admit you were fooled by trump and fox than to continually move the goal posts?
wouldn't it be easier for you to admit you're wrong than to continually put forth the idiotic suggestion that Donald Trump is pulling our strings?
that other dipstick will take us to task for saying the Haitian pop. of Springfield is 20, 000, even when shown evidence to that effect. But he won't utter a syllable to take back that he said it was only 5,000. A lib would climb a mountain to further his bullshit instead of standing still to admit the truth.
Liberals vote on pure emotion. I have yet to see one post here about her great policy ideas or the great job she's done as VP. It's all TDS. I happen to like Trump's policies. Harris will and is saying everything she can to get elected just like Biden did. She will then revert back to her liberals ways if she gets into office. Remember her values have not changed, that's very telling. She garnered absolutely no votes in any primary, she was installed because the Dems knew if they held an actual primary she'd have to drop out again because of lack of support and it would look racist if they bypassed her. Many Dems wanted to replace her before Paw Paw dropped out. She's a DEI hire that backfired like most do.
Liberals vote on pure emotion. I have yet to see one post here about her great policy ideas or the great job she's done as VP. It's all TDS. I happen to like Trump's policies. Harris will and is saying everything she can to get elected just like Biden did. She will then revert back to her liberals ways if she gets into office. Remember her values have not changed, that's very telling. She garnered absolutely no votes in any primary, she was installed because the Dems knew if they held an actual primary she'd have to drop out again because of lack of support and it would look racist if they bypassed her. Many Dems wanted to replace her before Paw Paw dropped out. She's a DEI hire that backfired like most do.
"Dems knew if they held an actual primary she'd have to drop out again because of lack of support and it would look racist if they bypassed her. "

I said as much before that all came down, and that not subbing her in would be as much as admitting that Joe had picked a lemon for his VP. Which he did, but they would never admit that.
Liberals vote on pure emotion. I have yet to see one post here about her great policy ideas or the great job she's done as VP. It's all TDS. I happen to like Trump's policies. Harris will and is saying everything she can to get elected just like Biden did. She will then revert back to her liberals ways if she gets into office. Remember her values have not changed, that's very telling. She garnered absolutely no votes in any primary, she was installed because the Dems knew if they held an actual primary she'd have to drop out again because of lack of support and it would look racist if they bypassed her. Many Dems wanted to replace her before Paw Paw dropped out. She's a DEI hire that backfired like most do.
the ironiest of ironic ironical ironies... so much
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Today's GOP leaders. Weirdo and rapists.

Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM.....CANCELED

Skipper's BBQ in Henderson, NC.....

Meet Mark - Vance County​

The next Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, is hosting a meet and greet in Vance County. We can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:30 AM.....CANCELED
Rachel's Whistle Stop in Norlina, NC

Meet Mark - Warren County​

The next Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, is hosting a meet and greet in Warren County. We can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 10:00 AM.....CANCELED

Skipper's BBQ in Henderson, NC.....

Meet Mark - Vance County​

The next Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, is hosting a meet and greet in Vance County. We can't wait to see you there!

Thursday, September 19, 2024 at 11:30 AM.....CANCELED
Rachel's Whistle Stop in Norlina, NC

Meet Mark - Warren County​

The next Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, is hosting a meet and greet in Warren County. We can't wait to see you there!

It's a coup, it's a coup...

We have few enough reasonable people here that we shouldn't overstate each other's positions. When I said "people in poor countries and even refugee camps sometimes look better dressed than many Americans" I was in no way saying we are that bad off. Just expressing my recurring surprise on that particular
Anybody who has ever been to Walmart wouldn't argue with you.
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Here's what we know about Harris:

1. She grew up a middle class kid
2. She's a career prosecutor
3. She sucked Willie Brown's dick, who was married at the time, to get ahead(OG Hauk Tuah Girl)
4. Her values haven't changed.
5. She smoked dope but prosecuted others who smoked dope
6. She hid evidence that would have freed a man on death row
Good God! she sounds like an angel compared to Trump.
Here's what we know about Harris:

1. She grew up a middle class kid
2. She's a career prosecutor
3. She sucked Willie Brown's dick, who was married at the time, to get ahead(OG Hauk Tuah Girl)
4. Her values haven't changed.
5. She smoked dope but prosecuted others who smoked dope
6. She hid evidence that would have freed a man on death row
KDS much?
Good God! she sounds like an angel compared to Trump.

You're exhausted by all that dick you people have sucked today. Have a beer, light one up and take a breather.
What a poor attempt at a comeback. You may be the worst on here. All the others on here are liberal beta boys but you claim to be conservative. You have true TDS. I guess Kamala's policies(what little we know about them) more align with your values. That says all we need to know about you. You're no more conservative than she is. You are a true emotional, mental midget.