OOTB's Political Thread . ..

Lol. This is telling, at least to those of us that figured out a long time ago that the government doesn't have the best interest of Americans in mind. Yet you and the other foolish libs here keep flexing when establishment politician after establishment politician endorses your candidate.

You'd think y'all would have figured it out by now. Yet here we are.
You would have thought my now that you have about 40% of the country on your side and about 10% of them are in the cult, like you. You people have one chance of getting into the WH and that is the same one you tried to pull in 2020.
You would have thought my now that you have about 40% of the country on your side and about 10% of them are in the cult, like you. You people have one chance of getting into the WH and that is the same one you tried to pull in 2020.
Just 10%? Did you inadvertently drop a zero from that figure?
He said that because that is exactly what you people are, a cult. You will never see it because that is part of the disease of being in a cult.
If you're such a loser that all you can do is squeal the stupidity of 'cult', nothing else you have to say is worth reading either.

But it is ironic and amusing that you say I suffer from the 'disease of being in a cult', while having no clue that you say that only because you suffer from the TDS disease. You are exceptionally clueless.
You know @strummingram . He rarely makes sense with his poasts. I don't know what he's trying to say in his recent poasts either. Best thing you can do is just gloss over them. Scroll on by. They're repetitive, predictable and mundane at this point.

Oh,wait...your poast wasn't directed towards Strum. My B. But it doesn't make anything I wrote less true.
In other words you just don't understand what he is saying. That's common with you people.
There were no words, only the stumped look on his dumb face when he was put on the spot.

After all of his self-righteous promotion of the Bible, from talking about it at his rallies to holding up an upside-down copy in front of St. John's Church in Washington to selling his own overpriced version of scripture, do you reeeally believe he wouldn't gladly show off and share his favorite passages if he knew any? Maybe Proverbs 22:7 or 1 Samuel 2:7?
Yeah, he is selling a book for $100 plus that you can get in any motel for free. Not a cult...
The only effective thing Trump did on border was orchestrating the most incompetent response to an health emergency. That alone stopped the flow and only cost 500,000 American lives.

The border was a "crisis" in 2019 pre-covid. It was the same post-covid only with way more apprehensions/encounters.

try saying whatever it is you're trying to say coherently so someone might discern the point you're failing to make.

As to the twitter, I LOL'ed at the bill Trump was asking for being the same one he opposed. I don't remember there being more money for Ukraine and Israel being in his bill than there was for the border. As a matter of fact, I don't remember there being any need to consider spending military-aid money on Ukraine at all at that time.

There's been a border crisis for a long time. Only Biden/Harris turned crisis into calamity. And how dumb do you have to be to try to compare a million illegals in one particular year to the MULTI-millions each year under Biden/Harris? Pretty fvcking dumb is the answer.
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"Trump is appealing to people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that, that these more successful people have somehow been cheated, and you don’t deserve to think of yourself as less successful because things haven’t been fair," he continued.

Mitch McConnell.
"Trump is appealing to people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that, that these more successful people have somehow been cheated, and you don’t deserve to think of yourself as less successful because things haven’t been fair," he continued.

Mitch McConnell.
that made about as much sense as something Kamala Harris might say, and Kamala Harris on her worst day makes more sense than what you normally have to offer.
Meanwhile, you're pretending there were no encounters with illegal immigrants during the Trump Administration. And what about the wall he promised us? Budget, smudget, I thought he promised to make Mexico pay for it.

as we all know by now, you saying it doesn't make it so. There's no hypocrisy on my part, there's only your usual bullshit on your part. I never said there were no encounters with illegal immigrants on Trump's watch, that's why he wanted the wall...DUH. And speaking of the wall, I'd like to be able to say nice strawman attempt but it was actually a fairly lame deflection.
"Trump is appealing to people who haven’t been as successful as other people and providing an excuse for that, that these more successful people have somehow been cheated, and you don’t deserve to think of yourself as less successful because things haven’t been fair," he continued.

Mitch McConnell.
He continued to be a complete mystery with that comment.

He's appealing to Mitch, too, apparently. He's voting for him for the 3rd time.
I don’t think there’s any coincidence that trump showed up at a McDonald’s for a photo op and now they’re having an e-coli outbreak
Kiss of death. McDonald's should have never agreed to such a photo op. Already their stock must be plummeting.

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He continued to be a complete mystery with that comment.

He's appealing to Mitch, too, apparently. He's voting for him for the 3rd time.
but Trump and McConnell don't like each other. McConnell really really doesn't like him.

You must be baffled by McConnell's cult status. How can you endorse and vote for Trump without being in his cult? Isn't that impossible? You better tell Mitch he's just a Trump cultist.

If he doesn't believe it, tell him @prlyles said so. Tell him he has the disease.
Tucker Carlson getting his freak on. He says this as though he's repeating what he heard as a confused child who got caught wearing his mother's dresses and high heels around the house.

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All The election results won’t be known election night. It’s gonna be days before we know who won. It’s gonna come down to waiting on the count from one precinct in one county in one state. Chaos will ensue for those days we’re waiting.
Tucker Carlson getting his freak on. He says this as though he's repeating what he heard as a confused child who got caught wearing his mother's dresses and high heels around the house.

Are you trans-shaming him? I’d be careful. If others find out, you’ll be kicked out of that demented club of losers called the Democratic Party.
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If you removed all migrants workers, the results will be an immediate recession if not a full blown depression. It's pretty funny how these clowns who supported Reagan, Bush and W... now think they were all wrong on immigration.
As per SOP, you've taken something and intentionally confused it with another. No one has any problem whatsoever with the migrant worker program where non-citizens come here to work in relatively low paying, labor intensive jobs such as agriculture harvest. There have been many calls to expand and streamline that process. The issue are criminals who illegally enter our country, some caught and released after using appropriate buzz words and phrases, and many, many others never accounted for.

Whatever the sob story and the shitty conditions of their home life, it doesn't change the facts that there is a legal way to immigrate and there are illegal ways. We have immigration problems and there needs to be many changes in things, but don't piss on our legs and claim it's raining. No one is talking about removing "migrant workers". Oh, and you may also not know this little detail: the way a migrant worker program works is people come, they do a job, and they go home. They don't sneak in and stay.
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There were no words, only the stumped look on his dumb face when he was put on the spot.

After all of his self-righteous promotion of the Bible, from talking about it at his rallies to holding up an upside-down copy in front of St. John's Church in Washington to selling his own overpriced version of scripture, do you reeeally believe he wouldn't gladly show off and share his favorite passages if he knew any? Maybe Proverbs 22:7 or 1 Samuel 2:7?
Thanks for finally admitting that he didn't say what you claimed. I'm sure that was tough. As to your abilities to look at facial expressions and discern what people are thinking, perhaps apply some of that fantastic insight to KH. Or, look back over your posts defending this guy. What was he thinking here? Sprinkles or no sprinkles perhaps?

  • Haha
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