There are 5 guys on 2 teams on the court called players, there are some guys on the sidelines that do a lot of screaming, we call them coaches. Coaches still control which of his team members are on the court. The basket is still 10 feet high, we have these guys with whistles that still enforce violations of the rules. The coachers still want their players to play the way they want them to and the players still want to play the way they want to if the coach allows them to. I don't believe the point of the game being score more points than the other team has changed at all.With all due respect, that's just silly.
The game has not changed, the way players and coaches go about it has changed. Back in the OLDEN days if you didn't play hard for every possession, if you didn't do what your coach told you to do, if you ignored a set play your coach called, if you were consistently throwing up bad shots, if you were not passing to open team mates, if consistently played more as an individual than as a team member, your ass got parked on the bench and it stayed there until you changed or left the team and to the coaches it really didn't matter which of those options you took. Yeah, that has changed, now coaches seem to willing to coddle their players rather than demand the play as they are taught. Say what you want about Bobby Knight, who to me was a great coach, ignore him when he tells you to run a set play and guess what happens at the next dead ball... Even thou Dean was not as in your face as Bobby was, when Dean sent in a set play, you ran that set play or there would be a guy getting up and running to the scores table to come in for you on the next dead ball.
The game has not changed, people have...