I didn't vote for that either. Nor did I buy into it.

So, because one charlatan bullshitted us, it's okay if another one does it because he's a Republican? That's great logic!
nope, a simple comparison ... thin skinned much? C'mon
He's correct though. If you're capable, simply step outside of your mind and look at the entire picture. These "sides" are so much alike, it's scary!
it's helped millions people become healthier...what about when that makes the sick pool smaller and reduces costs?...of course it needs tweaks and i'm sure it wouldve happened, but the facts are undeniable despite what some of these folks here say.

people are eating better, getting preventive care, screenings, and are more aware of what constitutes a healthier lifestyle...well worth the increase, imo.
It cost Nobama the House, the Senate, over 1000 seats in state legislatures, and something like 20 governors. Not to mention it was a yuuuuuge issue in the campaign that cost DEMs the presidency and will likely cost them dearly in the courts. If they continue to fight everything like they have so far, it will cost them the SCOTUS - Trump could appoint as many as four or five SCOTUS justices over the next EIGHT YEARS!!! Can you say "SUPER NUCLEAR OPTION?"
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This parade is great.

Could anyone actually imagine life right now if Hillary were the new president. I couldn't imagine a more depressing scenario.
The difference in crowds is the people who actually work for a living instead of waiting by the mailbox for their government pay.

LOL . . If, you say so.

More like it was the pubbies staying at home wanting to watch their Porn instead of attending this dumb-ass's Inauguration . .

Wrong woman.

Carry on

I'd f*ck her in all 3 holes too . .
Because Obama got all those people jobs so they couldn't attend Trump's Inauguration . .

Unemployment is the lowest in 20 years but I don't know know how much Obama had to do with it.
So Trump's inauguration wasn't heavily attended? What does that mean? He still gets to be President, right?

Personally, I can't think of too many things any more boring than a Presidential inauguration.

See this is exactly what I was hoping for out of a Trump Presidency.

We have people scrambling so hard to try to crap on the guy that they're trying to make a big deal over how many people showed up to the inauguration. I mean, who knows if those pictures were taken at the same time of day, or whatever. The Obama one could be at the height of the crowd, and the Trump one at 7am - who knows. But again, people will believe whatever they need to in order to convince themselves that Trump sucks. It's awesome to watch.
Labor participation? ??

Ya, that's an actual metric - and a better indicator than a dry unemployment number.

It measures the percentage of working age, able bodied, people in a population that are in the work force.

Because if you have half the of age, able bodied, country without a job - but all of them say they're not looking for a job - you have an unemployment rate of 0%. When in actuality the number of people without a job that could have one is 50%.

When you have a low labor participation rate - it can indicate that people are being overcompensated for sitting on their ass.
Ya, that's an actual metric - and a better indicator than a dry unemployment number.

It measures the percentage of working age, able bodied, people in a population that are in the work force.

Because if you have half the of age, able bodied, country without a job - but all of them say they're not looking for a job - you have an unemployment rate of 0%. When in actuality the number of people without a job that could have one is 50%.

When you have a low labor participation rate - it can indicate that people are being overcompensated for sitting on their ass.
I would like to double like that poast
Geez . . . where the f*ck is everybody . . ? Is this the smallest crowd ever for a POTUS Inaugural event or what ?

Looks more like an NCState home basketball game to me . .
I was at the bar for a 3 martini lunch cheering the inauguration with a packed bar like it was a football game. Some dude had a Trump jersey on. Pretty funny.
No these are people who rather take unemployment and food stamps rather then take jobs that are available. ....typical
You can't have it both ways, w
Because they live on our dime. You made my point.....thank you
You can't have it both ways. Which is it? Is unemployment down or are people not taking jobs because they want to stay on food stamps?
You can't have it both ways, w

You can't have it both ways. Which is it? Is unemployment down or are people not taking jobs because they want to stay on food stamps?

Unemployment is down because people have stopped looking for a job because they are content to live off the govt dime. What do you not understand about that?
My insurance for me alone went from $400 per month with a $1000 deductable to $1247 per month with a $7500 deductable. No BS. And I'm a 63 male who's about 10 pounds overweight, doesn't smoke, drinks moderately, and has his BP/cholesterol under control with meds. It's why I've finally applied for VA benefits 40 years after I was discharged. It finally got to the point where I simply couldn't pay for it. Lost my doctor of 20 years, my insurance policy, my insurance provider, everything medically related.

Good freakin' riddance to a President that has adversely affected my life more than any other President in my lifetime, by far. Not to mention the divisiveness he's fostered.

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