Please lodge your complaints here

ABSOLUTELY the greatest show ever IMO.

Didn't realize he was on Van Wilder. I may have to look for that to watch again. That would indeed be funny.
Yeah, he's at the beginning when Van's dad shows up and then again at the end in a callback to that moment.
It's ehhh. It's interesting in its own way. There's nothing about it going to blow you away but I enjoy the storyline and keeps my attention. Also I need a reason to keep paying $10 a month for Hulu as I watch nothing else on there.
I pay the $10 literally just for South Park lol. I need to watch something else on there to justify me keeping it.

Also.... I know Breaking Bad is really good, and I really enjoyed the first 2.5 seasons but, I just had to stop watching because of his wife. Her character is soooooo over-the-top bitchy (I'm allowed to say this right? I know we're railing on folks who call women a bitch ITT) that I couldn't take it anymore. Her character made me legitimately angry.
Also.... I know Breaking Bad is really good, and I really enjoyed the first 2.5 seasons but, I just had to stop watching because of his wife. Her character is soooooo over-the-top bitchy (I'm allowed to say this right? I know we're railing on folks who call women a bitch ITT) that I couldn't take it anymore. Her character made me legitimately angry.
Maybe we should have a TV show tournament to decide.
I know, I actually was planning on doing the opening "rules" poast later today and then open up for nominations shortly after, but I'm debating if we should wait for another tournament that concludes this weekend to finish since I'm sure many of our minds will be occupied with that. I'll leave it to majority, if you guys want me to poast that today, I can later this evening, or if you want to wait until business is settled in Phoenix, I can do that also.
I know, I actually was planning on doing the opening "rules" poast later today and then open up for nominations shortly after, but I'm debating if we should wait for another tournament that concludes this weekend to finish since I'm sure many of our minds will be occupied with that. I'll leave it to majority, if you guys want me to poast that today, I can later this evening, or if you want to wait until business is settled in Phoenix, I can do that also.
I know, I actually was planning on doing the opening "rules" poast later today and then open up for nominations shortly after, but I'm debating if we should wait for another tournament that concludes this weekend to finish since I'm sure many of our minds will be occupied with that. I'll leave it to majority, if you guys want me to poast that today, I can later this evening, or if you want to wait until business is settled in Phoenix, I can do that also.
Alright, so this poast got one response from @tarheel0910 in favor of starting the tournament as soon as possible, and then likes from @coolwaterunc and @toophly1124 which I'm not sure if that means go today or wait, so if you boys would choose to elaborate that would be cool.
I'm sick of folks who take message boards WAYYYY too seriously -- get their panties in a wad because of things they are CHOOSING TO READ on said message board -- these folks REALLY need to get out of their comfort zone more often and experience things in this world to truly get pissed off and irritated about.
This drives me freaking batty and it happens all the time at diff eateries. Me and the wife walk in ruby tuesday today around 11:30. (Our fri lunch thing we do every week) There is only one booth taken in the entire place. He goes and tries to seat us right fking next to the only people in the place. I didnt let him do it and he copped an attitude. I ate my salad then called the mgr over cause this was like the fourth time in a row this has happened here. He said they try to seat people together to help the wait staff. Mehhhh. I want my space. Walk the extra few feet bitchez.
This drives me freaking batty and it happens all the time at diff eateries. Me and the wife walk in ruby tuesday today around 11:30. (Our fri lunch thing we do every week) There is only one booth taken in the entire place. He goes and tries to seat us right fking next to the only people in the place. I didnt let him do it and he copped an attitude. I ate my salad then called the mgr over cause this was like the fourth time in a row this has happened here. He said they try to seat people together to help the wait staff. Mehhhh. I want my space. Walk the extra few feet bitchez.

You like their "new and improved" salad bar? Me n the Asian eat there quite a bit. We love it.

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