OOTB's Political Thread . ..

It's rich that you didn't mention the fact that he stood silent because 2 people fainted so they played music to keep the crowd calm. You liberals will stoop to any level to lie. You'd rather climb Mt. Everest to lie than stand on the ground and tell the truth.

C'mon dude, you can't be this gullible. He wanted to listen to YMCA at the end of his "townhall" to calm the cultists. LMFAO. Good grief.
It's all rhetorical scenery anyway. The whole thing is built, and run, and exploited on the basis of RICH and POOR. Always has been, always will be. Occasionally, when the inhumanity stinks SO MUCH that even the wealthy are questioning the immorality, you see just enough of a shift to allow the ruling class a clear conscience.

The EC doesn't exist within the United States, other than that single office! No other executive office is forced to run that gauntlet. If it worked so well for President, why not governors? Some counties in every state are low-populated, very little industry, no wealth, and mostly uneducated populations (Poor People). Maybe it SHOULD have been put into place in each state as well. Too late now.

And, ultimately, with the tribal mentality in people, and especially America... now... the will to lie, cheat and steal is just too great. Americans have had it too good for too long. They're literally, and fervently, creating its demise from within.

This is a very good EC explanation... It encourages and endorses it... not to mention the presence of intelligent conversation in the comments. But, it's also clear that it doesn't even exist in the original form.
this was good and there is a wealth of like information out there for anyone interested. Sure it has been changed over time just like anything else, but it still is fundamentally based on the power of sovereign States to hold their own against each other rather than the majority. That's why the States provided electors.

The question about an EC working within States is interesting but irrelevant, IMO. Counties are generally not assigned sovereignty and given political space from each other. They are pretty much just independent units of administration but not independent beyond that. The notion of sovereignty connotes separation without but not within. If Hawaii enacts a law that says women can go topless any place and time that they care to, then that's the law in Hawaii but not in Oklahoma. Contrarily, each county tends to have it's own sheriff but that sheriff enforces the same law that the next county's sheriff does.

And that brings up what I said about doing away with the vestiges of sovereignty, now that that idea has been largely obliterated. How often do you hear about some murder case going unsolved because the murder was committed in one jurisdiction but the perp lived in a different one, and the two LE agencies just didn't communicate well., It would tend to be more efficient and more successful if one LE agency handled both. That kind of thing, and there are many more areas that this applies to. So that sort of helps your argument but it also helps illustrate why it's a bad idea. An independent LE agency can develop better procedures and those procedures can then be adopted by other agencies, whereas all LE operating under one umbrella will tend to become slaves to the blanket operation in place, with personal advancement becoming political instead of merit-based.

If you dig deeper, I think it really comes down to encouraging and supporting individuality over the mass majority. 'merica.

eta; I re-read my post and I think it gives you too little credit for the video you provided. The points in it are well taken by me.
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You're too stupid to know whether you're coming or going.
you're too stupid to realize that there's nothing contradictory in what you quoted. Maybe if you had a smidge of reading comprehension.

However, as to what you're trying to pull here, did you stupidly forget to quote me in entirety? Or are you just a lying sack of excrement?. OF COURSE you are a lying sack of shit, you always have been.. The real question is can you actually be so stupid as to try to pull off your out-of-context trick again when it has failed so many times before?

The left tells as many if not more lies than the right has ever thought about telling. I'm willing to call it even in that regard.

I don't have to ask @pooponduke. I know we are more righteous. I was being generous just for the sake of keeping the argument on point..

One thing is inarguable. You're far too stupid to stop trying too hard.
Or are you just a lying sack of excrement?. OF COURSE you are a lying sack of shit, you always have been.. The real question is can you actually be so stupid as to try to pull off your out-of-context trick again when it has failed so many times before?

Yes, they are. They're states inside of states that choose all kinds of "rules" differently from each other.
na. Administrative rules are not laws. And they are nothing like states in anything like the sense that the States are. You can call any geographical area with borders a state if you want to, but you're just playing with words.
. . . . . . . .This is your brain. , , , , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .This is your brain on Trump.

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That's your best take

It’s the only take needed. I’m not trying to win some argument with some, liberal Gen Z, queer. I don’t give a fu*k what you think. I’m not trying to change your mind. In fact, I like that you’re trying to convince yourself that he’s behind. Because it’s going to be more fun for me when he wins and I get to tell you to eat shit.
na. Administrative rules are not laws. And they are nothing like states in anything like the sense that the States are. You can call any geographical area with borders a state if you want to, but you're just playing with words.
No... You can't call "any area" a state. Counties exist in states in the same way that states exist in the country.

I guess all the governors are Democrats because all of the big cities and their larger populations wind up electing them. That's not the case at all. And, they don't need any electoral college to attain the diversity.