OOTB's Political Thread . ..

You missed it somehow... It's not my job to hold your hand.
no, apparently it's your job to be FOS. I went back through our posts and all you did was deflect from posting it. You think maybe that's why I missed it, because you didn't post it in our discussion (or even elsewhere that I can see)?
So Kamala Harris has already sat down for interviews on 60 Minutes and that chick program The View, and now she's scheduled to appear with Howard Stern and on Late Night with Stephen Colbert. That's quite an itinerary for a woman who supposedly "hasn't done any interviews."

She's 0-2, and has a legit shot at a golden sombrero. Hopefully she does more!
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no, apparently it's your job to be FOS. I went back through our posts and all you did was deflect from posting it. You think maybe that's why I missed it, because you didn't post it in our discussion (or even elsewhere that I can see)?
I posted her tweet. You can find it or gfy... or, just gfy
This your way of telling everyone you're voting for Trump now?

This is objectively false.

Which of these numbers are confusing to you?

Lost jobs at a historic number
Negative GDP
Lost manufacturing jobs
Big trade deficits
Historic increase of federal debt
And crime was up


Normally, you just link stuff that infers and suggests. This is just a lie. Vivek never said anything here about Social Security or Medicare. His statement was about the "entitlement state". Although, @gunslingerdick has already spanked you appropriately that the claim itself is incorrect, the entire premise was made up. So, he nailed it alright - he nailed the methodology of completely misrepresenting something and having partisans repeat it relentlessly. Doesn't it ever get tiring? Here's his actual X. I'd love to have you show us the words "Social Security" or "Medicare".

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I asked earlier today why KH would be calling the Governor of Florida and interrupting his day when he may have had a thing or two on his plate. There were no takers on answering the inquiry. The strange part is, it seems that he did take a call from the actual president. So, is she or isn't she? I'm starting to wonder if Joe and his peeps aren't very happy about the coup.

I take it you watched 60 Minutes last night and The View whenever she was a guest and that's how you know the final score you're sharing, yes? Next question(s): You watch The View?! Are you a woman?
Ain't nobody got time to actually watch the comedy hour... I just catch the highlights. This was one of my personal favorites:

"The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region." 🤣 🤣🤣

After the 60 minutes interview and the view interview i now feel sorry for our board liberals. Retardation and mental illnes is bad. I'm sorry for their parents, is there a website to help them?
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Ain't nobody got time to actually watch the comedy hour... I just catch the highlights. This was one of my personal favorites:

"The work that we have done has resulted in a number of movements in that region by Israel that were very much prompted by or a result of many things including our advocacy for what needs to happen in the region." 🤣 🤣🤣

I saw her say that and I had to laugh out loud. I thought Biden was almost completely inadequate for the job of president even before he began soiling himself; but I would vote for Joe Biden's corpse before I voted for that vacuous twit.
Which of these numbers are confusing to you?

Lost jobs at a historic number
Negative GDP
Lost manufacturing jobs
Big trade deficits
Historic increase of federal debt
And crime was up


this was thoroughly trashed the first time you trotted it out. Don't you learn?
i did cat disasters for a few years until i just did local stuff…it’s just wrong what’s being reported about nc, sc, ten, and fl.

people on here claiming things aren’t happening are either lying or the source is lying…but, do what you do, get off on it by all means.

it’s about to get worse, btw.
Normally, you just link stuff that infers and suggests. This is just a lie. Vivek never said anything here about Social Security or Medicare. His statement was about the "entitlement state". Although, @gunslingerdick has already spanked you appropriately that the claim itself is incorrect, the entire premise was made up. So, he nailed it alright - he nailed the methodology of completely misrepresenting something and having partisans repeat it relentlessly. Doesn't it ever get tiring? Here's his actual X. I'd love to have you show us the words "Social Security" or "Medicare".

Our (USA's federal) biggest entitlement programs are SS and Medicare/Medicaid, followed by unemployment insurance and welfare programs.

So what do you think he is referring to when he says entitlement state?
i did cat disasters for a few years until i just did local stuff…it’s just wrong what’s being reported about nc, sc, ten, and fl.

people on here claiming things aren’t happening are either lying or the source is lying…but, do what you do, get off on it by all means.

it’s about to get worse, btw.
not sure specifically what you're getting at but at first I thought it was about Springfield Ohio.

Opposing things are being reported. Which ones are you saying are wrong, or are you saying it's all wrong. What things that reportedly aren't happening are not true?
@pooponduke is this the post? None of these things are SS or Medicare and this duo dwarfs the others in terms of costs.

Of course the former are missing cuz it takes like a decade to be eligible.

Regardless, the point about immigrants coming here for "welfare" is dumb. They come for jobs and to flee violence.

Walls and rhetoric aren't going to stop immigrants from wanting to come to America. But they might lead to needy Americans and the middle-class having "less" if you let Trump, Vivek, Elon, and Heritage rule this country.
Which of these numbers are confusing to you?

Lost jobs at a historic number
Negative GDP
Lost manufacturing jobs
Big trade deficits
Historic increase of federal debt
And crime was up


S&P 500 +67.8

That's most important to me. Most everything else is of no consequence to me.

How is it 'adjusted' when data reported up to 7/24/24 and Trumps been out for almost 4 years?
Our (USA's federal) biggest entitlement programs are SS and Medicare/Medicaid, followed by unemployment insurance and welfare programs.

So what do you think he is referring to when he says entitlement state?
semantics. SS is referred to as an entitlement by the SS admin but it's considered that because it's funded by SS taxes, meaning the taxed are entitled to what they have paid for. It is not welfare. Medicare is largely funded by payroll taxes and premiums paid by the beneficiaries. It is not welfare.

Entitlements on one hand means anything the government manages or provides, regardless of how it is derived or funded. In a more general sense it refers to welfare programs, where those who can't afford basics are deemed to be entitled to help from the taxpayer. Ramaswamy mentioned that he was talking about the welfare state, so one would have to assume that those are the entitlements he was referring to.
Regardless, the point about immigrants coming here for "welfare" is dumb. They come for jobs and to flee violence.
so blatantly disingenuous and dumb to say they are only coming for jobs and an escape from violence. They come for whatever they can get that they weren't getting in their own country, which is pretty much anything. That includes welfare. Escaping violence is what one would put on an asylum application, even those who are actually bringing violence.

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