I'm probably going to lose some "Christianity Points" with this thread, but oh well.
I'm just curious if these schemes bother anyone else as much as they do me. Literally, every day of the week, at every intersection, there is someone panhandling. Since I drive the same route every day, I have literally seen these people trade off "shifts" -- one person will walk up carrying his/her belongings in a backpack...walk across the street to the median where the other person is, and they will exchange pleasantries...hand the sign off to the next person...and then go on about their day. I have seen these people yelling at drivers who won't acknowledge them standing there...when there is a red light, they will pace down the median walking beside every car that is waiting....
This is literally a "business" for these people. You cannot even walk down the street anymore without someone begging you for something. Hell, I can't even get out to pump gas half the time without someone coming up to me. One guy literally tried to hustle me into buying a damn woman's watch.
Sorry for the rant, but these damn people are about to drive me insane. I truly hope Charleston won't be like this.
I'm just curious if these schemes bother anyone else as much as they do me. Literally, every day of the week, at every intersection, there is someone panhandling. Since I drive the same route every day, I have literally seen these people trade off "shifts" -- one person will walk up carrying his/her belongings in a backpack...walk across the street to the median where the other person is, and they will exchange pleasantries...hand the sign off to the next person...and then go on about their day. I have seen these people yelling at drivers who won't acknowledge them standing there...when there is a red light, they will pace down the median walking beside every car that is waiting....
This is literally a "business" for these people. You cannot even walk down the street anymore without someone begging you for something. Hell, I can't even get out to pump gas half the time without someone coming up to me. One guy literally tried to hustle me into buying a damn woman's watch.
Sorry for the rant, but these damn people are about to drive me insane. I truly hope Charleston won't be like this.