iLlegaLS CAnt vOTe.
You’re doing this wrong. It’s the second time recently where you've used it incorrectly. I was gonna let the first one slide but if you insist on being an idiot, I feel obligated to correct you.
The correct usage is to write something that the opposition is known for saying. So instead of saying “illegals can’t vote” in that style, it would have been more appropriate for you to have written “IlLeGaLs ArE vOtInG!”. See, by writing it in that style, you’re mocking the opposition. So saying your side’s argument in its usage makes no sense. Also, you’ll see I used an exclamation mark. That denotes heightened emotion, which is a trademark of the left. You know how you guys get all mad and shit and have veins popping out? That’s to convey that sentiment. But that doesn’t really work when you’re attacking the more logical side of any argument. So forget that. Never mind to the whole exclamation mark thing. But the rest is applicable.
I hope this helps because you people are so bad at the roasting, memes, and such (along with the policy and governing). I’m just trying to help you not look like a moron. And it’s quite a task so you’ll have to put in a little effort if we’re gonna get you there.